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Everything posted by Tic-

  1. Yet they (you) click and read it... Who's worse, they guy who posts the I quit thread, or those that are sick of seeing them and reply?
  2. And with another round of lay-offs, coupled with the pretty significant server mergers, I'm not holding my breathe for a whole lot more story any time soon. Certainly not of the same quality as release.
  3. Yep, reminds me a lot of Warhammer.. what a coincidence
  4. If this is all true, why would they not come right out and say it's not happening? It would be a win/win according to your logic.
  5. Maybe someday a "developer" will have the sack to make the game they want, instead of caving into making the next World of Warcraft. I don't blame the playerbase, the ones with the final say, had the final say. Not a bunch of forum goers, that can't decide from one post to the next what they want. You want to cater to the "wow fanboy"? Be prepared to reap what you sow if you can't deliver a better (than current) WoW.
  6. Though slightly concerned with the impact of the cash shop, I am willing to give GW2 a shot, as the siege weapons and WvWvW seem a bit more exciting than yet another run of guarding a door in the voidstar.
  7. Tic-

    Not a PvPer but...

    Perhaps if the devs would communicate with us the direction they want (are able to) take PvP, we could offer them feedback. I could give quite a bit of feedback on what i would like to see in a "RvR" type scenerio, but if the developers have no intent on going that route, why waste my time? Are they? I have no idea. Last i heard they are "reworking" Ilum. I don't recall being asked for any feedback on what we would l ike to see. We haven't been given any updates, and I'd be shocked to see one anytime soon. The lack of developer interaction in this game is really surprising to me, especially with the direction its been going.
  8. Tic-

    I Miss Ilum

    As opposed to PvE?
  9. I suppose you're right, all those folks want is the game to cater specifically to them. How selfish can some people be?
  10. The last thing this game needs is even more people leaving.. They are down to how many servers? And started with what? ya.
  11. If ToR gave me the slightest inkling they were adding some decent content to PvP, i would probably not cancel when GW2 comes out. For me at least, the silence if deafening. For "some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world", it sure has been a huge letdown here. Ranked WZs don't seem to be the huge hit they were made out to be. Anything but running the same WZs over and over on the horizon? Whats up with Ilum? Any updates at all? bleh
  12. Because its the same thing/content as non ranked, but i have to get seven other folks to join me. It feels pretty cheap, and that doesnt help my motivation much either...
  13. Blame the community all you like. People won't play/pay for something that isn't fun. Sort of makes sense to me. Your job as a game designer is to make fun games. If you can't produce that, people tend to not want you working for them, especially when they give you a ridiculous amount of money to make said game. /shrug The main question every developer should ask themselves before the game hits the shelves... "Is this fun?" Not "will this be great in 1 or 2 or 3 years..."
  14. So rated BGs aren't as popular as predicted, what a shock. Taking the same warzones we've been playing, and sticking a "rated" in front of them isn't going to get folks all giddy about rejoining this game. I haven't noticed a "signicant" drop off in folks on the Jung Ma fleets lately, so maybe its not the population thats entirely the problem? I'm curious how many more "fumbles" this PvP team has in them....
  15. It would be give us something more than kill the guy with the thing and or guard the node/door... sith, jedi.. troopers, bounty hunters... the best we can come up with is Huttball? really?
  16. Tic-

    PVP Post 1.3

    For an MMO with " some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on its team".. This games PvP content is horribly mediocre.
  17. Sounds like a design problem.. Sadly, it seems MMOs are all about gear, grinds and tokens these days. a shame really.
  18. You'd think with them being such a minority, a AAA developer would just not include PvP. Get that utopian MMO that "everyone" clamors for. Perfect balance, no "kids", everyone getting along, butteflies and rainbows... Millions and millions of subs.... Yet they keep adding PvP... I wonder why??? hmmmm....
  19. So since i PvP, my parents are suppose to pay for my account??? Well then, wait till i see them when i get to Florida! I've been "pvpeen" in MMOs since '94, and they haven't paid a tootin dime! I racked up some serious coin with AOL when I played Neverwinter Nights till '96 , and they charged me by the minute to play, after that UO, then DAOC... -gets calculator- MOM!!!!
  20. More PvP options. I'm here basically killing time until GW2 comes out. I would keep my sub if the game delivered on the PvP it hyped itself up to be, but it feels as though it has been going backwards. If/when i do unsub, I'll probably keep an eye on the game though, see if they eventually somewhat deliver.
  21. Its scary that people complain about linear gameplay, and then point to WoW as an example of free and open gameplay. WoW was probably the most linear MMO i ever played when it came out, and now i hear its even moreso. uhg,
  22. Looking at the subs, that seems to be a common problem with this game eh? Some of the story line are pretty decent, but perhaps running through all the same repatative side quests 7 more times isn't as stimulating as Bioware percieved.
  23. For me personally, its just really lacking in fun... You can put all the Star Wars you want in it, but if you forget the main ingredient of gaming, then i won't last too long.
  24. Sounds like a development issue. I've been PvPing since 1994 in Neverwinter Nights then on to Ultima Online. I love open world pvp/RvR, its why i play MMOs. I despise everything you wrote in my PvP. You'd think in 2012 "some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world" could avoid situations such as you describe.
  25. If some of the 'most experienced PvP developers in the world' would settle with "fine", and then tell us we would be "blown away" when wwe got there... i honestly fear for IIums next incarnation.
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