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Everything posted by Virgulec

  1. Don't know why this made me laugh, but it did. Anyho, clicked on the youtube link in your sig... I'm stealing moves from you Like I do with other PvPers that has garnered my attention. That force push save/pull on the void star has made itself in the catacombs of my memory bank of most "memorable moments" in a PvP video(Downloaded > Archived > Watched ... a couple of times ).
  2. I have a shadow(41) and most of the abilities I use are instant abilities, so there may be some fundamental differences between Sages and Shadows(I may be wrong). I find it hard to stay in one place and do anything, seeing I can go stealth and use backstab, whirlingblow etc. I'm presuming that playing the sage means a lot of casting, right? So strafing and using instant abilities is not really a necessity for them, is that right? Then I'm asumming clicking the skills is preferable or more viable for Sages? Do you think you would do more damage(than you did) or be more of a menace, than you obviously are now, to opponents using only Keybinds? I'm comparing the DPS Sage(What you played in the Screenshots) to this guy( ) I'm currently trying imitate on my sorc... I'm a copycat Which is not easy for a beginner like me. Also, please forgive me if this comes of the wrong way, making the comparison, but I haven't seen your gameplay with your playstyle so the comparison may be unjustified.
  3. Wow, this thread is one of the most enjoyable threads I have read in the past three weeks I have a question here. I'm always looking and copying/imitating other people when it comes to PvPing, so I was very curious about your setup. Judging from your screenshot. Is my brain understanding it right, that you go with your left-hand over to PageUp(Right-side of the keyboard) while your hand is on the mouse? Or during combat you take your hand off the mouse and only use the Keyboard? Meaning you use Righ/Left-tArrow+A/D+Plus abilities? I'm ambidextrous so my brain hates any movements that cross the threshold of the other side(it's just me). Just curious as I may try some of it out... I'm still in the process of learning so muscle memory is not a problem.
  4. Ah, I see. Thanks for the reply. I'm not against clicking players. I just think there are different ways to play and if people are comfortable that way and it's helping their teams respectively keep at it. How's the saying go "Never change a running system"? I changed mine, but I'm comfortable like this and I have fun, that's the bottom line really. Teamplay and fun while doing it.
  5. Can this be streamed on twitch? More people should see this me thinks Just a question here. I've never played a commando, but I do have a Vanguard tank and strafing and keybinds have really helped my tanking. Is it not required by commandos to strafe and execute certain non-staionary skills to heal and stay away from focus? Especially if speced to healer. I have face quite a few and it seems they have problems keeping up with people who make circles around them. Not asking about Keybind or Clicking here, just the mechanics of playing the commando.
  6. My situational awareness definitely did increase. I feel like I'm much more in control of situations. Especially if I'm the one who instigated them. However, that benefit only came because I want to learn and try different things, and still do. I am not sure I would have developed better awareness without the gradual change. If someone doesn't see the need to change, no amount of reasons would move them to. I think I don't qualify any-more as a casual gamer, because now I want to achieve other things in PvP since starting three months ago. Now I find the need to learn about Min-Maxing and gearing properly, something I didn't really care about before, because I didn't PvP as often as now.
  7. I can only speak for myself, but there is a guy called Taugrimm(http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/) that explained it well, he also gave examples and explanations, what I used as a template. There is also a video from a guy called swifty( ) that actually showed him using the mouse and W,A,S,D together. That worked for me. Don't worry about the hardware, I have none of those things and the mechanics still work. I hope that helps. I also unbound S, Q, E, C,X,Y and Z and placed skill-functions on them. That way I have all needed skills for combat reachable. Here is an example of a setup I tested: http://i44.tinypic.com/15n3hty.png A and D are used now for strafing(I changed a few things at present), but that was some of the testing I did. You can bind strafing to anything as long as you are not confusing yourself. Set up the keys to what works for you(reaction, flexibility and reflexes mental and physical). You know yourself and abilities better than anyone on this forum.
  8. Until recently(three weeks ago) I was what you could consider a semi-key-binding-clicker player. Trust me, there are a few more out there(They even stream live on twitch too!). The only reason I transitioned to fully key-binding functions most needed in PvP, was because MY style of play and the increase of intense situations(3v1/4v1 focus fire) I got into demanded it. I felt I needed to adjust and tweak more things to be able to be more of an annoyance to the opponent. The argument of being more efficient would be applied my many of you, and in a way you would be right(explained later). The results of my tweaking(Which I'm still doing, even in the skill trees): I am now able to get behind people to Shiv and Backstab without burning a function that I could use to buy some time, apply pressure, occupy them until help arrives or simply escape and try again. Kitting an opponent and peeling off players from healers is much more fluid(or easier some might say). I became a moving target against "turret"-style classes. It annoys them a lot. Increase in the fun factor for me of my gameplay. This is my main gain from binding functions and mouse turning. Faster application of functions/skills in sticky situations without having to look at the tool-bar(Thought-to-Hand reflex improved greatly). Team-play Efficiency results: Able to help people in FPs and H2/4(I am always asked for help). Combat is much more fluid, even if you're the one pulling them through. Result is, I get guild invites frequently(Looking around for a new guild that group PvP... boring pugging alone). Node help, Door- and Pylon defence is no more of a chore. I truly die less because of my mobility and prevent capping easier(unless stun-locked). Reading of an opponents weakness(Stiff movement or lack of good Manoeuvring/Mobility) and taking advantage of it. Back-pedalling is NOT a good defensive move, it's an invitation to be attacked more aggressively. There are more I could add to either list, but those are the most prominent factors that stick out to me(from my notes on my progress). Key-Binding all functions came as a necessity of my desire the get better a PvPing. This was personal and nothing more. I was always put off by the opinionated behaviours(seen in this thread) by many self-titled "gamerz". It seemed to me that you believe with the title comes an open door to peoples minds and hearts for your input or output as the case may be. I know a few others who feel the same as I do about your perceived importance in gaming or on this forum. The efficiency factor could only be applied when one has a desire to change or tweak their gameplay for self-satisfaction. I had and still do, so it can only get better for me and the people I'm grouped with. Please remember, many people have a different perception of the things you consider "facts". Thanks to a guy called swifty on youtube I was able to understand(See) the mechanics of strafing and mouse-turning while applying skills. I believe this is the most daunting to clickers willing to try something different or transition to Key-binding. That "gamer" was the first one to video tape himself actually carrying out the function which made me understand the mechanics of it.
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