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Everything posted by DeltaBos

  1. If the weeklies force people to finish full raids, I think it would force people to actually learn the fights. Every fight I've seen up to the weekly bosses goes very well (save Bestia In Dread Palace) because people have done those fights enough to know them well. Should the weeklies require people to finish, they will eventually learn the last fights and become better at them.
  2. So starting in a couple of weeks, I'm going to be leading some guild HM progression raids, starting with TFB. I'm just looking for some advice on how I can be an effective leader, aside from reading and watching as many guides as I can. How should I set loot rules? I'll take any advice I can get, I want these raids to go as smooth as possible.
  3. Bioware, I am begging you, FIX THE WEEKLY MISSIONS. I am SICK of running ops very smoothly, only to have almost the whole raid quit after they get their weekly. It doesn't matter how smooth the raid is going, as soon as we wipe ONCE after the weekly, someone will quit and start a domino effect. They claim that it's "too hard." I don't know who's idea it was to only put the weekly missions half way or 4/5 through ops, but it is annoying. No one ever finishes ops any more. EV, KP, and EC all have to be completed, why not the new 4 ops? Make people finish what they started!
  4. So, should the level cap be increased to level 60 at some point in the future, some new abilities would have to go with it. Here's my ideas for new abilities for each advanced class. Please give me feedback and let me know what you hate, love, and what you would change. Guardian/Juggernaut: Double Jump (For lack of a better name): Click an enemy target. click ability. Target is marked. Click another enemy target. activate ability. Player then jumps to both targets dealing a moderate amount of damage. 1 Minute cool down. Marauder/Sentinel: Spinning Assault: Causes players to spin in a circle with lightsabers, dealing a heavy amount of damage to all enemies within 5 meters and becoming immune to all direct attacks. 2 minute cool down. Assassin/Shadow: Shadow Strike: I don't know why every npc assassin in the game has this ability and we don't. Must be in stealth. Select enemy target. Active ability. Player will immediately teleport behind target to hit for a low-moderate amount of damage. 45 second cool down. Sage/Sorcerer: Mind Trick/ Dominate Mind: Temporarily confuses the target, causing it to attack enemy npcs. 2 minute cool down. Not useable on operations bosses and I wouldn't let strongs or elites be allowed to be hit with this either. 2 minute cool down. Commando/Mercenary: Overwhelming force: Only useable on targets below 30% health. Fires a heavy shot that deals a moderate amount of damage to the target. 15 seconds cool down. Vanguard/Powertech: Target Acquired/Death Mark: Places a debuff on the enemy target, causing it to take 15% more damage from all direct attacks. Places a debuff on the all players in group that does not allow them to use this ability again for 5 minutes: Target Lost/ Lost the Scent respectively. 5 Minute cool down. Scoundrel/Operative: Heavy Push (for lack of a better name): knocks the target back several meters. 30 second cool down. Gunslinger/Sniper: Quick Thinking/Improvised turret. Builds a makeshift turret that temporarily assists the player in combat, dealing a moderate amount of damage to enemy npcs over the duration. Active for 15 seconds with a 2 minute cool down. Please let me know what you think and what you would change. These are just my ideas and I wanted to share.
  5. A few weeks ago I ran the Battle of Ilum. I noticed our tank was dying rather quickly. I did an inspect on him, and sure enough, he wasn't using a shield generator. He didn't even have ANY head piece, or implants, or ear piece. Another time I did Directive 7 on SM. I was the tank and I noticed I wasn't getting any heals. When I asked our healer what was up, he said he didn't realized he had queued as heals and left. We had a scoundrel in our group, whom I had worked with before on an alt... knew he didn't really follow direction well, and asked him if he could provide heals for a while since it was sm. He refused, and wouldn't even cc enemies. Needless to say, we didn't get very far and I ended up dropping.
  6. So I was looking at the mission rewards preview, love that feature, and I've noticed a few errors with the quest rewards with a few missions and I was wondering if anyone else has had them. Ilum Under siege: I just got to this point with my DPS Commando, and I do not get the Eliminator chest that goes with my specc. I get a selection of trooper chest pieces, but none of them is the one that goes with my AC and specc. Tion Hegemony mission: Both my commando and Operative get incorrect rewards for this mission. They both get pistols, and these guns have the correct stats for my toons, but I can't wield any of them. Neither Commandos not Operatives can use pistols. Anyone else having problems with these?
  7. That's exactly my point. I'm tired of uniclass missions because I want all my characters to experience all the content, but I get tired of doing the same mission over and over again. Constantly doing the same missions is very tedious.
  8. I would really like to see individual stories expanded. I had the same idea for the BH story, rising among the Mandalorians and eventually becoming the Mandalore. I'm not sure where some of the other stories would go, but I am getting tired of getting the same story line regardless of class.
  9. Yes, but I think it would be an interesting change of pace to see enemy factions, who despise each other, having the option of working together to accomplish a difficult goal.
  10. I think that SWTOR should introduce cross faction operations into the game. They should put a neutral space station or mission center where players from both factions can go to receive new operation missions. It would be interesting to see an operative healing a guardian, or a powertech guarding a sage. As we've seen through the books and the Battle for Ilum flashpoint, sometimes the Republic and Empire realize they have to come together to fight larger threats. This would only be for operations and not flashpoints.
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