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Everything posted by Tresian

  1. My apologies, double posted on accident.
  2. ROFL, this reply is hilarious. I love it!
  3. Edit: I just got thoroughly trolled. Good job I left my original post unchanged, so people can get a good laugh at how bad I was trolled. Enjoy! First and foremost, I can tell that you don't do a lick of PVE besides maybe the random SM OP. This complaint (although absolutely hilarious) should be moved to the PVP forums since it is completely revolving around sorcs in PVP. Second off, making a statement that all other classes don't have an ability is absolutely retarded. The variation in classes is what makes them different. Now to address each individual whine that you have. This is the primary triage ability for any sorc healer. If you were to nerf Static Barrier, sorcs pretty much would never be viable for anything other than dps. The Static Barrier has this little thing called a Static Debuff that it applies to any character who receives it, therefore keeping any sorc from "spamming barriers". On top of that the barrier only absorbs a limited amount of damage (usually one hits worth) and if it is what is holding you up, then you should probably stop pvping. This ability was already nerfed. It was originally a 30m ability, so I am assuming your brain would have exploded if you had played back then. As far as damage goes, it tickles. Stop crying. This one is really funny. Sorcs are force users. If you knew anything about the lore of the Force, you would understand that the graphical effect of this ability is no too far fetched. Second off, mercs also have a ranged CC ability (which by the way, you have an ability called an interrupt, use it) and they have a hell of a lot better burst healing than a sorc. Go cry nerf for them. Finally, thrash? Really? What sorc do you know that uses thrash past level 3? Pretty much from what this tells me, you expect sorcs to just stand there and let you beat on them. Other classes have other abilities very similar to this as well. If you can't figure out how to get around it, then roll a range class because you obviously don't know how to play your melee class very well. Again, apparently you believe that sorcs should just stand there and let you beat on them. That idea is ludicrous. Interrupting force speed is a funny idea considering it isn't a cast or channeled ability. Again with the crying of a sorc kiting you, that goes back to the ludicrous idea of you wanting a sorc to stand there and let them beat on you. This complaint I believe is from the fact that you are just trying to find something else to cry about to make your post longer. Crying about this is about as funny as you crying about the graphical animation of whirlwind. First off, this shows me exactly how little you know about this class. Shock has a 6 sec cool down, therefore effectively shutting down the spam factor. Spamming something is casting it over and over again back to back. If there is a cool down involved, then you cannot spam it at all. To finalize my retort to your crying; I thoroughly believe that you don't know how to effectively play whatever melee class that you rolled. You constantly get kited by Sorcs in PVP hence your whining about them. If you cannot shut down a Sorc healer, then stop pvping. If you don't want to stop pvping, then roll a range class, you might have more luck with them (although I doubt it, since it is easier to kite a range class than a melee). If you don't want to stop playing a melee class, then learn how to play it. As a Sorc healer, I know from experience, that melee can be very effective against us. Finally, you should look at your pvp team. If any healer is staying up for an extended period of time, then one of two things are happening. A) There are multiple healers keeping each other alive, and you are in for a rough time. Or B) Your other dps are not doing their job and helping you focus down the healers. Just my thoughts as a humble sorc healer, please feel free to reply.
  4. It is good to try and get your rotation down to maximize your dps at early levels, that way you understand all your abilities when you do hit 55. On the flip side though, majority of classes do not get their "power skills" until close to level 30. Up until that point I would advise just to enjoy the leveling of your character and not worry so much about your rotation until you have the majority of your abilities.
  5. I don't mind the "bugs". They made an operation that had become boring, interesting again. I wouldn't mind seeing them stay.
  6. I agree with the majority of what you posted. I geared a little differently than you with what you posted, I went with a 470 split on alacrity and surge as well as took the 2 piece sorc dps set for the reduced CD on polarity shift along with the 2 piece sorc heal set instead of the full healing 4 piece set bonus, because 50 extra force is relatively useless. The reason I say this is because after your first two GCD's you are just maintaining your force. A lot of people would retort with the fact that with a total of 50 extra force you would receive more total force back when you consume. This is true, but look at it this way; 50 extra total force will increase the force you receive from consuming by a grand total of 4 per consumption. If you are doing what a good sorc does, you are not consuming enough to put the consumption debuff on yourself, so therefore you at most would receive 12 extra force any round of consuming. I personally have never been in a situation where I was saying to myself "Damn, if I had only had 12 extra force, I could have kept that guy alive." If you are constantly placed in that situation, then you might want to look at what you could do better. My spec is also slightly varied from what you run. I run 37/7/2 (not updated for the 2.7 skill tree). The reason I do this is because 1% damage reduction for a hit that does 10,000 damage to you (which is usually the biggest hit you will receive as a PVE healer) only reduces that hit by 100. The 1 point in reverse corruption is extremely useful for fights that you do get into a tight spot. The reasoning behind this is because with this ability active, if you do run into a situation where you are super tight on force, you can consume like crazy, then pop force barrier to remove your consumption debuff stacks. For your using Dark Infusion over Dark Heal, I do agree that force management wise it is better to do so. However for my personal preference I use Dark Heal more often than Dark Infusion. My reasoning behind this, is as you said earlier in the guide your healing focus is primarily triage, not topping off people. My raid group runs a sorc healer and an operative co-healer. As the sorc, I focus primarily on the tanks, while the operative handles the raid. For my triage on the raid, I will usually use my static barrier to initially save a dps, then pop a Dark Heal on them. My Dark Heal will effectively heal majority of dps for 1/4 of their health. This gives enough cushion for the operative to catch back up on the raid and since that rotation of Static Barrier > Dark Heal only takes at most 2 seconds, I can easily hop back to the tanks and top them off with a Dark Infusion. I can heal any fight that I have come across in the game (NiM included) this way without straining my force horribly. Whenever I do get into a new fight; i.e. NiM DF progression, I will change my healing to Dark Infusion over Dark Heal for better force management until I learn the feel of the fight. Once I do, I will generally go back to my roll of triage on the raid and main focus of the tanks. These are a couple of my views on sorc healing. If you have anything you would like to add/challenge, please feel free to do so.
  7. I was also in Levram's group and we determined that you have enough time to properly place the simplification to drop the squares you want and still make it to the holocron in the bottom. The reason we started to do it this way, is because for some reason when we dropped off randomly to try and make it to the holocron, we kept losing squares in completely different locations around the room. I was healing in the run we were in earlier, and I am not quite certain why you believe that the tanks were taking less damage.
  8. Personally as a healer, I love healing SM's short of healers. It makes them interesting (sometimes) whereas if we were healing it with 4 heals then I would most likely be bored out of my mind.
  9. NiM content is definitely where it is at. Even NiM EC is still next to impossible to complete without a coordinated group and it is a level 50 Operation. HM Dread Fortress and Dread Palace are interesting but, with a good group, only take about an hour and a half to down completely for each operation. NiM DF releases shortly and promises to require an excellent level of skill to complete it.
  10. I know this doesn't help for pub side, but this Saturday (March 8th) Aftermath is hosting one on the imp side from 2pm-4pm EST
  11. This is the second time within a month's time frame that I have seen this server go down.
  12. Any word on when it will be back up?
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