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Everything posted by Fizzwidget

  1. Dont know if Bioware fixed it but when I logged in it asked me to change my name
  2. Oh I will be, I understand It may take a while with 1.3 just getting here and all, I was just curious to see if anyone else had come across the issue.
  3. So I transferred several of my characters from my old dead server and lost most of my names, but that's cool I didn't expect to keep any. So there I am renaming my characters, changing them from the long gibberish unacceptable names Bioware tags them with. However my Imperial Agent did not get the option to change his long gibberish unacceptable but actually seems to be acceptable name. Ticket has been created, I just wanted to know If anyone else has had this problem?
  4. I like this idea. Really wanted an Imperial trooper.
  5. Ok guys, didn't know where to post this in the server threads, so I'm posting it here. I'm looking for a good PvP (english) server that isn't Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Looking for one with standard - high pop at peak times. Is there a server like this or should I just roll up on Tomb?
  6. Will Twi'leks get different Lekku styles and headgear/hoods that allow Lekku?
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