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Posts posted by cooperjf

  1. Laet,

    Thank you both for doing this for the community. I know the position of running the world progression threads is a taxing and thankless job and wanted to let you know how appreciative I am of your contributions to the SWTOR community of gamers.


    Also, I would like to submit two placements in the progression thread:


    - The Corporal and The Dragon - Trial and Error 2 man


    - The Corporal and The Dragon - Casual Time Run




    Looking forward to conquering the insanity timed run and becoming a roaring rakghoul rager!!!!! :rak_03:

  2. Hello dear friends,


    As of today at approximately 1am eastern standard time, I have finally killed the dreaded Mutated Genosian Queen on the beautiful planet of Ossus. My team name is <I Almost Had to Buy This From Lightning Masters>


    Kill screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/4a468f5eedcd278ec66ba2c152cd08b2.jpg


    Thank you for creating this leaderboard to showcase the raiding community!

  3. Greetings fellow SWTOR gamers! I have arrived in this thread to claim world first Colicoid Queen for <Big Happy Guild> ! Before we get to the definitive screen shot proof of our record breaking kill i think there are a couple fun facts to share!!1

    • All group members 248 item level or lower
    • NO reflect used
    • No Raid® Bug Spray used
    • We accidentally stumbled upon this boss while searching for Ood Bnar Tunings
    • Mac's mainhand and offhand were broken, Mon's only GCD was powershot, and Spice spread induction to the entire group (oops wrong boss)
    • Heres a link to all our raid days/pulls spent on the 5.10.1 progression cycle.


    Epic screenshot proof! Due to the international nature of our group (3 Americans, 1 Brazil, 3 Australians, and something called a Kiwi??) I believe this kill should not be limited to one server or faction. (but if we had to choose we are Imperials from The Hot Prospect). Thanks for the competition and good luck to all those still progressing!


    oh yea almost forgot our 16m VM screen shot: Big 16m (Ignore the extra 4 people on stand by in the raid group)


    Congratulations on the kill! I know you and the <BIG happy guild> will continue to inspire me as I wipe on this boss perhaps hundreds of times in pursuit of a kill. Your world first plaque is in the mail :rak_03:

  4. These are definitely cool to have in the game but I feel they should have no influence or functionality in higher end PvE and PvP content; that being nightmare operations and ranked PvP. I'd also say they shouldn't work in regular PvP as well but at least consider the impact these perks may have on the more competitive aspects of the game and how that may reflect on player enjoyment and experience.

    100% agreed with this. Top tier operation success should not be based on the size/conquest focus of a player's guild. I'm fine with bonuses that aren't stat wise (cxp bonus, cost reduction, mount speed) but increases of stats (crit chance, healing recieved) would make operations very unbalanced in terms of top tier clears. Also I think it's worth mentioning that the group revive feature could be abused in operations by someone vanishing and rezzing the majority of the group when they're out of combat to be like a second chance on wipes.

  5. My keybinds are fine. I know how the cover works, but I never see the green silhouettes anywhere at any time.


    I've been playing KOTFE, are those the instances you mention? But even outside if instances in dervannis, zakuul, etc I don't see green cover markers anywhere.




    This doesn't address my issue at all.


    Yes those are some of the instances. I assume the developers just haven't really bothered adding it to newer content besides the "vanilla" game because it doesn't have a huge advantage and isn't highly used. It might still be in some areas, especially actual cover barricades, but besides that I don't think you'll see it often or at all.

  6. As far as I know, roll to cover does still work. You may need to check your keybinds for it to see if you are using the proper keybind for it rather than cover in place. One other thing worth mentioning is the green silhouettes only show up when you are in combat and out of cover or when you are targeting an enemy and out of cover. Some instances also don't have places to roll into cover, like some of the newer operations.


    Hope this helps :cool:

  7. Not a huge fan of the hinder, but I like the other changes. If you think about it, every class has a powerful movement ability in some form or another, whether it be roll/mad dash, leap, force speed, hydraulic overrides, etc. I think any class can be played very successfully in huttball if a player uses their utility and defensives optimally. I personally think huttball (especially the "traditional" huttball match) is the most enjoyable warzone in the game because it emphasizes objectives and using your utility abilites.


    I do really like the rest of the changes mentioned, I think they will make pvp more enjoyable and they all seem to be improvements on what the game is currently.

  8. I have never personally asked Sabz to fill in or sub in. I am friends with Kell and I think he is a nice guy. I actually have never asked anyone outside of him that is in or has an affiliation with Origin. Case closed. For future insight click this and if you can read you will know what kills have counted for the group. Thanks



    To clarify, this is true that I asked Jaydenz and Sabz to fill in when Kytera needed people for Scyva progression. We killed that night when the previous raid I believe the NAM team had gotten to 10%, so I wouldn't say that we carried them but we did help to get a kill.


    Both teams are good and have cleared most/all content, so I think it would be better for all of us to focus on the progression and stop digging up drama and petty insults.


  9. I know this is just a meme but it wasn't actually world first SM for SS -
    This group killed it first, video was uploaded 20 hours ago. xD

    Videos are invalid. As it says in the OP, please post a screenshot.


    Also, I would like to say thanks for organizing this! I know its a lot of work but now that this thread is in existence I feel more motivated to go for those sm high tier clears!


  10. Hi, Nes here, I'd like to congratulate all the raiding guild and their many raid teams for keeping the raiding scene on JC alive. With 4 teams actively doing NiM and one having already cleared everything to date ( can I buy a carry run pls), it is safe to say that JC isn't just filled with scrubby raider with me as an exception. GL in the upcoming server merges and hopefully I don't have to revive this thread. /fingercrossedtoapopulated server.

    Thx to the jolly people of neckawa, ooooragin, Evul Contention, Scurpicure, fulutis and friends and imperilul reapers. Don't forget the pubs footytude, huney bunnies, repukeblic ladies and teh cove ants. All names are botched on purpose and said with love by nesrage the non-redeemable 3rd floor vanchist furious PvP'er that has a tiny e-peen. If some of the names are too harsh msg me in game (not that it really matters-cause RIP JC FORUMS 2017).


    Legend. :rak_03:

  11. I agree that it is annoying to have to use a basic attack every rotation, but that's how engineering works. Using a second grenade without an energy cooldown will, as you said, result in a negative energy. Although it would increase dps initially, you will end up digging yourself in a hole where you will end up doing a lot of rifle shooting to make up for it.


    Regarding that engi is only usable on fights with periodic breaks/dps stops. I would say this is not true. Although not every spec is ideal for every fight, engi is normally chosen due to the large amount of aoe damage and burst damage. You should be looking at which spec can give the highest useful dps rather than how easy it is to play each spec on a fight.


    And finally, there are a lot of ways you can use your filler spot in the rotation with something other than basic attack. You can roll (this usually requires planning a few seconds ahead of time), use a pyro grenade, use orbital + target aquired, or use grenade, then use an orbital + adrenaline probe the next rotation block.


    So overall, I don't think that engi/saboteur has energy issues, I think it's just you are playing the spec too aggressively and need to use zero energy cost ability or plan out what to use and use an energy cooldown with it in your filler spots in the rotation.

  12. Looking at your parse I noticed a few things,


    Your rotation looks very good, so I don't think it has anything to do with rotation. ( :cool: )


    A few things could be impacting your apm. First, it could be latency, especially with the server changes last Tuesday. If you aren't east coast you could be experiencing latency that is causing this, especially if you are from Hawaii, APAC etc. Another thing could be your settings. I'm not super technical, but you should experiment with low graphics (including turning off bloom, this helps a lot), turning off friendly nameplates, and hiding flytext. I personally run in pretty high graphics with bloom turned on but grass/shadows turned off in 8 man because it looks nice and I can run at 40-60 fps in fights. In 16 man I turn all graphics down and hide nameplates. The last thing could be just general slow reaction time. Try to make sure you are using abilities immediately as the channel or global cooldown ends. Based off the replay of your parse it looked like you were doing this well already, but might be worth double checking.


    That's all I got, but hope this helps!

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