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Posts posted by CaliOrion


    (Seriously, I cannot explain how badly I want this.)


    A simple version of this that would make me, personally, completely happy would simply be the ability to re-start from level 1, keeping only my crewskill levels/schematics, titles, repuations, and my equipment (banked, of course -- I'm not asking my level 1 to be wearing my 55s gear, I just want it to be there when I get back up.) Reset my levels, take my companions away and reset their affection, zero out my alignment -- I'm fine with all that.


    It's not that I'm too cheap to buy a character slot and start over -- I would be completely willing to pay the exact same number of cartel coins for the chance to do this as I would pay for an additional character slot. I just don't want to be some "other" sith warrior (or whatever) -- I want to play the specific character that I associate with a story... but I don't want it so badly that I'm willing to lose whatever impossible-to-find-these-days gear they might have bound to them.


    Bottom line: I would pay money for this.

  2. Not in a direct fashion, and not as much as they could be making if both players were subbed and/or buying cartel coins to spend on the market.


    You think the player who was selling packs would keep buying just as many packs if nobody was buying them, apparently? That's not how markets work. Have you ever had a legitimate salesman stop you outside of a department store and try to sell you, say, a freezer -- the exact same brand of freezer at the exact same price as one being sold in the store -- because he'd rather make money "directly" than let a store sell his stuff for him?


    The only major thing that can realistically be pushing for with nags is first-purchases. A guy who puts his payment details in once is a lot more likely to do it a second time. That said...


    I don't mean this to be rude or elitist, so don't take this wrong, but: free-to-play is not a new, experimental thing anymore. There are lots of games out there that: 1. Are apparently making lots of money (and have been for years) and 2. have far less player complaints (about the ways free players are restricted, anyway. Gods know they'll always find *something* to grouse about.) It's all well and good to say "If you don't like what you get for free, then don't play, whiners" -- but guess who makes you the least money? The guy who isn't playing, isn't inviting his friends, and may even be actively trying to get people to quit playing your game to come join him in some competing game.


    The dominant paradigms are dominant for a reason.

  3. True, but Torian Cadera and Akaavi Spaar are not considered "bounty hunters" with regard to class restrictions on gear. One could make the argument that Vette and Gault are Smugglers too, and Iresso and Rusk are Troopers, but what is Pierce supposed to be then? And Vector? There are enough companions that don't fit neatly into the class paradigm to make this impossible.


    The point is not to give them player classes (and shackle them to the already broken armour restriction system along with us.) But they do already HAVE classes. Torian is not a Bounty Hunter, Torian is a "Torian Cadera." Just change the tags from, for example, "Agent and Warrior" to "Agent and Warrior and Vector and Kaliyo and...."


    EDIT: But yes, I agree, just removing the class restrictions is a FAR better idea.

  4. Here's the thing: They don't (or at least shouldn't) care if people play F2P indefinitely, so long as they are somehow making money off that person. If that player is grinding credits and buying cartel items off someone else who is in turn buying those cartel items for real money, then the companies running the game are still making money off that free player.
  5. I don't think an OR switch can be baked into the gear either (Ex: an item that requires either Smuggler OR Corso), which means it's entirely possible this is another good idea made extremely difficult to implement due to the way the game is structured


    Except this is exactly how a lot of the armour already works. Sith Warrior OR Bounty Hunter, etc.


    Seriously, I don't understand why class restrictions exist PERIOD, let alone for companions. Who cares if someone's smuggler dresses up like an inquisitor? We can do this just fine with the adaptive stuff now anyway.

  6. This has been a "problem" in every traditional MMO I've ever played. Incentives aren't going to change it. The simple fact is that dealing with bad groups is a bigger pain for tanks and healers than it is for DPS characters, so tanks/healers are more likely to only queue up with friends. I personally gave up long ago: I don't tank for a healer I don't know or heal for a tank I don't know anymore, period. If that means I don't do a flashpoint today, then I don't do a flashpoint today.


    No in-game incentive can make up for not having fun. This isn't a game mechanics problem, it's just how human nature plays out.

  7. After getting entirely too carried away turning screenshots of our beautiful TOR babies into custom loading screens one evening, a buddy said to me "This would be better if we could use more than one at a time." I agreed, and set out to make it so.


    After making this possible, her gleeful chortles of joy convinced me that I should share with the rest of the world, so here goes:


    This is a tiny program that allows you to shuffle multiple .jpg files in as your loading screen for The Old Republic. While running, it will select a random filename from the list you provide it with, and replace the default loading screen with it. It does not modify any of your actual in-game data, although if I were you, I wouldn't trust what some random person on the internet told me.


    The source code and more in-depth read-me's are included in each archive, and these are the links:


    LSR minimal: The simplest, lightest version. It's written in C++ and should run on any modern Windows machine. On the down side, it's not user friendly. Any files you want to randomize/rotate have to be manually written into a .txt file that LSR can read from before it can be used.


    LSR full: The updated Java-based version. The major improvements: this version has a minimal set of GUI controls, and automatically scans a folder and uses all the images it finds in that folder. You can now start/stop randomization/rotation at any time via buttons on the user interface, as well as manually select a specific background file at any time. You can also select a custom directory in this version, although LSR will not save the selection on exiting, so you'll have to re-select a directory every time you start up if you don't want to use the default.

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