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Posts posted by CaliOrion




    Understand that this is only my current understanding/extrapolation, obviously:


    What I'm getting from reading about their "Chapter" system is that, basically, all of the new content is going to take place in its own "instance," which is in the future. For example, you'll click "Enter chapter 1" or whatever, and be teleported from the "present," where you're sitting on the fleet watching the daily flame wars into a personal instance that's set somewhere in the future. Your available companion list will change while you're in the future, you'll complete the chapter of the story, and then, just like if you were leaving an op or FP, you'll be teleported back to the same old world you left behind. Later, you click "Start chapter 2" and do the same all over again. It doesn't actually seem any different than our current flashpoints -- what you do in the bubble stays in the bubble and doesn't affect the multiplayer shared reality -- except that they're changing which companions you get to use and telling you "this is totally set in the future."


    I have no idea if they plan to let you use your "normal" companions for crafting while you're in the future, or if they'll be completely unavailable during that time. I assume you won't be able to use them in combat, because some of them are supposed to be present in the future storyline, and meeting future-Khem while currently teamed up with present-Khem or whatever would be weird.


    I'll bet you 5 bucks that they ignore your companion customizations, though.


    Edit: My best guess for "streamlining" old content: They mean that 12*XP is going to remain an option, and that you're now going to have a teleport available after each section of your class mission to take you directly to the next session. They paid good money to hire the VAs and coders to write the sidequests, so I assume that they're still going to remain an option, just not a requirement.

  2. I did eventually start doing ops, but it was long after my first characters hit the level cap. My hardcore raid days are far behind me -- I'm too old and curmudgeonly these days to join a real raid guild (or whatever we even call them. "Progression" guilds or something, because gods forbid we use the same words as other games.)


    So, yes, I spent a very long time crafting and 2- or 3-manning flashpoints with real-life friends and playing alts and writing and making pretty pretty princess outfits and generally screwing off before I ever really got into ops, and even now, I'm a super-casual story-mode-ops-only kinda player. Hell, for the new ops, I've never even tried ToS, and I only finally got around to doing Ravagers a couple weeks ago because an otherwise-equally-apathetic guildy wanted the sleen. I just don't have the emotional energy required to participate in a raid guild, and I have too much dignity to be that guy that doesn't actually know how to play the HM op (reading a guide is not a substitute for experience) but queues up for it and ruins someone else's run anyway.

  3. This is great... for those who can take the time off work or afford to attend the SDCC. For those of us who can't, I have to admit that this kind of sucks. It would be nice if you guys could come up with something for those of us who can't make it out there even though we'd move heaven and earth, if we could, just to attend.


    See, the thing is this: nobody in San Diego is being given anything as a "present" because BioWare just loves them so very much -- Bioware is basically just paying people $15 (in the form of a subscription) to create extra publicity by lining up to get the free stuff. Frankly, given the amount of time it takes to get around downtown during SDCC, to stand in line to get into the venue, and to stand in line at one of their company laptops until it's your turn to log in, it probably works out to less than minimum wage. Bioware doesn't have any incentive to give anything to players who aren't at Comic-con, because players who aren't at Comic-con can't queue up outside the Westin and make passers-by go "Gosh, that Bioware game must be really good, look how many people are waiting to get into their event!"


    And hey, at least the ugly pink cosmetic item that costs Bioware nothing is shareable.


    (PS: this isn't really specifically directed at the person I quoted -- that post just happened to be the most recent of many people saying the same basic thing. I'm not trying to pick on CeltWolf!)

  4. Regarding "safe" files from the internet: the source code is included (as it is with everything I release,) and a lot of people have been using my other toys for a long time without issues and they trust me (or don't care about their data) enough to run my compiled executables.


    Regarding how hard it is to do this manually: Did you not read my post? Literally half of my post was me addressing the fact that this is only of interest to the tiny population of other people who are both super lazy and addicted to making alts.


    If you don't want to use it or don't trust it, that's FINE. Close the thread and get on with your life. I mean, I guess I'm happy you guys are bumping it, even it it's to cry about a thing that in no way affects you, but...


  5. Hey kids, I wrote another little piece of code a couple of you might be interested in; this one's for the altoholics out there. It copies the contents of a master *_PlayerGUIState.ini file into the body of the *_PlayerGUIState.ini files for each of your other characters. It does absolutely NOTHING that you couldn't easily do by hand, it just speeds up and automates the process of control-a control-v alt-f4ing every file in your settings directory for anyone else who's ever opened that thing up and gone "How the hell did I end up with 30 characters?"


    For those who don't know, *_PlayerGUIState.ini include your chat tabs, channels, and color information; which UI profile you have loaded; and with a minimal amount of GUI options. This is NOT some magic cure that allows you to copy over your hotkeys, keybindings, or any of the other stuff that absolutely every MMO except SWTOR allows you to import/export. I cannot fix developer apathy using java, sorry.


    Here's the .zip


    If you want to check out some of my work that's actually useful to more than .05% of the playerbase, check the signature link!

  6. Completely agree that having a mandatory full group at the very end of an otherwise-soloable quest chain is bull. I have NO problem with there being content that requires grouping in this game, but letting people go through 90% of the chain, get excited about it, and then pull the rug out from under them for the very last mission is just a dick move.


    A buddy and I just completed this tonight, finally, WEEKS after finishing the rest of the questline (it had been long enough that the ending went from being satisfying and dramatic to one person literally saying: "Wait, what's this crap about a ship? I don't even remember what was going on.") -- which we had, previous to this mission, thought was one of the best in the game, which we were going to do on all of our characters, etc etc etc. But now? Zero interest in repeating that thing.

  7. Yes but see, then they might have had to go to their bosses and say something like "The players didn't like your ideas, Sir."


    But give the testing to a few "privileged elite" and make them feel smug and superior about it, and you can almost guarantee that most of them won't complain too hard. Then you can go back to your boss and say "Gee Sir, we can't understand why we lost all those subscriptions after stubbornly forcing through some badly thought-out changes proposed by executives who don't actually play the game. After all, the guys in the closed beta loved it!" :D

  8. ... missions on Makeb and Oricon. No difference in how I burned through mobs. I regularly solo Oricon. If you are smart and don't try to aggro every mob around you can even get through the Heroic on Oricon in no time. ... I'd recommend checking your gear and make sure you're not being overly aggressive. Play smart.


    Yeah bro, you're not the only one who does the Oricon dailies pretty much... well, daily. Which was my entire point: It's not "I tried new content and couldn't do it, pity me," it's "I was running content I am very familiar with and (previously/supposedly) well-geared for, and noticing a massive difference in survivability.

  9. The big problem remains "balance" (although personally, I don't understand why balance even should be a thing. You don't like that class X out-parses you? Then go roll up a class X, ffs.)


    If they give you freedom to actually meaningfully affect your character's combat ability, then one of two things happen:

    1. "Hardcore" players with well-constructed builds out-perform "casual" players who are using the pre-defined progression, and the under-performing players cry about it.

    2. The pre-defined progression simply is "The Best" progression; in which case, there's no point of being able to customize. There's a small minority out there who will still enjoy making gimmick characters that are more "fun" (or funny) and less "powerful," but not enough to base a major MMO off of.


    The problem is that you simply cannot make both sides happy. The closest thing to a solution I can offer is to either MMO-hop (my personal choice, even though I admit I'm always sad to leave my characters behind) or play something that has a history of refusing to compromise on the complexity of the game, even if it means remaining a niche market.

  10. It's not going to happen, but I still 100% support the idea.


    As it stands now, I'm dropping down to preferred once my current sub is up. You can call me a self-entitled crybaby if you want, but at the end of the day it boils down to this: I pay for this game, and I expect to get a certain amount of enjoyment for my money. 3.0 has lowered my enjoyment level, so my desire to continue paying has dropped as well. Deal with it. :cool:

  11. Raiding is more then just DPS and HPS. Lets takes for example the Guardian/Juggernaut...


    Here's the thing though: everything you listed is extremely situational, and even then most of them are more useful to tanks than to DPS juggs; and all of them are more useful in PVP than in overall PVE.


    Yes, there are ways to make most of them useful some of the time for non-tanks, but... well, why didn't we just get to pick whether we wanted tank/PVP-centric utilities or DPS/Heals/PVE/whatever? Why is PVP/tank the assumption? And hell, at least guardians can be tanks -- the operative utilities even more tank/defense-focused than the guardian/jugg. Why? God only knows, but I assume it's related to the fact they're still putting cunning/defense PVE mods in-game: the devs apparently don't don't play or don't understand how their own game works.


    But hey, at least now I could escape from combat twice as often if I wanted to! That's got to come in handy outside of PVP... somewhere. Right? :rolleyes:

  12. It's not a L2P issue, and it's not just sent/maras. My op got torn the **** up on Oricon yesterday -- a place I've solo'd with no difficulty for ages -- with one particularly memorable "are you kidding me" moment being when one of the champs in the heroic killed the guy who was fighting it. He respawned at a med center (or rage quit or whatever,) so I figured "hey, I'll take that champ!" Of course, I got stomped. While lying there, waiting to respawn (because I'd managed to die once on the previous freaking champion as well,) a third guy comes up and engages. And dies. I sigh about my repair bill, get back up, buff up and re-engage, resolved to burn off some medpacks and adrenals and that Heroic Moment I never use for once. Result? I'd have died a third freaking time (and embarrassingly quickly) despite it all, if Guy 3 from earlier hadn't finished recovering from his wipe and jumped in to give me an assist just in time. This champion should have been freaking neck-deep in corpses by the end of the day.


    So no, it's not a question of not knowing the class - medicine OPs haven't changed much ability-wise, aside from the slashing of their DPS - it's just that my defense has been completely destroyed. I literally cannot heal fast enough to stay alive now, whereas previously in the dailies, I could juggle my health with one hand tied behind my back and do some DPS on the side. PVP survivability seems to have dropped as well for me, but not nearly as dramatically (I haven't even looked at what, if anything, bolster is doing to my pre-3.0 PVP gear, so I can't really discuss it beyond saying "I felt only slightly off from normal" in my matches yesterday.)

  13. YOU are missing the point. No one is taking away their rights. We have the right to call their criticism ridiculous just as they have the right to express their ridiculous criticism.


    Ok, seriously. You can't tell the difference between "people giving feedback to a company they are buying something from" and "just complaining because other people disagree with you"? Can you not understand that these comments people are posting are not to you, they are to the game developers? Do you just not understand that there is a difference between transactional relationships and personal ones? Bioware is being paid to make players happy, and if they fail, players should tell them. You, however, do not have a stake in other player's opinions. They are not being paid to make you happy. They are doing what good customers should be doing: providing feedback to people who actually have the ability to act on it.


    You are just being a troll and harassing people who have no duty to try to please you.


    The people complaining are, ultimately, trying to make the game better (as they define it.) If you like disciplines and you were writing a pro-discipline post, you would also be trying to make the game better (as you define it.) And if that was what you were doing, it'd be fine. But you're not: you aren't actually promoting something you like about the game, you're just attacking other players opinions.


    "I like disciplines because..." Totally cool. Post away. You're just as entitled to try to convince the devs to build the game you want as anyone else.


    "You're stupid for not liking disciplines." Not cool, bro, not cool. Either way though, I'm done: I refuse to believe you're actually too stupid to tell the difference, so I can only assume your goal is to try making people who are upset feel even more upset just to amuse your self. Unfortunately, the only appropriate response I have if that is the case cannot be printed here. I'm sure you can imagine it though. :)

  14. Edit: I should just point out the hypocrisy of your post to people complaining about people complaining. In your very first big, bold, and yellow sentence, you said, essentially, exactly what the people responding to the complainers have said. It doesn't matter if you liked it, it doesn't matter if you played a hybrid, the majority of players didn't, and this new system makes sense for more players.


    You COMPLETELY missed the point. I am saying that people - who pay for the game, same as you and me - they have a right to want what they want from that game. Just because YOU disagree, that doesn't mean they shouldn't provide feedback about changes they're unhappy with. They have every bit as much right to want skill trees as you have to want disciplines.


    If you can't tell that "providing feedback to a company you are in a financial relationship with" and "telling strangers that they don't rate to disagree with you" are two different things, then I can't help you, bro.

  15. I don't get all the apologists getting upset because people are upset about the loss of skill trees. Here's the thing: It's a game, and skill trees are something a lot of people liked.


    It doesn't matter if YOU liked them. It doesn't matter if it "makes sense" (let's be honest: Playing games, period, doesn't "make sense") to be upset about them being gone. People liked it. People pay for this game because it has things they like. They don't have to justify what they like to you.


    And that said: I agree that the disciplines system is a steaming pile of poo, along with the entire mentality the dev team has of "Players should be forced to play the game the way WE would want to play the game." I haven't dealt with a company that had a less healthy attitude towards their customers in decades.

  16. You "toggle" is to not pre-order before 12/1. Still get the Revan statue.


    You misunderstand: I do not care about the statue (or even the rest of the expansion.) I DO want the 12* xp - on SOME of my characters. I love the bonus on my solo characters, and my characters I play with other pre-order friends; but since not all of my friends can pre-order, I can't realistically level with those friends right now. Yes, I can skip class stories, or I can just be massively over leveled and we can faceroll through the content, but let's be honest: I don't want to do content I'm massively over level for, and my guildmates don't want to sit on their *** watching me stomp everything while they effectively do nothing to contribute.


    Like it or not, blame me or Bioware or the gods, rant or rave, I don't care; what it boils down to is this: The 12* xp is a disincentive to grouping, which is a disincentive to playing, which is a disincentive to subscribing. I'm not arguing the point beyond this; the powers that be spend (even waste) a considerable amount of time trying to force people to group, so I know the people who actually have an ability to influence the situation understand why being able to play with friends is important to their bottom line.


    But it's a moot point now: My guildmates have sorted out their stances on this (there are only a handful of us,) and the have-nots have mostly decided to drop down to free-to-play for a while and focus on work/other games. So I guess at least I can feel vindicated, if not satisfied.


    The end.

  17. Basically what it boils down to is that I'm a busy engineering student with not enough free time. Since I was taking a required Java programming class this semester, I combined a class project with my gaming hobby and killed two birds with one stone. I'd love to have the time to code whatever I want for whatever reasons I want, but alas, life is what it is. ;)


    Also there should be two versions of the old C++ program in that download archive just like there are for the new version - something like "LSR-random.exe" and "LSR-rotate.exe" - does the random one not work? I still have the source around, if there's a problem with it, let me know and I can look into fixing it when I get a little bit of time free. The java rewrite was just an excuse to add the automatic file indexing; the randomization function should already have been available in the original if you wanted it.

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