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Posts posted by CaliOrion

  1. Mu understanding from the cantina tour is that we ARE losing them, and that there is no going back once you start FE. If this understanding is correct (Disclaimer: I was/am drunk, their sound system was bad, and their language was still vague and they refused to clarify regarding "free" level 60s and level 60s you worked for,) I will not be starting FE. Or continuing to subscribe.


    I'd offer you guys my stuff, but it's all bound except for about 2 dozen raklings I filled the main tab of the guild bank with :p

  2. So can we all agree that the highlight of the evening was the "There will be no going back" line about FE? I realize that that was mentioned in conjunction with the free level 60s; but I will tell you right now, if starting FE means giving up all my companions for any of the characters I actually leveled, I'm done. Yeah, I know, "can we have your stuff" etc, but legit: there is NO. WAY. IN. HELL. that I am throwing out something that is that important to my character (not to mention something that I, as a player, invested that much time and energy into.)


    I'm with whoever it was that started booing when you guys said that, just FYI.


    And now, having thought angrily about that all evening and the entire train ride home, with this post I can finally sleep.

  3. Chat with my guildies (all friend from out-of-game,) dress my stupid little characters in the expensive clothes that they all seem to demand, write stupid stories about them, and, honestly, gossip about how retarded Bioware's employees must be. Since they managed to keep getting my money for this long, you can be the judge of just how much room I have to judge them. ;) Also crafting and many, many alts.


    True fact: I just got back fromt eh cantina tour thing, and I MAY have scammed more than my fair share of drinks. After SEVERAL attemps to fix it, he word "clothing" in the first sentence actually ended up reading "slcktiehd." I ated everything BW said at that thing, but I will say this: the hotel had some pretty decent house wines.

  4. Orbital Strike is one of the Heroic Moment abilities everyone can get by raising the right companions to 10,000. Used in combination with the lightning storm at the same time. (Invoke orbital strike and put lightning right on top of it) and pretty much any boss is toast. If not, just throw some dirt on him immediately afterward and then force choke him to death.

    I am well aware of how heroic moments work. (Hint: It has nothing whatsoever to do with companion affection.) I have had the OS heroic moment for ages. It is NOT a replacement for a normal class skill, but thanks.

  5. Apparently, my remark on Fem 3 offended some and for that I am sorry, that was NOT my intention.


    Thank you for this apology. I mean that sincerely, no sarcasm or ill-will. (I personally probably over-reacted to your statement, but frankly, a lifetime of listening to dudes telling you how women "should" be kinda... gets old after a while. If I ever decide to grow my hair out because a guy tells me I "need" to do it to be "feminine," you can safely bet your entire bank account I'm just growing it out so I can weave it into the noose I hang him with. :p)


    So anyway. *gets off the social justice soapbox awkwardly* How about those videogames?



    (someone swapped the male and female animations in DA:I)


    Oh my god, that video made my day. Glorious! :D

  6. It has nothing to do with usefulness. The Scoundrel not having XS Freighter Flyby is really lame thematically, and this is the mirror version of that. :/


    Exactly. The idea of the stealthy infiltrator who isn't a combat beast sneaking in to laze a target for a precision strike from above is FUN. The idea of the smuggler getting backed up in a tight spot by his ragtag crew flying his ship with a whole lot of *ahem* 'character' is FUN. Mechanically, I couldn't care less about OS (and I don't think anyone does.) Thematically, though, I always saw it as very much a class-defining skill. Imagine what the players would do if you removed force-choke from either branch of SW, even if you replaced it with something mechanically identical.


    OS/Flyby very much helped to frame their classes as "these poor normies trying to survive in a world full of force-users... but at least someone's got their back," which was, frankly, a really clever way to promote class balance while still giving an overall illusion that the actual individuals had different power levels. Jedi and Sith were bad donkeys; the rest of us had to rely on high tech and good luck.

  7. "I like the shiny lights and boomy sounds it made" are probably not reasons enough to once again make it an Agent skill.


    Move on or roll a Sniper. Son.


    You're in here continuing to argue, yet telling me to move on? Your troll game is weak and obvious. But don't worry little guy: one day, I'm sure you'll grow up to be a big strong troll! Fed by all those people who aren't, y'know, ignoring you now. :rolleyes: Toodles from Comic-con!

  8. We are playing a game. And they took one of your toys away from you. Are you like that guy who supposedly quit over the Tracer Missile animation change?


    Yes, obviously, because I gave some feedback and pointed out that OS was a thing I liked and gave reasons why I felt it should have been left in game, I am obviously a crazy ragequitting nutjob. Troll someone else, son.

  9. If it's not that powerful a skill, it doesn't really matter if your Op does not have it, now does it?


    Yes, it may amaze you, but things besides just raw numbers DO matter. If I wanted to crunch numbers from the start of combat to the end of combat, I would be playing D&D. When I'm doing doofing around doing dailies with my buds, I want to be able to make shiny lights and joke about each other's crappy aim/timing, and yes, stand 25 meters away doing /dance emotes while a buncha weak enemies bounce in my OS. I'm sorry if I don't take my day-to-day gaming seriously enough for you, but I was under the impression I was playing a game :p


    Speaking of Orbital Wet Noodle, it would be nice if they gave the ability to snipers around lv 16-20 (when you get your ship) Since it doesn't really do that much damage at higher levels. I mean bounty hunters get Death from Above that does more damage, at a really early level.


    And frankly, if you compare time-to-cast, energy expenditure, and total damage, you're usually better off using your regular spray-and-pray AOE on a sniper. (Sorry, I completely forget what it's called and I'm walking out the door at any moment to head downtown, so I'm not gonna go check.)

  10. If you have some spare CC laying around, right now with the 90cc transfers, you can make a FORTUNE importing and exporting some of the Cartel pack stuff from servers where it's cheap to servers where it's insanely priced. Obviously, it helps if you already play on multiple servers and have capital on them/don't have to worry about transferring your profits back home after. I'm not going to name any specific servers or items (cause hey, why cut into my own smuggling business? :p) but you can make a whoooole lotta credits for 90cc.
  11. Flyby/OS is boring when you can do this:

    1st enemy: Back Blast from stealth -> dead -> tab to next target

    2nd enemy: Sucker Punch -> dead -> tab to next target

    3rd enemy: Sucker Punch -> dead -> tab to next target

    4th enemy: Bludgeon or Tendon Blast -> Sucker Punch -> dead


    If one strong and 2 weak/standard:

    - kill one weak/standard with Back Blast

    - tab to strong -> Blood Boiler -> Sucker Punch -> Sucker Punch

    - tab to remaining weak/standard -> Bludgeon or Tendon Blast -> Sucker Punch


    You enjoy mashing buttons and play a DPS, good for you. As a healer, OS was a go-to DPS ability for moderately sized groups of enemies, as well as a big in-joke that was a part of my character's personality. OS is fun and spiced up the dailies grind, but not honestly that powerful an ability, so I fail to understand why it was removed. As you can probably guess from my sig, it's a little bit of a hotbutton issue for me :p

  12. In other words, they really should have added a height slider to appease everyone.


    I mention tall/fat because those are the "comparative" things -- the things female characters lack but males do have. While I strongly agree that I would also like the ability to be short (both myself and myself and my best swtor-buddy have main characters who are "canonically" short, despite the limitations of the game,) I'm not offended by my inability to do so, given that both sexes are equally affected by the "You must be at least this tall to ride the Star Wars" rule. The "All females must remain within the Goldilocks zone of traditionally attractive bodytypes" rule, however, is BS. (Granted, now that I've seen the type 1 female without armor on, maybe I should say that things are "equal," in that one gender gets to be unhealthily fat and one gets to be unhealthily thin. :p)

  13. Sorry to say but this is never going to happen though, not on this current engine and changing body types now would probably lead to tons of clipping issues.


    Nobody at any point has mentioned even the possibility of changing them. Are you trolling, or is it just a coincidence that you keep posting disagreeable-yet-adding-nothing-to-the-conversation posts?

  14. Really? IMO Fem 2 is the badly proportioned one. Yes, it's the standard female computer game body, but plastic surgery aside, how often do you see DDD+ cups on a sporty body in real life?


    Fem1 may be a bit anorexic, but realistically so; same for Type 4, even Type 3 may be a bit exaggerated but I wouldn't call her disproportioned (she's too intimidating :D)


    I don't have a problem with the chest on any of the female body types except maybe 1. They might be a little bigger than average on the other three, but they're not big enough that I'd notice anything unusual if I passed someone like that on the street (unlike the humongous jutting-out barrels that the men's type 2-4 chests are in this game. Who let Rob Liefeld in here?) What IS very badly proportioned is the giant bobble head on the tiny spindly neck of the female type 1 (she shouldn't be able to support her own head unaided,) the shoulder joints which are way too wide-set compared to the hips on the male type 1 and as compared to the ribcage and hips on the female type 3 (broad, muscular shoulders are not the same thing as just stretching the skeleton outward) the massive butt-jut for female types 3 and 4 (having a padded rear end would be fine, but this trainwreck involves the curvature of the spine: they have the exaggerated ***-out posture of someone wearing heels, even though they aren't) the giant freakin' ankles on the type 3 male, and the tiny little wasp-waist for everyone female, even the type 4. Also, the female type 1 in real life wouldn't be "bit anorexic," she'd literally be hospitalized or dead.


    (Seriously, I didn't realize how bad it was until just now - the bulky armour/robes usually hides it, apparently; but I just made a female type 1 and stripped her gear off and ewwww. That is disgusting. The non-sprint jog that new characters do also makes her hips roll so far to the sides, her spine must be made of freaking rubber.)

  15. Okay guys, back to the topic :)


    My point wasn't really about the height-difference between male and female but between female 1 and 2.

    Maybe Fem1 changed? Wasn't Fem1 (Mako, Kaliyo) once smaller than Fem2, not just slimmer?


    In my memory type 1 was the petite little teenage girl and type2 and type4 were the same height. And I'm pretty sure I would have chosen Type 1 for my female chars if the main difference between them was the cup size. :rolleyes:


    And what about Type 4? General Garza and that unfaithful woman on imperial Balmorra come to mind, I don't remember them being larger than my Vanguard, Operative or Sorcerer.


    I don't recall type 1 ever being shorter, but I hate hate hate type 1 (both male and female type 1s are very badly proportioned all over) and have never managed to use it for more than about 5 levels, so I may be mis-remembering.


    Type 4 is about the same height as the type 2. I've made type 4s that my guildmate literally didn't even realize were not type 2s before. :| The chick on Imperial Balmorra with the fling in the cantina is a type 3 and has always towered over the type 2 females.

  16. Most of the female Jedi and stuff in like The Clone Wars TV show where not built women either, I don't think Jedi really train physical strength when the force is what is needed to allow them to keep up with stronger more physical non force users. Same would go for Sith. I don't picture a very muscular smuggler or agent either.


    That's fine if you like that. You want to play a sleek male OR female, you can do that. The problem is that while you can ALSO play a buff or fat male, you can't play a buff or fat female, and female characters can never be as tall as male characters.


    So, basically, I don't mean this to be rude, but: I don't CARE how you picture jedi, sith, smugglers, or agents. You should be able to have waifs or swimmers-builds if those are what you want. But the point is that, by the same token, *MY* characters should be able to select any reasonable body type that *I* want them to have. And they should retain that body type even if some insecure dev doesn't like animating big bad girls next to their dorky little boyfriends.

  17. The proportions of male body type 4 are very clearly that of someone who is morbidly obese. Could such a person be strong? Of course. But you certainly wouldn't ever see their muscles like you can in-game.


    Me and my guildies joke that he spray-paints muscles on. :D

  18. There are exceptions to everything, but, as a group, raiders are elitist jerks. They are welcome to play with each other in their pool elite jerkdom.


    I think you're honestly wrong about this. Serious raiders aren't jerks -- jerks don't work well enough together to do difficult content. Serious raiders who come to SWTOR either go join raid guilds or stop raiding. The people who are huge jerks are the lazy losers who can't get into a raid guild because of their attitude; who once had to be carried through and taught all the content but now refuse to do the same for anyone else.


    I've only done a few HM ops, usually late-night runs where I was recruited as a pinch-healer by insomniac members of actual raid guilds. I have NEVER had someone in one of those groups get upset with me for not knowing a HM mechanic. I do, however, remember getting a LOT of hate doing random SM PUGs when I was new to them.

  19. People play Female Body type 3?? I haven't seen an actual person as one in a very long time.




    We're complaining about it, so I think it's safe to assume that we play them, no? Despite their bizarre propotions, their terrible clipping issues, their awkward stance caused by their upper body being scaled wrong for their lower body, their absurd butt-jut, the fact the female type-3 doesn't really get muscles, and the fact that they get even further wimpified in cutscenes. *sigh*

  20. Hehe, the main draw of the game for me has always been the story stuff. I enjoyed the few flashpoints that were story heavy and the others not nearly as much. I'm glad they're returning to their roots.


    Honestly, though, it's not really a return to the roots. The big draw for me in swtor early on wasn't the story, it was the stories. In SoR, they started merging all the class storylines into a single one, and I confess to being disappointed. I enjoyed the storyline, don't misunderstand -- I liked the main storyline (however absurd Yavin might have been for non-force-users) and I loved the 5-minute class specific missions, but I only loved the main storyline the first few times. At this point, I have multiple classes who haven't even done their class-specific stuff, because I just cannot summon up the strength to go grind through the same freaking non-class story on Rishi again.


    And then Ziost came along, and there was ONLY non-class-specific story; and even the single storyline we did get was really, really bad. Conversations ended and NPCs had suddenly vanished to who-knows-where without explanation, the most powerful known being in the galaxy for some reason suddenly deeply cared about the actions of one random bounty hunter, nobody even bothered to handwave the fact that the PC and important NPCs were all magically immune to the mind control epidemic, the previously cold-hearted but competent leaders of both factions suddenly vanished or became mentally retarded, and half the sidequests were mind-bogglingly random. "The end of the world is nigh! Let's stop to steal this random car... no, wait, first you have to loot these AA guns. Actually, how about we destroy them instead. For reasons. Now... loot this crate. Of course there's a plan, just... Look, kid, just do what the quest tracker says and don't think too hard about it, ok?"


    In their defense, for the main storyline, it felt more like the devs ran out of time and just panicked and cut half of Ziost's writing than that they actually had a bad idea to begin with... but that's not much of a defense.

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