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Everything posted by Scovina

  1. The only problem with the idea of making the hot available to all specs is the devs would make it cost more to cast for us. They even said as much in their answers in a later BW post. I don't remember who suggested that the cost be lowered and the BW response to that was if they lower the cost then they would lower the damage reduction it gave. Essentially making it no better. It is already ripped to shreds by almost every AC with 1 GCD as it stands. The bottom line is they believe we are great as is and nothing is going to change that opinion it seems. I don't protest to the idea we are broken but some small tweeks would bring us in line where we should be.
  2. This post exactly! The heals you have as a sorc are weak if you aren't heal spec. I don't understand why the devs think we can "heal in a pinch" if need be. By the time I bubble someone and try to heal them they are most likely going to be dead anyway. With zero pushback defense on heals and pretty much nothing buffing them the idea that I could heal is ridiculous at best. Not to mention the huge drain on resources if I do. Actually bubble is and should be used and isn't that taxing but any time spent doing anything but dps'ing is tantamount to futility. I think the real problem here is BW had to rush this game out incomplete. Take a look at (dare I say it) WoW for example. I used to run as a Paladin and Shaman mainly. Three very defined and separate trees. You'd think that BW could do this easily for the sorc class but no lets homogenize them and allow all specs to "do some off heals". As if I ever took my sorc into a FP and thought well if the healer dies I can keep us alive. Maybe in the rare instance that the healer dies with say 5% of the bosses health left I just might be able to but it isn't likely. The sad thing is as a hybrid class we have no real talents that we bring to a raid or op group. If we are to be relegated to this role why don't we have a skill like predation? Marauders are front line damage with top dps and they get an amazing group skill like that, ***? The truly sad thing is it's not the ONLY ONE! It would make sense if we are suppose to be a support role which I do not mind doing however we need skills to actually support our group.
  3. Keep doing end game fps, sm and hard ops. Do some pvp and get gear for that. There is no other way really. You can get some mods etc of crafters.
  4. First off you need to post this in the customer service forum. This isn't the place for a post like this. However I had an issue like this myself. Had to open a ticket and get a dev to finish the quest for me. Try reloading your UI and or exiting the game and coming back in. Also make sure you try to reset the quest.
  5. This is horribly inaccurate. Yeah you can't get her to the romance stage if you are female but she does like weapons, military gear, republic memorabilia and cultural artifacts. I had no trouble at all getting to max affection with her as a dark side female inquisitor. Just give in to the conversation points you know she wants to hear. I realize she doesnt "turn" like Jaesa but for a dark side sith like my inquisitor it was more gratifying gaining her trust by allowing her to see that I wanted change for the empire even though that change was still only because I wanted to be in power.
  6. Lightning spec is more than adequate to level with. It is good even in end game however you will take more damage and if you have to move your dps is going to suffer a lot. Having said that I leveled 1-55 as a lightning sorc and had no trouble. You put out great dps more than enough to solo content all the way.
  7. No this is not a bug and you can see it hit the target just no connection between your hand and the target.
  8. They are a fun class to play but I don't do it myself for the lolsmash. I do not fault those that do though. If the devs are going to allow it why not exploit it. My mara is at 55 and I have only ever tried Carnage and Annihilation leveling and for endgame. I just recently switched back to carnage after being anni for about 20 levels or so and I am pretty happy with the spec. However I have to say sorc has been and always will be my favorite AC. I've played the rest and while I do enjoy playing them they just aren't my style. After all I like to make people pay for trying to kill me.
  9. Considering this isn't in the Sage sub category and all consulars have the ability it isn't necessarily directed at just sages. On point however I don't care if they make it 360 again as long as they give us some better distance on it. As is it is usually pointless to activate the ability (usually).
  10. So every time I try to google it either I'm not using the right question or whatever. Basically I just want to know what the base damage of the lightsaber is calculated into. As in if I have one that says 20-30 energy damage and another that says 50-60 energy damage does the latter actually do more damage and what skills would be based from it? I read an article before but I cannot seem to find it again.
  11. Personally I think special strategies is the point. I was a healer for 5 years as a shaman in wow myself and 2 with a paladin. There was never a time that I really felt challenged. This game has some of that. Yes I know we aren't the greatest at movement and healing but that is why a great healer shines. They find strategies that work despite the encounter set up to kill you and your team. Now I do not do a ton of healing but I do have to agree the gear thing is a bit wack. However you should be augmenting power anyway as it is the best stat behind willpower for I think every class (without counting accuracy we all know we need that). Maybe not all of them but most of them I know need it so I don't see why augmenting power should be a problem. I am bummed on more than one spec I play that alacrity and crit are so lackluster. I wish as a healer they were a bit more involved. Oh and I had to add yeah you aren't the only one thinking dark heal should be renamed dark suck!
  12. I don't see how race or gender plays any role in choosing a sorc other than personal preference. Other than the fact that I think the female is more snarky which is a little fun but the gameplay is exactly the same. If you want burst then you want the lightning tree and if you want sustained dps and a few more tools you want madness. Hybrid between the two is also very viable. Hope that helps a little.
  13. Because those fractions start to add up very quickly. It seems small because you are looking at it in a narrow view. When you take a look at the whole picture but every little bit counts unless you overgear the content by quite a bit. Think about a 5 minute fight for a second. Now if you are the only one doing less than optimal there is very little harm most of the time. However if your whole team is say 300 to 500 dps off that is a loss of a potential 1000-2000 (obviously rough math here because healer damage can't be reliably counted on) less dps. That can make a big difference especially when your healer or dps are starting to get behind on resource management and the encounter is getting closer to enrage timers etc.
  14. Ah okay that threw me for a loop there. But yeah I agree it is needed.
  15. The kick was awesome. I used that move as often as I was able just because it looked so cool.
  16. Even if it was 1 tank and 1 dps they should be able to 2 man 1 tank or healer or even one of their dps which puts you back on par man for man assuming they were able to kill you. Most likely 3 players going at you would take you out but it doesn't always happen if you kite them, LOS them and make quick decisions. I'm not saying it is an ideal class to be in a 3 vs 1 against however given equal skill and gear every AC should melt in a 3 vs1. If they don't then the other players are just bad and there is no arguing that. You also don't take into account that while you are being focused the rest of your team is focusing one of theirs effectively shutting down the third source of damage on you and depending on what spec your other dps is possibly putting out some decent AOE requiring CD's to be burned by the other team which eats up time spent doing damage. Yes I know most other classes have CD's off the GCD but it does slow them down regardless. Now obviously this all depends on the makeup of both teams and how good everyone is with recognizing who to attack and when to do it. Which attacks to interrupt and which are okay to eat and heal through etc. I just think you are selling us short in an arena setting. While I do think our class needs some tweeking done to it we are not useless.
  17. I'd pretty much say stop trying to do heroics solo they really aren't worth it unless you are properly geared. Yes as a Jug or Mara we can do them easier than some other classes but for what you have to do normally the rewards just aren't worth it. If you really want to do them find a group. Post in chat that you are looking for a group for {insert heroic here}. Either that or just keep questing until you see a post for one and then whisper or respond right away. Once you group up keep questing until the group is ready to go. Gear you companion. Contrary to what some people seem to think you do need your companion. You need them to be geared. It is more important to gear yourself but you can do that through FP's. Queue up all the time and quest while you wait. You will not even realize that it took forever to pop if you keep busy. I prefer to use quest items and planetary coms for my comps but I also do it for me when I can get a juicy upgrade. Even though it isn't really necessary from time to time check the GTN. You can find some good upgrades for cheap sometimes. Level your comps with skills that match up so you can farm and make upgrades for you and them. I think you see the theme here because gear is kinda big. However rotation is priority as well. If your rotation is bad then it can take forever to kill mobs that you could have downed 30 secs ago. Keep trucking because this is a fun class to play. At first I really like Marauder then I didn't like it so much then it became my favorite right behind sorc.
  18. Personally I find the skating to be kinda humorous myself I really couldn't care if they changed it. The same as when they changed Overload on sorc and the animation and sound were off. I know it annoyed people and I understand why however I just didn't care.
  19. There is nothing you can do man. All of the comp lines are scripted and the only time you will ever see any change is when you say one line over another in so much as the first line of her response will change. If you keep her light she will blab on about how great saving the galaxy is. Just change her to dark even though you are light side you can make it up with diplomacy or choices later on. Besides she is a lot more fun that way.
  20. As well as Madness specced sorcerer. Plenty of slows and kiting tools as well as constant pressure they can apply. You really can't apply a blanket statement like that.
  21. There really is no good answer to that. It really depends on spec and even then there is a good balance if you know what you're doing.
  22. Did you mean willpower instead of cunning? Also remember that I know you want to min/max but you don't really need it at lower levels nearly as much as you will at max level and/or pvp/
  23. That most likely is true however that will also give your team time to blow through a healer or a dps on their side as well. Given equal skill and gear you ought to be able to exchange your teams sorc for one of theirs. Just have to be on your toes with good communication. Also it will allow your sorc to get pretty damn good at kiting and los to help stave that off as long as possible. I do hope we either get a damage increase or some type of real CD before all this.
  24. One thing I found really frustrating that I forgot to add:
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