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Posts posted by bladech

  1. I gave you a 9k combat log of just solo ranked. but ok.


    Omaan gave you 10k arsenal merc in solo ranked who didn't even had set bonus and amps. We both know that when your enemies are bad, playing squishy specs such logs means nothing. We are talking now about real ranked fights not the minority one when you queue on zero rated character, get better matchmaking because of it and making easy stats on dot sin. Besides, 9k dps? Dec. sins in solo ranked doing 9,5-10k now and with 62 k mauls, light sorcs does even more but with 30-35 k hits. 9k dps against squishy targets/bads when sin and oper do more is meh

  2. Every my argument about why mara is useless goes cross ur fingers while you type "UR DELUSIONAL MARA IS OK".

    Re-read my arguments about health regen, guard, cc's, taunts, offheals and then return back. You can't ignore facts about comparing oper/sin/sorc and Mara


    They are ignoring your arguments because they cant counter them. Now concentration sentinel damages even lower than lightning sorc which leads to a question: why would someone play sentinel? If lightning sorcerer has better damage, it is more tanky (due to all damage reduction it has ), it can pull out his low team mates during ranked games in extreme situations and offheal everyone which marauder cant/doesn't have it means marauder is helpless, not needed. In 5.x class lightning sorc had much less dps than marauder but it still had his pull/tanky dr/off heals which proved that in right hands this spec could be very strong (all top 3 sorcs/sages in solo ranked 11 season weren't healers, they were lightning/telekinetic sorcs/sages with huge ratings).


    Maras No guard, no heals, no instant combat remove, less mezz/cc, no taunts were compensated with bigger dps and good mobility. Now at 6.x marauder dps is gone and mobility is also gone because without double camouflage marauder in ranked is the easiest target yet double camouflage tactical forces marauder to use predation not for mobility while chasing running enemy or helping team mate to escape but for resetting camouflage.


    Overall, combat team screwed up with marauders at 6.x pretty hard. It is dead in ranked, no one will play it serious.

  3. sure bud whatever makes you happy. "dummy parses" "mara sucks" "bad dps"


    btw the mara camo tactical? isnt some god mode ability. in reality camo has a 45 second cd with utility and a 5 sec duration. with the new tactical it lost a whopping "15 seconds" on its cd, but if you think you dont have to take the utility you got a another thought coming... cuz you will have a max camo of 2-3 sec.... and in camo you will only go 50% speed instead of 70%.


    conclusion: you save 15 seconds on cd, you cant save pred for the camo out and you "STILL" need to take the utility so you didnt save a utlity point either. (you shouldnt be using pred and camo together cuz you go 70% under camo... but you might need it for a root break, a root ravage, camo and stealth scan can finish you in an instant)


    My screenshots proved exactly what I wanted them to. Spasi requested 50k raging burst, obliterate and furious strike. before that was an arena parse of 2.9m dmg a round to acid. you arent listening to anyone, but trust... maras are just fine. maybe carnage and anni suck.... who cares? there are always specs that "suck" at pvp.


    I play ranked every day and pretty much. People are not even focusing mara anymore since they have double camo but if you let mara free cast he won't do much dps. Keeping sins/snipers/opers from damaging is priority now, free casting mara isn't a problem at all. Their hits compared to oper/sniper/sin are nothing

  4. Been playing my toons to decide on a main. I'm looking to improve in PVP as a returning player. Need help deciding on which toon to main. Looking for some feedback on which class would be a good choice.


    I like all of them so I'm really torn.


    Dec. sin is the only choice for dominating. OtHER CLASSES are useless now. Welcome back

  5. Play Your Way = choose from what's "available" - the key word being "available". It doesn't mean "do whatever you want". What you're suggesting is you should be able to pick the soccer ball up and run with it because that's the way you want to play. 😅


    Ofc it means to choose from what is AVAILABLE, yet we can't choose from what is available, since ranked pvp and flash points are available for me but set i NEED drops ONLY FROM DXUN operation which is not flash point or ranked pvp. I also can't buy this set from tech fragment vendor lol

  6. trust me, it sucks in pve as well. At least they've confirmed they are aware of it and looking to fix it. FIngers crossed for tuesday but who knows when that fix will come. Better sooner than later because it ruins gameplay quite a bit and it must be a real pain for new players especially.


    Well i mean some buggs can be puted aside for future fixes, like visual buggs which aren't affecting gameplay. But this bugg must be fixed ASAP since it just stops us from doing content normally.

  7. THis is a serious bugg which ruins all pvp and makes pve annoying. abilities which can't be used are lighted up and abilities which CAN BE used are gray! This ruins all gameplay and we still don't see any fix of it :mad::mad: this is not some small visual bugg like with air weapon on operative or bugged chair on class ship! This actually makes hard and unreal to play different types of game content
  8. https://gofile.io/?c=IHOnQo


    9k arena fight, no tactical (life warden) no set bonus, 306 fury mara. not underperforming. will be buying FP set bonus and auto crit Obliterate tact, not camo on pred.


    I didnt ss it at the time but the wz parse to finish was 9.xk first round, 9.xk second round and like 8.7k last round. all rounds neared acid for reference.


    biggest hits if you dont want to look at it was like 44k-48k (post edit) went back through it, actually biggest hit was 37k. dont know what the game was recording.


    Such ss's can't prove a class or spec whether any spec is viable or not. It all depends on ur team mates and enemies. Arsenal merc never was a spec for making big dps numbers, nor it is now yet i managed to do 10k dps in solo ranked match in full 306 gear but without set bonuses and correct amplifiers - https://imgur.com/12239s7


    Even most nerfed specs or specs which are burst and not really into making big numbers can do huge dps numbers if enemy team consists of dot sorcs/dot sins who are not even using defenses and playing BAD.


    The issue is if i were there on my dec. sin or conc. oper i would do 13k dps....so ur screen shots mean nothing

  9. Hey folks,


    The team is looking into abilities not lightning up as intended. I will pass on more info as I have it and thank you for your reports.




    it's getting worse. right now i was hitting target dummy on my operative and lacerete isn't lighting up even when i have tactical advantage in time. It starts to light up only in 1-2 seconds after iam actually get possibility of using it....sometimes if shows i can use some ability but in reality i CAN'T use it due to lack of tactical advantage points..

  10. So if the duck can't swim it's the river's fault and not the duck's ?


    ur logic is wrong. Swtor always had refund chance for those who made a mistake. Same refund policy was for tech fragment vendor. People make mistakes, but it's a game - it should provide maximum QoL things for players as possible. In all mmo games if you bought something u can refund it for full price for some time or until you use it for something. Yet because of abusers who bought tech fragment items and tried to change amps/sell back if unlucky devs decided to ruin QoL for EVERYONE, even for those who didn't abuse anything. Now all players have no right on mistake

  11. Well, hard to say, you just have to be more careful next time :)


    It would be ok if these set bonus gear parts were sorted well. Yet when i open my class vendor i see them spread out in chaotic way - same set bonus gear parts are separated from each other or mixed with tactical items between them lol. And in the past we had opportunity to refund things which we bought by mistake which was a good QoL thing. Yet devs just took it from us now

  12. Today i bought wrong set bonus pants on my marauder from tech fragment vendor, didn't touch them at all, didn't change anything on them and wanted to sell them back for full refund yet i see that now i can't sell them back for full 1 million and 3000 fragments refund. I know you wanted to stop players from changing amplifiers on items which were bought from tech fragment vendor and selling them back for another try yet other players who bought some things from tech fragment vendor by mistake suffer now since they can't refund items which were bought by mistake! Why you just didn't make so that player's could not refund things which were bought from tech fragment vendor only after they used them in any way??:(
  13. Concentrated Fire

    (2) +2% Mastery

    (4) Gaining a stack of Supercharge increases your critical chance by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.

    (6) Doing damage or healing an ally has a 5% chance to build a Supercharge, can only occur once every 3 seconds. After activating Supercharged, your next High Impact Bolt or Mag Bolt critically hits.

    Source: Increased drop chance from PvP Equipment Crates.


    WHEN merc gets buff from 4th set bonus crit stat isn't changed at all. i have 3k crit which is + 17,73 % yet when i get + 10 critical chance from 4th set bonus neither 3k number nor 17,73 are changed...they are all same. So is it working? or it should not change crit stat? How can we be sure it works at all then?

  14. Concentrated Fire

    (2) +2% Mastery

    (4) Gaining a stack of Supercharge increases your critical chance by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.

    (6) Doing damage or healing an ally has a 5% chance to build a Supercharge, can only occur once every 3 seconds. After activating Supercharged, your next High Impact Bolt or Mag Bolt critically hits.

    Source: Increased drop chance from PvP Equipment Crates.


    WHEN merc gets buff from 4th set bonus crit stat isn't changed at all. i have 3k crit which is + 17,73 % yet when i get + 10 critical chance from 4th set bonus neither 3k number nor 17,73 are changed...they are all same. So is it working? or it should not change crit stat? How can we be sure it works at all then?

  15. Hey everyone,


    We will be taking all servers offline for a quick maintenance to address an issue related to Ranked PvP.



    DATE: November 12th

    TIME: 1:30PM - 2:30PM PST (2130 - 2230 GMT)

    VERSION: n/a


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!




    too much maintenances lately....no time to play lol

  16. This information applies for only the three specs listed below. I do not entertain, nor support the "Magic Number" Kool Aid or Religion that so many people seem to practice while ignoring the test dummy on their own personal starship.


    Test Parameters:


    1. Test Dummy on Personal Starship

    2. Starparse activated - "Parse" button only.

    3. Instant Cast - No Cost - Spammable Ability

    4. Micro Spam Mouse Button OR Micro Spam Key

    5. Count 40 Activations - STOP


    (Last Activation Timestamp) / (40 Activations - 1 Activation) = Raw GCD



    The Three I Have So Far:



    Powertech - Pyrotech <--- Correction and Update


    2038 Alacrity Points

    5.6 /s Heat Dissapation Rate


    1.38 GCD Raw GCD Result (Good indication this toon has 10-15 points beyond what is needed.)


    Actual GCD = 1.4 /s




    Sorcerer - Corruption


    2577 Alacrity Points

    9.1 /s Force Regen Rate


    1.3983 Raw GCD Result


    Actual GCD = 1.4 /s




    Mercenary - Bodyguard


    2313 Alacrity Points

    5.6 /s Heat Dissapation Rate


    1.3988 Raw GCD Result


    Actual GCD = 1.4 /s



    Again, my chart is a work in progress . . . I'll be posting it soon on my website . . . and linking it for interested folks in Fleet Chat on occasion.




    Sorry for dumb question can you write all three alacrity tiers for arsenal and non-alacrity classes? the exact numbers i mean... for 1.4 and and 1.3


    is this correct?



  17. Dec Sin can double vanish double regen which no other class can

    Dec Sin can guard team mates/taunt enemies without fear of being killed due to life warden swaps during vanishes unlike jugg/pt who will die if they guard someone

    Dec Sin's dps is the best now, no need in mara or sniper

    Dec sin still has tonnes of cc (sap, leg slash, whirlwind


    As i said sin - god in ranked now. No sense to play other classes and every day by playing ranked i see more and more sins dominating arena. Every fight is like 2 opers and 2 sins vs 2 oper and 2 sins lol. Sometimes i see sorcs and few maras but rarely....

  18. No they are not FINE. They are far from FINE. After playing 30 games in ranked during week i found out:

    IF your team will go sin you will loose since now sins taking double force shroud which allows them to avoid being netted or stunned for a decent portion of time. In addition to this some of the most clever sins noticed that with their super strong set bonus which gives them huge dps they no longer require taking offensive utilities so many sins started to take defensive utilities like dmg reflect on ward, stun immune on ward or less cd on vanish. Opportunity to swap tactical items during fights allows them to use double shroud, life warden and other tacticals depending on situation. And used tacticals (for example, if sin already got healed by life warden he just uses vanish on low hp and swaps to double shroud)


    If your team wont go sin - you will also loose again. Sin can guard his team mate, use taunts to reduce damage of enemies and cc enemies on cd with whirlwind and leg slashes saving his team mates from death while doing huge dps in your back. When sin has low hp from guard he vanishes and regens, returns back and guards again. Here is proof: https://imgur.com/a/weZr6Vj


    SO currently in ranked if you go sin you loose and if you dont go sin you loose. Well done devs. One of key rulles in balancing is that one class must not be able to survive good and do huge dps both. But sin is even worse now - it can 1. Survive.2. Damage hard.3. Save his team mates from dp - https://imgur.com/a/weZr6Vj it has all it needs for total domination.


    Just queue ranked and face skilled sins to see what iam talking about


    Thats what i meant. Literally you cant counter dec sin now if he knows what he is doing. Opers cant guard team mates or taunt enemies and they have only one mezz (flash bang) and small off heal isnt saving much compared to 50% guard. Not mentioning how useless maras became since they cant guard or heal anyone, their cc is only 6 seconds and requires close location to enemies. And now maras lost their only one advantage - big dps since sin and oper are doing more or nearly same dps too while being able to guard, taunt, offheal team mates and cc/mezz enemies at the same time .

  19. My personal suggestion - though unfortunately too late to prevent your loss of materials - is not to bother with purple augments for now. I did an analysis yesterday that showed that crafters are better off simply selling the materials on the GTN than trying to sell their crafted goods, so - unless you just want the schematics for your own sake, rather than the market - even succeeding at gaining the purple schematic is not rewarding your efforts in the market. Basically, not taking crits into account (which would modify things a bit, but not enough), the materials to make one purple augment would've sold on my server for 37.8m credits yesterday. And the one purple augment, meanwhile, would sell for 17m.


    idk why OP needs best augs, but iam trying to make it for myself for ranked pvp since bolster is garbage and not working properly. Yet i also disenchanted 7 augments and didn't get anything, my friends destroyed 20-25 blue augments and still didn't get recipe...it says 5 % but i bet it's not 5 % and devs just want us to grind/spend credits FOREVER...it's their new tactic - instead of content grind which is pretty bad though

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