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Posts posted by bladech

  1. Iam scared what they will do to rolls. Currently operatives can be easily pushed, stunned,rooted slowed etc. rolls are the only thing which help to keep on near enemy target...but even rolls aren't useful in some situations (on rishi you can roll out from the bridge, same as on makebs's bridge or orbttal station. And without rolls you will see poor operatives running for their targets without being able to reach it actually....especially considering that operative isn't that big dps spec (mara,merc,sniper can easily outdps operatives)
  2. With the meta shfiting and all these new changes being adding to our individual classes, it would be nice if we could get team ranked popping just like it did in season 9. Lowering the amount of losses required to obtain the daily/weekly for team ranked PvP will allow ranked players to try new and different builds as well as get new crafting materials. Ranked players may sell the mats or craft tacticals and gear on their own, which adds to the overall game economy. It will also allow players who want mats to obtain the new mats without upsetting the ranked community because they will never be on the same team. This could lead to new players getting invovled with ranked community, which means more participants, as they get comfortable with the arena enviroment. More particpants natually should lower the wintrading that has been heavily affecting the matches and will make the ELO system work better. Mat farmers get there mats, PvPers get their rating, everyone wins:cool:


    You could even further this idea and try to get 8v8 ranked popping (possibly as an event). Players are going to be in a rush to obtain the new gear so they can try new builds. The game can capitalize off of this by trying new things with crating materials as a reward.


    thanks to their changes to weeklies tr became wintrading field. People getting top 96 with 10-25 wins by queueing against two teams of their friends/guild mates who are only doing stats to keep it look legit yet the outcome is known . ANd how devs are going to prove whether it is a wintrade or not if there are only 10-25 wins against 1-2 teams???

  3. Looking at this, it seems it’s not Bioware but hop 8 on your way to the servers that’s causing your issues.


    Where are you playing from and are you connecting to the EU servers in Ireland? Are you playing from from the Ukraine? If so, it would not surprise me if you have local issue.


    Iam playing EU server and ms jumps appear in random days starting with like 9.30-12.00 AM. Almost never before 9.30.... later when i have laggs i will make more ss with ping plotter and put them here maybe you guys will notice something. I think i will make also ss's when number circles become yellow because during those periods something strange is happening

  4. When you use the IP address in Ping Plotter you would need to use the IP address only. The : and the numbers after it are the port so you would not include them.


    For example when I connect to my server which is Satele Shan, the IP Address I would put in pingplotter is:


    You want to use the second IP address not the 192 but the one that starts with 159.


    Basically follow these steps.


    Log into swtor and any character you have issues with.

    Open Command Prompt and ensure you run as Administrator.

    Type in the Command Prompt Window: Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

    Press Enter

    Look for the two IP addresses for swtor.exe and copy the ones for "Foreign Address" which in my case were both

    Open PingPlotter while the game is still running, enter the IP address and click the Play button.

    Let it run for at least 10 minutes while you play the game and do whatever.

    Then click Pause, then go to File and Save Picture.

    Upload it to like imgur or annother image host and link it here.


    Here is what my graph shows.




    Yours would look like something similar but it will help show any trouble areas along the path from my computer at the top to the BW server at the bottom.






    (i used tracing for like 20 min while playing, it were chaging since sometimes green circles became yellow (three or two of them time-to-time) but screen shows end of it as i think. I dont know what those yellow circles on numbers meant

    Target Name:


    Date/Time: 07/27/2019 23:18:32 - 07/27/2019 23:28:32


    Hop Sent PL% Min Max Avg Host Name / [iP]

    1 240 0 0.23 2.08 0.92 []

    2 240 0 0.24 5.08 0.97 []

    3 240 0 0.60 17.98 1.15 []

    4 240 0 0.57 5.89 1.10 []

    5 240 0 0.86 3.75 1.16 []

    6 240 0 1.00 54.73 4.12 kyiv1-xe-11-1-0-159.ett.ua []

    7 240 0 1.00 17.37 3.56 kiev-b1-link.telia.net []

    8 240 1 53.00 215.23 85.04 hbg-bb1-link.telia.net []

    9 240 1 43.49 127.00 63.55 ldn-bb3-link.telia.net []

    10 240 0 53.00 130.98 73.93 dln-b1-link.telia.net []

    11 240 0 52.00 156.78 60.32 bioware-ic-147166-dln-b3.c.telia.net []

    12 240 3 52.71 117.10 53.86 []

    13 240 1 52.00 128.40 72.19 []

  5. When you use the IP address in Ping Plotter you would need to use the IP address only. The : and the numbers after it are the port so you would not include them.


    For example when I connect to my server which is Satele Shan, the IP Address I would put in pingplotter is:


    You want to use the second IP address not the 192 but the one that starts with 159.


    Basically follow these steps.


    Log into swtor and any character you have issues with.

    Open Command Prompt and ensure you run as Administrator.

    Type in the Command Prompt Window: Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more

    Press Enter

    Look for the two IP addresses for swtor.exe and copy the ones for "Foreign Address" which in my case were both

    Open PingPlotter while the game is still running, enter the IP address and click the Play button.

    Let it run for at least 10 minutes while you play the game and do whatever.

    Then click Pause, then go to File and Save Picture.

    Upload it to like imgur or annother image host and link it here.


    Here is what my graph shows.




    Yours would look like something similar but it will help show any trouble areas along the path from my computer at the top to the BW server at the bottom.


    wow your advise actually worked. next time i get laggs i will plot them with proggrame. Thx!

  6. Hey folks,


    To limit potential risk to Guilds we are going to suspend new logins to all SWTOR servers while we investigate. We are looking at stopping this "reset" from happening and ways to restore Heraldry to Guilds who were reset.


    I will post updates as I have them.




    Yet another spit to EU player's faces. As always. as always....

  7. If I read those correctly, I assume you are playing in the EU because normally the 2 IP’s are the same,


    Try the 159.153.65.x one first, then try the other straight under if that doesn’t work.


    If you can post the results here, I can tell you which is the correct one.


    i tried all those ip related to swtor and all the time i got this -




    maybe i poste something wrong or using ping plotter in wrong way?

  8. I love how you're all steaming a guy for something you all told me was impossible/didn't exist even though I had personally heard it happening.


    Choosing when to queue based on prior knowledge enabled by in game mechanisms isn't, technically, cheating. It is only cheating, per the rules, if he purposely looses for his friend. If all he's doing is queuing on a new/less used toon while his high rated friend also happens to he queueing, technically, that's not cheating.


    He can't guarantee that he will be with his friend. If he consistently does, it's not against the rules, it's simple queue manipulation.


    Iam glad someone understands this. This is no difference as when some skilled healer asks his friend to queue as healer knowing his friend isnt that good on healing class while not asking him to throw of course or when someone saw a bad tank queueing for mats and relogs on his tank to farm him or when operative see that there are heal games going on so he fast relogs to his marauder and gets in heal games while everyone knows marauder is a better class for heal games than oper. Or when dot oper asks his friends or anyone else on fleet to queue tanks since this spec is pretty good in tanks games due to aoe pressure and healing support it can provide. Or as we do just queue on lowrated characters when our friends queue on highrated to greatly increase chance to get in one team and both get elo.


    In all these cases NO ONE isnt throwing for anybody or even asks for it. No tos breaking, no punishment, impossible to prove anything. Just manipulations with dumb matchmaking system.


    How and for what do you think that well-known manipulative guild on DM server appeared? Of course thanks to obvious matchmaking system. If you want to fix it remove matchmaking based on elo, NOTHING ELSE you can do.

  9. Mike B, please investigate this person's account for wintrading. He shouldn't be allowed to play ranked.


    Good luck. Wont happen ever since i did NOTHING against rulles. No wintrade no hack.

  10. Queuing on one faction or the other, even in the past when they were separate, is not cheating in anyway. As you said, in solo queue you cannot choose your team ever.


    But as soon as someone decides to "boost" any one other than themselves, then you are cheating as you are not trying to win for yourself , but are trying for someone else.


    Indeed thats why i try to win in all cases. Either iam against my friend or in his team. We just queue on characters that we more get in one team rather than in separate. You can boost someone even by trying to win in all cases so it is not wintrading.Welcome to unfair matchmaking system based on elo. Something you can never prove or make to be against rulles ( in the end only player decides which character and when to play it as soon as he isn't loosing on purpose)

  11. Hey folks,


    Let's talk about what Spoils of War has in store for the Marauder! Below you will find the Marauder’s new ability, the set bonuses that are planned for them, and a list of their new Tactical items. You may see bonuses which refer to charges. We are introducing new tech in Onslaught which will allow abilities to have multiple charges, meaning you can use them more than once (per charge) and the cooldown will simply add a charge up to the maximum.

    You will note that compared to the Sorcerer, the Marauder has fewer set bonuses. The reason for this is that although the Advanced Class has less, the base class of Sith Warrior has more than the Inquisitor. It still results in 8 set bonus options overall.


    Keep in mind that all of this is subject to change


    New Ability – Furious Focus

    Furious Focus has 4 ability charges and recharges every 30 seconds. Activating Furious Focus consumes all charges causing your next attacks to do 25% additional damage.. Ex: If you consume 3 charges, your next 3 attacks do 25% increased damage.


    Set Bonuses

    These bonuses will likely have the high end of piece requirements, such as requiring 4 or 6 pieces. The smaller piece bonuses will be more passive in nature (stat benefits, etc).


    • Dispatcher - Using Dual Saber Throw with Furious Focus grants Dispatcher, finishing the cooldown of Force Charge and making your next Vicious Throw usable on any target.
    • From the Shadows - Activating Mad Dash while under Force Camouflage makes it critically hit and slows any targets it damages.


    Tactical Items

    This a new item slot coming in Onslaught. You can only wear one Tactical Item at a time.



    • Apex Predator - Activating Predation finishes the cooldown of Force Camouflage.
    • Frenzied Focus - Frenzy builds a Furious Focus charge.
    • Hidden Power - Force Camouflage generates 2 rage per second while active.



    • Exterminator - Annihilate automatically kills standard and weak enemies with less than 30% health. Killing an enemy this way resets the cooldown of Annihilate.
    • Rapid Rupture - Refreshing Rupture deals double damage on initial hit.
    • Vicious Saber - Vicious Slash applies all of your Deadly Saber stacks to its target at once and resets the cooldown of Deadly Saber.



    • Unstable Focus - Using Devastating Blast with Furious Focus causes Devastating Blast to explode, dealing damage to all targets in the area.
    • Hyper - Using Massacre adds Hyper stacks to you, increasing your critical chance by 10% and reducing the cost of your next Massacre by 1 rage per stack. Stacks up to 3 times. Last 10 seconds or until an ability other than Massacre is used.
    • Bloody Focus - Using Gore with Furious Focus causes its target to bleed.
    • Always Ferocious - Ferocity is active all the time, but only grants 50% armor penetration.



    • Detonate - Raging Burst detonates Force Crush, dealing damage and slowing any enemies in an area around the primary target.
    • Obliterator - Using Obliterate with Furious Focus causes it to critically hit.
    • Force Barter - Furious Strike refunds one additional rage after it hits, but refunds all its rage if you would have fallen to zero.


    As a note, if you are a Sentinel player, you can expect to see these bonuses mirrored for you as well, they are still in process.


    Let us know your thoughts! Here are the types of feedback we are looking for. XX seems too strong or too weak. XX Set Bonus combined with XX Tactical seems too strong or too weak. I wish there was a Set Bonus or Tactical that had a specific effect or modified a specific ability not listed. Be as specific as possible in your feedback.




    In the end, you guys must make so that marauders have greatest and fastest dps in the game. The reason is pretty obvious - dps is the only thing marauder can do. It has no guard or taunts to save his team mates, it is has no range 8 second mezz or cc as sin, merc or sorc have, it has no healing or super-save abilities (like bubble or reflect) so it is pretty squishy.


    If marauder looses its great damage it will become utterly useless. No one will play it since besides its damage it has nothing.

  12. Uh huh




    I queue on 4 or 5 toons (though I queue on my main the vast majority of the time), not 10-18, and none of them are below 1300.




    What you described is functionally indistinguishable from wintrading. You conspired with a group of people to queue sync and boost a certain player's rating. Even if the execution was slightly different from traditional wintrading, the intent and the results were the same. So even if you insist on saying it's not wintrading, which I would still classify it as, it is obviously just as odious.


    Qsync was never a wintrading or against rulles. Many just used fact that one of factions is low populated and queue together so what? In our case it is not even qsync because we could not predict that we 100% get in one team. Boosting one guy elo is not against rulles as soon as it is not wintrading and you again called this wintrading which makes me remind you every time that it is not WINTRADING. There are tonnes of abuses of poor matchmaking systems. Dot classes seeking to queue when tanks are queueing since their specs are good in tanks games and worse in heal games, marauders seeking heal games because their class is good with healer but squishy in full dps fights. Often they either monitor the queue or ask their skilled friends to queue healer or tanks even though they are not asking them to throw for them. Or they might ask their friends about info on who is queueing, is there any wintrader, hacker is playing etc.


    This poor solo ranked structure and its poor matchmaking based on elo allows players to cooperate even without wintrading. We continue to do what we do and iam more than sure such things are not punishable. It is time that occured long ago for highrated players to compensate dumb elo matchmaking system which unfairly punished us. And this is not wintrading. No matter how you will try to call cake as a chocolate bar, they will remain different even though intent is the same.

  13. Hey! Congratulation on finding the time to fix the small stats increase given by Assassin's and Shadow's Double Bladed Lightsabers... BUT NOT ON FIXING OUR SCREWED UP PHANTOM STRIDE THAT STILL IS ON A GLOBAL COOLDOWN AND CAN'T TELEPORT YOU PROPERLY!


    That was a priority right there! Fantastic!

    Not Commandos that can net you through Shroud or Roll, not Holobugverse and Random Stride, nononono! The buggy little double saber!


    A game changer, thank you!

    Now this sin can finally sleep well at night.


    Yeah it looked pretty dumb.. watching deception and hatred sin being so bad in sr and the new set bonuses, tactical items for sin are pretty garbage compared to jugg and sorc one makes me think devs decided to keep sins useless in pvp. Mediocore dps, low defenses are not outpowered by more mezz and cc sins have. Looks really dumb

  14. Already been explained:


    You starting to write about things which didn't happen. We throwed our chars to make them reach low elo? No, we didnt do such thing, it is just swtor where everyone has like 10-18 alts because lvling characters here is more interesting than end game content. I bet you also have a few alts and you can easily rotate between high rated and lowrated characters. And you said we are loosing on purpose when getting against our highrated friend but it is also not true. Even if we were matched against each other everyone played on full possibilities with desire to win. It is just when friends of highrated person queueing on lowrated characters in like 80% they will be matched in one team. So even wins outnumber looses anyway.


    This is not wintrading, it is a poor matchmaking system based on elo which not only punishes highrated players matching them with garbage but allows highrated players who has skilled friends to use this system in their favor. In the end if this matchmaking system is built against highrated players you cant be surprised highrated players found the way to reverse its dumb and unfair rulles without breaking TOS.


    If you still call it wintrading despite all links i provides to definition of what is wintrading you just ignore facts and truth.

  15. just going to point out this, (not a part of this just pointing this out) you are literaly defending your actions with "its not against ToS" like in rl you would defend stealing some ones idea if it isn't copyrighted. If your reason for doing something is because you can and not because you should, you should ask yourself if thats the kind of person you want to be.


    when I was a kid, super villians did what they did because quote "I can"


    Don't tell me a lawyer how to use my rights. And just ideas are not the object of defense by author's law, only finished object which has form can be defended. Btw the problem of defending author's rights in USA occurs because it is one of the few countries which has registration rulles to such objects. Most of other countries defend author's rights even if the object isn't registered and without mentioning this icon ©. USA didn't join Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works because it requires their citizens to REGISTER their literary and artistics works whilst other countries allow the automatic defense of them from the moment it was created.


    Blame ur poor legislation pls.

  16. Don't worry, the rest of us can see it just fine. I've done it before, but if anyone else is confused, I can explain exactly why it's undeniably wintrading.


    so no real arguments? Of course not. Since it's NOT WINTRADING and if you CALL IT Wintrading you need to check what wintrading is. I reccomend you reading what most of players define as WINTRADING -






    Other things may be manipulative but thats NOT WINTRADING and not BREAKING RULLES. its just using badly built system in your favor which still doesn't break rulles.

  17. Both you and he have admitted to wintrading on the forums in the past. No one is suggesting that people should be banned without evidence. Again, only someone breaking the rules would object to harsher punishments for bad behavior.




    It's really not.


    I fail to see where is wintrade here. Wintrade is only one thing - when a person plays bad on purpose so that the guy in enemy team wins. Thats all. Who are you or who are devs to decide what character i should play if i play them on full strength? If i want to play on lowrated character while my friend plays on highrated character so what? We have all rights to do so as soon as we not playing bad on purpose to allow one of us to win. Welcome to unfair elo matchmaking system which can be manipulated even without breaking TOS. As you remember i was one of those who recommended to remove matchmaking based on elo due to various reasons.


    Yet you cant call me a wintrader if i queue on lowrated character when i want and playing on full strength. You cant even blame those who play solo ranked with using discord as long as they are not loosing on purpose.



    I’ve read sentiments that claim that we’re afraid to ban accounts that give us money (not true), that there is no amount of cheating that will get you permanently banned (also not true), or that we should lower the bar for banning accounts and do so more freely (honestly that’s a fair debate that several of us on the team are having every month).





    Iam sorry but you can't just start banning everyone you don't like without firm and confident evidence of cheating. In my experience even though i play legit many are blaming me in speed hacking (because i play sin and often get Dsync thanks to force speed) and wintrading (lately the pops are pretty low and most of people have to fight same enemies all over again so i often matched against some bad players). People are always blaming each in wintrading or other cheating when there is really no wintrade or cheating.

  19. Hey folks,


    Let's talk about what Spoils of War has in store for the Juggernaut! Below you will find the Juggernaut's new ability, the set bonuses that are planned for them, and a list of their new Tactical items. You may see bonuses which refer to charges. We are introducing new tech in Onslaught which will allow abilities to have multiple charges, meaning you can use them more than once (per charge) and the cooldown will simply add a charge up to the maximum.


    You will note that compared to the Sorcer

    [*]Grit Teeth - Taking damage while Endure Pain is active reduces the cooldown of Enraged Defense by 10 seconds per hit. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.





    And who do you expect us to go for in enemy team with juggernaut in solo ranked? if we go jugg he will outheal himself to full hp thanks to TWO enraged defenses due to grit teeth. If we go for other enemy in jugg's team he will guard him and spam taunts and still outheal himself same as in first variant. You literally making one class all-mighty because with such defense buff this class will be able to: 1.survive good and cause much damage to enemy team.2. defend his team mates by guarding them and spamming taunts.


    Thats not funny really. I see no way how to outplay or deal with this double heal to full hp

  20. Hey folks,



    [*]Strengthening Scream - Threatening Scream increases your damage reduction by 5% for each enemy you hit. This effect lasts 10 seconds.


    Tactical Items

    This a new item slot coming in Onslaught. You can only wear one Tactical Item at a time.



    [*]Grit Teeth - Taking damage while Endure Pain is active reduces the cooldown of Enraged Defense by 10 seconds per hit. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.






    This set bonus + grit teeth are way too opped and will make dps juggernaut too tanky. I agree that jugg needs some defense buff yet this is too much. Being able to use damage reduction on 20-30% + lowering cd of best full hp regenerate ability is too powerful. It should be nerfed a bit

  21. A lot comes down to routing and ISP pairing arrangements. Bioware do have their own issues, but you can tell when it’s them because everyman and his dog is complaining the forums.

    If it’s only a few people with an issue or from a specific region, then it’s most likely not Bioware.


    I’ve already suggested in this thread for them to do further investigation using ping Plotter and possibly take it one step further to check out a looking glass server.

    People who won’t help themselves by doing basic testing are their own worse enemies.


    If anyone is having problems, here is how you test using ping Plotter :

    Download Pingplotter at http://www.pingplotter.com

    Install it so you can look at the hops to the server

    To find out the server IP (it changes everytime you log in now) you need start swtor and then go back to your Windows desktop.

    Now run command prompt in Administrator mode

    (Depending on which Windows you have, there are different ways to run it in Administrator mode, so do a quick Google search on how too for your windows version)


    Type this command into the command shell after you have opened it.

    Netstat -n -p tcp -b | more


    (I usually have the netstat command saved in a txt file for notepad and just copy and paste it into the command prompt)


    It will show you the 2 swtor connections to the server IP


    It usually has an ip like this - or

    But because it changes each time you login it will be different.. Ie it could be -

    This is why you have to run this each time if you want to get an accurate read on the server ping.


    Once you have that ip, open pingplotter. You can then enter the swtor server ip you are connected to and it will run a live trace route, showing all the connection hops along the way.

    You'll be able to see live statistics and information on what is happening.




    which of these numbers should i put into pingploter?

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