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Everything posted by bladech

  1. You pointed out an interesting thing that if players are forced to stay in match which they dislike due to deserter they will simply go for death match/kills farming. I will do exactly the same just because iam forced to stay in trashball match without chance of leaving and re-queue. I wont tolerate any forcing actions from dev's side who are willing to force me playing disgusting huttball, i (and other players who doesn't want to stay) will simply go for death match and ruin match for those who actually tries to win it. This only proves that deserter will only make things worse because it will bring more death matches/kill farming to unranked than we had before. Dev's must not extend deserter to unranked or they will cause even worse game experience than before
  2. Sorry, but drawbacks of extending deserter to unranked warzones outweighing advantages (yes, to answer the question if we need deserter in unranked we need to compare advantages and disadvantages): 1. You said that in longer term you will fix de-syncs, hitches, slide show experiences which ruin certain matches completely (e.g. Huttball). Yet you couldn't fix it for 8 years despite the fact of dozens if threads written on forum complaining on de-syncs, hitches, slide show problems. I highly doubt you will succeed it fixing it. At least bring deserter to unranked ONLY AFTER YOU ACTUALLY FIX de-syncs, hitches, slide show experiences YET NOT BEFORE THAT (which means never, heh) 2. You didn't say anything about another reason which forces players to quit matches - premades. Due to hidden elo matchmaking system which actually failed highrated, experience players with high hidden elo are always matched up against full-grouped premades. Definitely no one wants to play with low-skilled players against full premade groups. 3. You can't really judge which maps are favored and which are disliked. There are many players who enjoy OPG and even huttball. Closing/restricting/blocking them would be unfair. Much better is to either not provide deserter so players could quit what they dislike or allow us to chose maps to play 4. There is no need to bring deserter into unranked since there wasn't much complains on it. After reading tonnes of threads i noticed that players complained only about leaving SOLO RANKED MATCHES yet almost no one complained about leavers in unranked which only proves that advantages of not having deserter in unranked outweigh disadvantages. About team ranked - i know at least 14 players who quitted swtor due to lack of team ranked matches. These are only those i know about and i bet there are many, many more of those who left swtor because of current state of team ranked. These are potential subscribers, CM buyers, event and story participants. If you really care about population in swtor (which is very, very important) you will provide proper quests, incentives and rewards to revive team ranked as it was in season 10.
  3. Devs have no idea how many players they losing because of team ranked being DEAD. They don't understand that there is a big fraction of Players dedicated or simply willing to play team ranked every day. Instead of playing team ranked, pay subscription and buy goodies from cartel market THEY ALL SIMPLY left the game since they can't team up and play team ranked. As result, after legit players left the game, wintraders are using situation with empty (dead) team ranked and shifted to team ranked, blatantly cheating for getting all ranked rewards. Devs have no choice but to return back to season 10 rewarding system or we will have season 11-12 team ranked conditions when only Wintraders got their hands on all ranked rewards in team ranked
  4. So you force us to play maps in regs we hate? Broken huttball with operative rolls and sorcs pulls domination, broken dsync, poorly customized vandin etc. Are you trolling? Remove deserter from regs or provide us opportunity to cross out certain maps from queue option. Your deserter thing in regs will only make things worse
  5. This is not enough to save team ranked from its poor condition. You need to fully return back to season 10 rewarding system when we had the most active and participated team ranked season with team ranked matches popping almost 24/7. The changes you provide with season 13 won't be enough
  6. Time to inflict much pain: most of issues we have in pvp now is BECAUSE OF PVP PLAYER's claims itself. Too much huttball? But it was players who cried years ago that we need "more huttball warzones", "huttball leagues" etc. Dead team ranked and confirmation from Mike that win requirement will be tweaked which means wintrader's triumph as it was in season 11 when team ranked was dead yet we had no win requirement which led to many Wintraders reaching top spots? But it was players who cried years ago that we need to remove mats from ranked which resulted in death of competition we had in team ranked Too bad matchmaking when a single player with high hidden elo always matched up against full scaled premades since such premade's overall hidden elo is also high? But it was players who cried years ago that we need matchmaking changes in regs which caused even worse matchmaking system. Well, the last point is arguable because players didn't ask devs to make such stupid hidden elo matchmaking rulles when single players who have high elo will always end up in teams with noobs against full-scaled, voice-commed premades. Yet in other cases it is our fault due to tonnes of negligent suggestions some of players provided without thinking about future consequences
  7. EU also has this issue. Most of ranked players transferred from french and german servers to DM. However, leviathan and tulak hord still have ranked players and rare ranked arena pops. It is just not a big issue for EU since pops on DM are frequent and constant. I still think though that there is no serious reasons to keep german and french servers on and that for creating better game experience, teaming and making swtor healthier devs must merge all eu servers into one and all na servers into one so we could have one big na server and one big eu server. They also must return back mats or other incentives to both sr and tr because removing mats from ranked already proved to be bad. Things only became worse after they removed mats - pops decreased, wintrading (especially in team ranked) increased, level of toxicity didn't change, vote kick abuses increased. If devs won't provide proper in incentives to ranked number of pops will continue to fall and wintraders will succeed in team ranked (since Mike already stated that number of minimum wins needed for ranked tiers will be tweaked starting with next season). After season 12 and after reading Mike's posts summarizing season 12 iam confident that without proper incentives solo ranked will face stagnation and wintraders will have their triumph in dead team ranked.
  8. What did you expected from memevejek who has no idea what essence of all mmo games is, why people playing it, and why no one is taking him serious. His envy to those who reaches gold or top tier has no limits. All he did was paying Wintraders for platinum sentinel and ruining gsf for getting achievement while whining on forum how bad "pixel hunters" are.
  9. Sounds like any "way" or path which is not mine i prefer ranked pvp but it seems it is not a way at all because it provides no gear, no set bonuses, no tacticals i need. Seems like "play your way" goes to same trash basket where "better than cross-server queue", "soon", "isn't rng exciting?" are laying.
  10. When we had mats back in season 10 team ranked and solo ranked popped so frequent that you literally could queue any time and get pops. Players were happy to make teams, have pops and have mats. Those few whiners who cried about "queue dodging thanks to mats" in ranked were totally wrong since when devs removed mats team ranked turned into wintrade/bots field without any place for legit players who just wanted to queue with friends and get both mat rewards and pvp rewards. Removing incentives from pvp was a huge mistake which led to significant decline in players population.
  11. Since 6.0. arsenal merc is one of the weakest specs both in pvp and pve. Its dps was simply much lower compared to other dps classes which was obvious after comparing data from starparse and just after playing this spec in ranked pvp/NiM operations. Yet what you decided to do with it to NERF IT MORE by tweaking main set bonus (concentrated fire)? Really? You nerf a spec which was already underperforming compared to other specs? Where is logic?
  12. Iam totally disagree here. You still didn't understand how mmo works. The only reason you are happy and not complaining is because devs are actually forcing all players (including pvp players) to play your favorite content in order to keep it alive so that you could have pops. Mmo is mostly all about forcing: players queue mm flashpoints only because it is the fastest way to gear up. As you remember before 6.0 you had to wait hours to get a pop for mm flashpoint because there was no reason to play them and everyone played only veteran mode for conquest points. Players queue new NiM operations because devs locked new set bonuses behind them. Before 6.0 everyone was farming only those NiM operations which had cool mounts/shiny outfits drops (architect's wings, crest of dread masters etc). There was no interest in operations with no proper mount/outfits drops. Players queued team ranked when it had mats as rewards, etc, etc. I can bring tonnes of examples how players are playing only those parts of content which provides proper rewards. No incentives/rewards leads to death of content regardless of how toxic that content is. Mmo was always about rewards for playing something. If that "something" provides no proper rewards it won't be played. WHAT is your favorite content in swtor? Lets see what you will write/complain when devs remove rewards from your favorite content and it dies. You will come to this forum and complain as we do. By the way about toxicity - level of toxicity depends on how hard content is. Iam running mythic dungeons in WOW and believe me, pve can be as toxic as pvp. I never faced such toxicity as in mythic dungeons in wow. Those shouts, swearing, threats, rudeness and kicks are nothing compared to ranked pvp here. Yet everyone is running mythic dungeons in wow regardless of how toxic it is since it provides: fast gearing, rare mounts, rare outfits etc. It is time you face the truth - the only reason pve in swtor isn't toxic is because it is easy. Easy content can'T be toxic. Players won't be toxic when everything goes smoothly or not smoothly but without serious issues. Swtor's Nim operations and mm flashpoints (i did them both) are nothing compared to mythic dungeons in wow. Thats why pve isn't toxic here - because it is not as hard as in other mmo games.
  13. While you refuse to add any serious rewards/incentives to play ranked which led to full death of team ranked and significant increase in number of players quiting the game, with new patch you add more set bonuses drop only from new operation?. So you don't want to force any player to play pvp yet you want to force pvp players to play pve by providing more and more set bonuses which can be obtained only from pve content? You are hypocrites indeed. So to keep flashpoints and some of operations alive you turned flashpoints into the fastest way of gearing and made so that many set bonuses (including some of set bonuses from the begining of 6.0) drop only from certain operations? Yet you refuse to provide any viable rewards (mats, set bonuses etc) into team ranked? What about stop forcing pvp players to play master mode operation to get certain set bonuses as you refuse to force non-pvp players to play pvp (since there is nothing you get from playing pvp during the week)?
  14. Yeah, keep small amount of mats available via conquest so that everyone may have an opportunity to create best augments for personal usage, yet those who wants to produce much more augments (other things like tacticals or gear sets) and produce it faster with crafting should play content - ranked, gsf and other parts of game which are either dead or dying slowly atm. When devs removed mats from content everything went down to hell: team ranked died and many players quited swtor, solo ranked toxicity haven't gone anywhere (and even became because vote kick abuse appeared since season 11), other parts of the game started to die slowly too (gsf, uprisings etc), players in swtor just started to farm hammer station all the time in order to get gear without touching any other parts of content, developer's "force players to play" policy haven't gone since we still have certain things (tactical items and set bonuses) dropping from EXCLUSIVELY only in Dxun while pvp players or other players aren't able to get them. Game turned into s**t to be honest. And iam not surprised why so many players are unsubbing and cash flow dropped to minimum. Players simply can't play what they want - team ranked players quit since tr is dead, gsf players quit because it pops rarely, solo ranked players quit because it also pops rarely now. Soon we will have Dxun and hammer station fans all what is left in this game but meh, it won't be enough for EA to postpone Disney license for this game in few years. Game will be shut down soon if nothing will change
  15. I prefer third way. let mat farming as it is now: embers rng drops from destroying gear parts + running crew skill missions earned from slicing and purple mats from finishing conquest BUT also provide same mats rewards for doing solo and team ranked dailies/weeklies, GSF weekly and uprising weekly. In this case players can get their mats either by playing what they want + additional mats for playing certain types of content. There is no doubt that in every MMO players are playing only those types of content which are most rewarding. Those parts of content which aren't providing proper rewards on regular bases - die. Lack of rewards for doing ranked pvp literally killed it... team ranked is abused by wintraders who easily getting top 96 and gold spots due to lack of participation and zero competition. Tonnes of my friends quitted swtor after team ranked died and solo ranked started to die slowly (which means tonnes of subscribers) and there are additional quitters because their favorite content is dying slowly (gsf, uprisings etc). If devs are really thinking that this game can survive only with players farming Dxun and hammer station, they must be joking... RETURN mats to solo/team ranked, provide mats for doing gsf and uprisings. Save the damn content in swtor or we will continue to see players quitting each month and game dying. Mmo is all about rewards and carrots which players are playing for together. It always was like this since this is the essence of mmo...
  16. 1. You are obsessed with rewards. Gladly we have function which allows us to find all threads and all posts made by certain forum members. After reading many of your posts i noticed that almost every post which was written by you, as i said before consists with two parts: first part you write on topic but then you finish with "it is sad people are hunting pixels instead of being successful in real life. Useless pixels are better for them than having a good dinner, buying a car etc, etc" . Only an obsessed person would mention such sentences in 90% of all posts written by him so i have no doubts you are obsessed with rewards. The reasons of your obsession can be numerous: envy, jealous, hatred to people who spend more time in the game than you for getting rewards, madness due to difficulty of getting these rewards and many others. Despite that i don't understand your reasons, it doesn't even matter sinc i don't care. But the fact you have issues with rewards is undeniable after reading many of your posts written on forum. 2. Read what i wrote about fun again. Did i said fun = getting rewards for everyone? No i said players play for fun, but everyone has its own fun. For someone fun or entertainment is obtaining rewards in ranked, for someone playing regs, for someone doing heroics/ flashpoints etc. Those who play ranked for most part doing it for rewards of course (although there are some players who play ranked without any wish to get rewards yet such players are in minority). Your problems that you dislike those players whose fun is getting rating and rewards in ranked. 3. There are many people who indeed play many hours. But in the end it is their own choice and you have nothing to do with it. I know few players who are rich in real life from passive profits (shareholders, property owners who lease their property to get money each month) and can allow themselves to play much more than others. And of course there are people who, as you said having problems in real life yet spend much time playing games. But, in the end it is an own choice of everyone and all of these players don't care about your opinion. 4. As i said devs indeed can do what they want BUT if they do what players dislike, lie or misinform us due to bad communication from their side, they face negative consequences - unsubbing and quits from this game. And current games state is the result of their own "doing what they wanted". For all these years of their fails they lost so many players that game entered into maintenance mode with so little updates. Whats more funny is that they continue to fail more and more with each patch. Soon we will reach the point...the ending point thanks to these key-holders P.S. There are at least 4 of my friends who are both successful in real life and having top rewards in ranked. But i wont name them since it is against forum rulles and because they are my friends. Using their names just to prove obvious things to an obsessed wintrader would be shameful for me as their friend.
  17. Sorry but telling " we going to reintroduce old seasonal rewards starting from season 10 and we going to do it in same order as it was by example: season 10 = season 1 rewards. Season 11 = season 2 rewards etc" clearly created reasons for everyone who read it that it will go in that numerical order. That why almost every player in the game (both young and old) interpreted it as season 12 will have rewards from season 3 since season 3 rewards go after season 2 rewards and only few players thought it otherwise. One thing you are right about and i agree with you is that devs are key holders. They can provide decisions and change them but they need to remember one important thing: customers who received information about receiving one thing in the future but then not receiving it without proper reason or explanation won't take it lightly. They will disagree, they will demand answers. In the end if they won't get proper satisfaction - they will quit this game.
  18. Try to stay on the topic once? every your message in every thread consists of two parts: first you write on topic few words and then you end up with same useless gibberish about how pathetic are those losers in real life who hunt for pixels in swtor. Even watch your first post in my thread: first you write about topic (interpretation of developers words) but in the end you write "People just have to go with it, the furious gear is pixels they will not get. Deal with it. To be honest, i have to take it to the devs, this game teaches the kids a lot of what they will need for real life" it only proves how much you obsessed with rewards in this game. You still didn't understand the essence of mmo games: play with your friends, do what you like, fight for rewards. Players are always playing for rewards and devs always will put rewards to keep them engaged. Everyone knows that these rewards are only pixels but since hunting these pixels is interesting and engaging people do it for Entertainment. People return home from school/university/work and doing what they like: sleep, watch movies, drink, playing video games. They decide what to drink, which movies to watch and what games to play or even what to do in this games. Someone plays swtor for fun, someone has his fun in hunting for rewards or doing RP. The fact you think that those who hunt rewards are total losers in real life only proves that your thinking is still immature or that you are too obsessed with rewards in video games more than anyone. Players do what they like in the game and you crying about it looks pretty funny. Like a small kid who can't get his hands on desired toys shouting and crying on other kids who have these toys. Remember one thing: there will always be players getting those rewards no matter what. Both legit and unlegit. And no matter how long you cry they will get it while laughing at you from up since they enjoy what they received and having fun playing the game. And many of them are also having decent real life.
  19. Memevejek stop your anti-pixel policy, please. Your math: 1. successful in real life person with money, good job and cute wife/husband = doesn't care about rewards, has no gold or top 96 titles. 2. loser in real life with no money, no job = has many gold and top 96 titles in swtor and cares about reward is totally wrong. There are many players who care about rewards (as it should be in any MMO or simple multi-players games where players compete for rewards) yet also successful in real life. Your assumptions are totally wrong and based on jealousy and envy to those who got their top rewards legit and having no problems with real life. Pathetic as it is and thats why no one is taking you serious. Go hide your wintraded characters on leaderboards with server transfer/rename bugg as you did in season 9. No one cares. And yes when someone states that certain actions will be executed in certain Numerical order they don't say each certain number. They just say the main pattern - "from 1 to 10" or "due to numerical order " or "by number order" etc. For example, if we divide a group of people in numerical order from 1 to 10 and then tell them to enter the room in simple numerical order we don't say " ok boys and ladies, enter them room like this: first, then second, then third, then froth, then guy number 5, then guy 6, then 7, then 8, then 9, then 10. We say "enter the room one by one due to your numbers" or "due to numerical order". Because if would be stupid to specify every damn number for each person. Devs said "we reintroduce all old seasonal rewards starting with season 10 with rewards from season 1 and will continue to this with each previous seasonal rewards for every next season. For example, season 10 - rewards from season 1. Season 11 - rewards from season 2. If you interpret this as they can skip or make other order (provide season 8 rewards for season 12) then your logic is wrong same as your interpretation
  20. I know there are some speculations about devs "never meant to return back old season rewards one by one" which means that they can skip season 3 rewards and not reintroduce it. HOWEVER, it is wrong. Here i found dev's post about it: Not only they stated that they are going to REINTRODUCE OLD rewards they also admitted the order (sequence) of rewards coming back. They said old rewards + example of next old seasons rewards tied to end of next seasons (continue to add prior Season rewards. Ex: We add S2 rewards as we complete S11). Of Course such statement created "clever expectations", "rightful Assumption" and, as a result Clear confidence that old season rewards will be reintroduced in same order as they were introduced. There was neither logical nor legal reason to think it will be otherwise. Developers in their own post stated that they will reintroduce old seasonal rewards starting with season 1 and then with each next season they will continue to provide same seasonal rewards in same order bringing an example with season 2 rewards being reintroduced in season 11. They simply started acting against everyones logical thinking, example-based conclusions and rightful expectations. Conned us with showing candy near us as little kids. As to me, iam planning to write a big thread soon covering everything i think about these and previous devs actions and cancel my sub since i lost my trust in this game. Fool me once... fool me twice...
  21. It is not even technical assuring. They stated that starting with season x they will start to return (REintroduce SAME REWARDS FROM PREVIOUS SEASONS STARTING WITH SEASON 1 (one). Counting number of previous seasons WE had after their statement - THIS SEASON (season 12) supposed to be about FURIOUS REWARDS. They said that REWARDS WILL BE SAME AS THEY WENT FROM PREVIOUS SEASONS ONE BY ONE. That why we had season 1 rewards then season 2 rewards now we should have season 3 then season 4 etc.
  22. This is getting out of hand tbh. During weekends Iam planning to create a separate thread in general discussion topic regarding devs actions around pvp. There are several issues that must be heard: certain qualified players not receiving top rewards in the end of season while still remaining on leaderboards, skipping season 3 rewards, fact that certain players knew that season will end in june 4 weeks ago before it was even announced on forum, rumors about corruption among devs. This is getting out of hands indeed. And zero answers
  23. This cant be serious. Arsenal mercenary is already one of weakest dps specs among all. Its burst became irrelevant compared to operatives and assassins and its sustained damage is low as always. Any further nerfs will kill arsenal completely both in pve and pvp. I already abandoned my merc in ranked just because its damage is weaker compared to all other range classes. Dev's calculations seems to be absolutely inaccurate and wrong...
  24. This cant be serious. Arsenal mercenary is already one of weakest dps specs among all. Its burst became irrelevant compared to operatives and assassins and its sustained damage is low as always. Any further nerfs will kill arsenal completely both in pve and pvp. I already abandoned my merc in ranked just because its damage is weaker compared to all other range classes. Dev's calculations seems to be absolutely inaccurate and wrong...
  25. Oh please, stop your lies mero. Everyone who played ranked season 9 remembers about manipulations with server transfers so that some wintraders hided their characters from leaderboards to avoid reports and to cheat legit players who thought that their characters are in top 3 but in real they were top 4 because your wintraded sentinel was hidden as a top 3 character. Poor legit player thought that he had enough elo to get top rewards yet your mysterious cheated sentinel appeared right after solo ranked was closed. Same trick was made by famous french wintrader on darth malgus who also hided his top characters on leaderboards. Plus we all remember your stupid excuse that you didn't wintrade but "went undercover into wintraders group" to get evidence of their wintrade. It sounded so dumb and obviously wrong that whole ranked community turned it into a meme. Please, don't even think that people here take your statements seriously. People either ignore you or laugh at you. Wintrader crying about other Wintraders is amusing to say at least. Yet most players find it pathetic so please, just stop it
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