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Everything posted by swtordrz

  1. Thanks for great feedback, having recently played LOTRO, using that as an example, Moderator action was typically swift and decisive for repeat offenders, players learned clearer boundaries. Also, great fun when Moderators came into chat with us, especially when giving out gifts. As for Ignore Lists, they are finite. Just to be clear, am talking about cleaning up repeat offenders, it can be controlled, have seen this controlled in other MMOs, LOTRO is a good example. These players may infringe once, perhaps twice if less serious, then suspended or banned if they did not learn from their suspension experiences. As a result, public Chat became more enjoyable, enlightening and entertaining. Can we not do this here as well? If not, why not?
  2. SW:TOR is one of the most enjoyable MMOs though General Chat seems like anything goes, what are the chances we can clean up General Chat? Much of what passes for General Chat in SW:TOR would not be tolerated in most other mainstream MMOs. Yes players can be ignored, we can report players, use profanity filters, turn off chat etc though players who use General Chat to intentionally diminish the quality of collective gaming enjoyment of others still have a negative effect on our community. When these same players are repeatedly behaving in this manner daily, it apparently gives other players the signal to do the same since they shape the view that there are no consequences for such behaviour. I know you may not have enough resources to have Moderators periodically monitor Chat channels, contact players about breaching rules etc though at least begin to give the impression you are interested in cleaning up General Chat for the greater good of our gaming community by warning or suspending repeat offenders. A Customer Service response confirming this is of high interest to you followed by appropriate action would be welcomed, since quite simply, much of what passes through General Chat is the single greatest blight on this highly enjoyable game. How do other players feel about this, especially compared with responses by other MMO providers?
  3. Guild: Force of Light / Force of Darkness Guildmaster: Mechsa, Nicoline Officers: Grillus, D'asher, Simmos, Charmer Faction: Both Focus (PvE/PvP/RP): Team-driven PvE and PvP, occasional light RP Tidbit: Enriching the gaming enjoyment of our community by sharing the highest levels of positive attitudes, honour and respect with each other. Casual and fun with the highest levels of teamwork/gearing excellence, we value people more than any in-game items. We seek awesome people since awesome people can be trained into awesome players, not always the other way around. Ex-APAC players are highly welcome. Force of Light: http://www.forceoflight.enjin.com/ Force of Darkness: http://www.forceoflight.enjin.com/darkness
  4. Guild: Force of Light / Force of Darkness Guildmaster: Mechsa, Nicoline Officers: Grillus, D'asher, Simmos, Charmer Faction: Both Focus (PvE/PvP/RP): Team-driven PvE and PvP, occasional light RP Tidbit: Enriching the gaming enjoyment of our community by sharing the highest levels of positive attitudes, honour and respect with each other. Casual and fun with the highest levels of teamwork/gearing excellence, we value people more than any in-game items. We seek awesome people since awesome people can be trained into awesome players, not always the other way around. Ex-APAC players are highly welcome. Force of Light: http://www.forceoflight.enjin.com/ Force of Darkness: http://www.forceoflight.enjin.com/darkness
  5. Am confirming that my 11 character transfers are all complete from Gav Daragon to Begeren Colony. Wishing everyone the best of success, see you in game soon.
  6. Have not played in a few months due to the uncertainty of investing time on less than playable servers until an optimal solution is found, dare to dream.
  7. Meanwhile in a secret EA/Bioware Development Team Meeting in a galaxy far, far away... Boss: OK Team, we need some ideas to increase subscribers, exceed our budgets together with catering to the needs of every current, former and new player's gaming enjoyment. Team member 1: Well, my idea is to fix all the bugs since Beta, put out 2 new planets with class stories taking players to L60, fix all the PvP balancing issues, add dynamics to the game so the worlds do not remain static, listen to all our players requests to enhance gaming enjoyment, well like, you know, other MMOs? Boss: Fire that guy, worst idea I have ever heard, security, take him out. Anyone else with better ideas? Droid member 1: More gambling packs. Boss: Awesome idea, give that droid another raise!
  8. Meanwhile in a secret EA/Bioware Development Team Meeting in a galaxy far, far away... Boss: OK Team, we need some ideas to increase subscribers, exceed our budgets together with catering to the needs of every current, former and new player's gaming enjoyment. Team member 1: Well, my idea is to fix all the bugs since Beta, put out 2 new planets with class stories taking players to L60, fix all the PvP balancing issues, add dynamics to the game so the worlds do not remain static, listen to all our players requests to enhance gaming enjoyment, well like, you know, other MMOs? Boss: Fire that guy, worst idea I have ever heard, security, take him out. Anyone else with better ideas? Droid member 1: More gambling packs. Boss: Awesome idea, give that droid another raise!
  9. Hey I know we are all waiting on a response about APAC servers, wondering whether to resubscribe, re-roll on other servers, take a break, wait for Makeb etc though in the meantime, Bioware/EA is clearily bending over backwards to maximise our gaming enjoyment while we wait hours upon hours every day for pops, so how about we all show some appreciation, I mean... Twenty five fireworks. Twenty. Five. Fireworks. ...and if that is not enough you can always pay real money to spend Cartel Coins for more, what's not to like?
  10. Even if it was a permanent Fireworks Launcher instead of Fireworks consumables to celebrate our one year anniversary... ...is any of this making sense to anyone in Management? Only been here a few months, this game has much to offer, the true ongoing value to any successful MMO is its community, since respect is a two-way street, share your genuine passion for our game with us and we will do the same. Am an optimist, congratulations on our first year, looking forward to many more fun memories.
  11. This is my first post, perhaps could be my last post... ...given all the current long-term unresolved issues in the game amidst a seemingly successful short-term cash grab, I actually thought the Fireworks were a practical joke they were playing on us and the real celebration with gifts we may remember one year from now will come shortly, perhaps we can still live in hope. Tip to Management: More Soul less $oul.
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