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Everything posted by Akushii

  1. Why do you keep harping about GSF/PvP? Don't tie that stuff with Conquest. Let conquest be it's own thing and everything we do give us conquest points. Previously it was a chore doing conquest if I wanted to finish it. Now, I don't have to worry about it. I just focus on my gameplay and earn my conquest. For the record, I enjoy doing OPs and I usually run 1-2 OPs every day and now I am completing conquest on toons simply by running through the Operation. On cases where I have like 5k-10k left, I do some simple solo task (like selling junk) to finish the toon off. I don't go out of my way to complete all soloable objective. Similarly for PvP and GSF players, let them play whatever they want and eventually the conquest will come. If your matches are not giving you enough conquest, do those simple tasks in '10 minutes' to finish the conquest so you don't have to worry about playing X amount of games to get conquest. Let everyone do what they want and let conquest be a by product. The same way Renown ranks/crates work. I don't consistently work towards Renown crates, they come when the come. Don't force people to group up and run group content just to earn conquest. If people want to play solo, they have every right to do so. If people want to run Flashpoints/Operations/PvP/GSF then let them. Everyone now earns conquest regardless of what you are doing, rather than what you are proposing which limits conquest earned and forces people to run specific content. I have toons with 100-200K points from just playing. I don't care that it's being wasted because most of my toons I care about have reached their goal and I didn't have to worry about keeping track of what I am doing so I don't accidentally finish a mission on a toon that doesn't need it.
  2. Hi Devs, Any thoughts on when we may get the next Collection Unlock 50% off discount? I know May 4th is soon approaching .
  3. Hint, look in the Strongholds and Crew Skill Section
  4. I have been receiving off spec loot on my toon most of the time, while trying to farm Master Mode Flashpoints. I have been playing an Operative/Scoundrel (have mirror class) and have been running with a friend playing Assassin/Shadow to farm Master Mode flashpoints. I have been running as Concealment, however I have my loot toggle set to Medicine to try and get healer gear. I am iRating 306 already and just trying to farm for tacticals/mods/enhancements. For tactical drops, most of the drop has been for either Concealment or Lethality (Received 5-6 of them). For actual gear drop, I am still receiving a LOT of gear with Accuracy in it. Normally healing gear does not contain any Accuracy gear and I was expecting to receive Alacrity/Critical gear, however there seems to be no difference between heal/dps spec toggle. However when running on my alt with tank spec toggled, the gear drop seems to be correct. The Tactical drop still doesn't seem to take loot toggle into account. I would receive dps tacticals (spec specific) even when I have tank spec toggled.
  5. The Veteran's Edge buff that comes with the debolster seems to be broken. I was in 306 gear with 30 stacks of veteran's edge and my power was capped at around 3661, while someone else with only 2 stacks of Veteran's Edge was capped at the same power (everyone in the group seemed to have same power even with different stacks). The description says that our Mastery, Endurance and Power should increase with stacks, however it seems to affect only Endurance and Mastery and not Power.
  6. My team tried twice last night to use the Operation Group Finder, but both the times it put us in a 16 man SM operation instead of in a 8 man one. We had everything selected in the filter. The first time it dropped us into 16M SM Eyeless, and the second time it dropped us into 16M SM Toborro's Courtyard. Are we missing something or is this broken now? We made sure we had phase set to 8 man story before queue, but it changed to 16 man story after we had queued. Is there a work around this or do we have to wait for a fix?
  7. Meh, I just ended up grinding Vet Flashpoint to get to 75. Think it took 4 of them only.
  8. I have a toon that is still working on class story (Chapter 2 maybe)? I never started Ossus as but am at 258 gear. Is there a way to start Onslaught without going through Ossus? Or do I need to complete Ossus first before doing Onslaught?
  9. I was running as dps Assassin and 4 out of 6 gear drops were for tank spec. My guildy was also complaining that he was getting tanking gear while playing as Sorceror. Is there any way to set what spec gear will be dropping for? I remember the devs mentioning something on one of their stream.
  10. Looks like only characters that hit 50K are getting rewards. Some of my guild mates got the reward, while others who didn't hit 50K aren't getting anything.
  11. I ran 5 Hammer Station Vet mode with the 100% Renown Boost token and earned 6 crates. Note that this included me finishing the Veteran Flashpoint weekly and personal conquest. So I would say each Vet flashpoint was giving around ~1 Renown crate (with the 100% RXP boost and the 25% boost from the legacy purchased and the +10% boost that you can purchase from legacy tab). Each crate was giving one item. At first, I was getting 270 green gear drop. Once I reached 270, the crates (and the bosses in the flashpoint) started dropping 272 gear drop. I have yet to see any blue/purple gear. Will have to test more to see when higher level gears drop. As someone mentioned, some of the gear 'looked' like empty shells. Once you claim it and open the shells, there are unidentified mods/enhancements that you can rip out. However when you put those mods/enhancements back in, they seem to lose stats so it is unclear if equiping the gear is an upgrade or not.
  12. I don't think you are understanding the purpose of 2 charges. It's not there to use it twice in a row to get away 40m. It's to have 2 gap closing ability in a short period of time. Some very few examples below: In a Vet Queen run, you get 2 red circles in succession, use 1 rocket out each time. (I have seen merc/commando have problems when they get two circles in a row). Izax missile phase, use 2x rocket out for 2 phases and hydraulic for another. Dread council - kiting Raptus. As for DPS, Arsenal is not supposed to have the highest dps parse. As a RANGED burst dps that can off-heal and have great defensive cooldowns, it is in the perfect place. Arsenal is good enough to clear any HM raids. If you are doing NiM raids, then you better learn IO. I know many raiders who won't take you seriously at top end raids unless you know how to play IO. In 90% of the gameplay Arsenal is fine as it is and can clear everything. Only in the very top end, you may need to swap to IO if you want to put in some extra numbers. And if you ARE playing at the very top end, than you better be used to not only swapping between one spec to another, but even swapping classes when the fight calls for it. Which is fine, because no one spec should be the king in every single content.
  13. I almost got really excited when I saw this. For the longest time I've wanted to have an ability that lights the Oil Slick on fire, either turning it into an AOE damage or have Firestorm put a burn/dot on anyone standing in Oil Slick.... Please devs give us a Oil Slick/Firestorm combo as an offensive ability
  14. This is actually not bad. Mercs don't need more defensive/offensive abilities, they are decent as they are. This will actually help them get out of tight spots in raids. Often times you need fast movement abilities in some fights and this will help with that. These seem extremely good. So mercs are getting a almost permanent 10% crit or 15% crit to their filler. Meanwhile assassins get Shadowcraft where using phantom stride out of stealth gives them 1 crit ability (once ever 1.15 minute best case scenario). Hopefully more 'balance' takes place....
  15. This is perfectly fine. Currently getting Conquest is way too easy. By the end of the week, I have several toons on 60-150K conquest, and that's by doing everyday stuff. Currently if you run an Operation, you end up with around 20K points. Even more if the operation is part of the conquest objective. We've regularly had to have players switch out 3-4 bosses in an operation because their character just hit objective, and probably get a second character close to conquest by the end of the OP. Conquest shouldn't be something you get done after just 1-2 activities. It should at least take 2-3 days of 1-2 activity per day. You should be able to get 3-5 characters to conquest, not 10-15 characters per week (as many have been doing since the last conquest changes). If nothing else, look at the cost of Charged Matter on GTN. It has dropped from 2 mil to about 600-700K because of how easy it has become to earn conquest. This has made many of the large guilds to opt out of going for large yield to medium/small because the reward has become meaningless for large yield (because too many people are getting them, saturating the market). Going back to 50K, will ensure that the rewards are worthwhile and we will go back to having 3-4 characters meeting conquest rather than 10-15 per account.
  16. Everyone here is talking about Ranked PvP..... Okay, lets talk Ranked PvP, this would actually be justifiable. Juggernauts are already the first ones to be targeted down in Solo Ranked. And lets not forget that Mercs have 3 defensive cooldowns that already heal them up, not to mention the actual healing abilities. So even if Juggs got their heal back to full twice, it's nothing compared to Mercs who can literally heal back to full 3-4 times currently. Anyway, I'm more concerned about the PvE aspects. It's hard to say the effect these set bonuses/tacticals will have without seeing the changes that other build in passives that the class will have. You know... all those minor nodes in the 'skill tree' that very few look at. Without understanding how everything interacts with each other, it is hard to say if things will fit in. Vengeance juggernaut currently has one of the best set rotation that runs very smoothly, because everything is predictable. If we introduce RNG, like reducing cooldown of Vengeful slam, or having vicious slash extend time of two of our dots, it might not be stable. We actually have to see the gameplay in PTS to really understand if these bonuses/tacticals work. There is no point in reducing cooldown of Vengeful Slam if we need to delay it to put dots on enemies and such. Similarly if Vicious Slash extends the dot of Impale of force scream and impale, do we need to use those abilities after the first time we apply? Or does that take both Impale and Scream out of our rotation since we will be able to continuously extend the duration by using Vicious slash? Personally I think Vengeance is in it's best iteration currently as far as rotation and skills goes. Because everything just seems to 'fit' perfectly and comes off cooldown at the right time with the proper resource management. We will have to see how these new tacticals affect the overall rotation and gameplay.
  17. I am a bit confused with the set bonuses. Normally you have a 'set' where you gain more abilities with 2pc/4pc/6pc. However here you just have descriptions of some 'ideas'. Should you have a set piece where you have a certain ability for 2pc (usually a bit weaker), than something for 4pc and then for 6pc. So even if you have one set piece for tank spec, and one for dps spec, you should have at least 6 abilities and grouped together where it makes sense. With the different abilities you have mentioned, it's hard to get an idea of what it's going to do unless we see the whole set. I'd imagine a tank set piece would have more defensive abilities vs a dps one which will be more offensive. Furthermore you can break it down to single target dps set bonus vs aoe dps set bonus. Or even hatred set bonus vs deception set bonus, which takes the spec into account. It still feels like these are vague ideas of what you want to accomplish rather than a concrete idea of what will be. (I can see Deflecting Slashes, Steely Spike and Projected Shroud being part of 1 set piece. 2PC: Deflecting Slashes, 4PC: Steely Spike, 6PC: Projected Shroud for Darkness spec) PS: Anyone wondering how charges and timers will work, here is a pic of how it works in WoW. It will most likely be the same here: https://media.wago.io/screenshots/r11CnDRVQ/5be3a8028408824931b74c42.gif. You can see both the first ability and fourth ability have 2 charges.
  18. I actually like these changes. Remember, not every set bonus has to be for you. Some of it will be for very niche gameplay. I see some people complaining that the Force Slow won't be useful in PvE, that's because that isn't for you. The force slow is for PvP. Similarly there are some set bonus will be useful in PvE and not so much in PvP or even in Open World. The debate on Seething Power, overload increases damage reduction. I can see this being very useful in both PvE and PvP. I'll give some situations below. PvP: - Combined with electric binding. If you are fighting two players, one melee and one range. Use overload on the melee, that will knock him back and bind him for X seconds. Continue fighting the ranged player, now with 10% damage reduction for 10 seconds. Could be a situation where you might be able to kill of the ranged player if he was low on health, than kite and kill the melee player. Remember, the 10% damage reduction is from all sources, not only from the mob/person you knocked back. PvE: - Constantly use overload whenever there are AOE/splash damage in fights. - EC: First boss, tank (double destruction), mines (knock back range adds) - Dread Fortress: Use on first boss to reduce dot damage, Draxus: knock back subteroth for explosion, Grob'thok: Pipe Smash (wow), Corruptor Zero: ranged adds, Draxus: 6-finger phase, burn phase, etc. - Dread Palace: Tyrans: whenver you get dot, Raptus: whenver, Council fight: kite Raptus, burn phase - So much more, you get the idea. This is basically a 10% damage reduction for 10 seconds on a 17ish second timer? This changes the overload ability to a partial defensive cooldown with the knockback just being a side effect. You don't even need a target, you can pop this for aoe damages, circles on ground and whatever and still get damage reduction. Not to mention the auto-crit that you are getting every 10ish seconds. For a base class set bonus, this is actually pretty good. Currently most classes have a set bonus with auto-crit on a 30 second to a minute timer, this is already an upgrade.
  19. One of the system that I saw in a different game that I thought was really great and encouraged play was the following. * Remove rating decrease for a loss until you reach a certain rank (bronze). Start rating from match 1 and start at 0. * Once you reach bronze rank, you can lose rating for a loss but win should give higher rating gain than losses. * Once you reach the next tier (gold) increase the rating loss for losses. * Have an additional incentive to keep playing. Have a bar that you can fill up that earns you a mount. For each win, 2% of the bar is filled, for each loss 1% of the bar is filled. This way even if you are losing, you are encouraged to keep playing because you know you will get to the end goal. Where as currently if your first 10-20 matches don't go well, you pretty much give up on that toon and try a different one. I think that if you have a 50/50 win loss ratio, you should be able to reach the silver rank at the end of the season. Many people are discouraged from doing ranked in the fist place because a few losses (specially early on) can mess up the entire season.
  20. This does not help at all. In PvP, even if you reduce the damage that tanks do, it will STILL be better to gear a tank in dps gear than to have proper tanking gear. The problem is that tanking gear doesn't do much, your shield/defense is fairly worthless so all a tank is, is basically a gimped dps. It doesn't matter if you are reducing the overall damage that tanks do, as it will even out from both sides. Meanwhile, this negatively impacts PvE, because now you are cutting into the overall damage that an OPs group will do. This is just an example of another knee jerk change done because of PvP that is only going to end up affecting PvE. This change is not going to affect PvP at all, on the other hand, it's just going to cause problems in PvE. A better solution would be to actually change how tanks work overall in PvP. Make our shield/defense mean something. Or just give us a 'reverse bolster' that reduces the power or other stats in PvP only (if you queue as tank).
  21. For any group that haven't found the Mini Boss that unlocks the shortcut to Scyva, below is a video showing the path. This allows you to take the Tram right up to Scyva's boss room in case of a wipe. It's very easy to miss if you don't go out of your way to look for it.
  22. Yeah we actually had a lot of fun getting up to the boss. The change in scenery and finally seeing some green was a breath of fresh air. The water hydraulic area was also really nicely done.
  23. Maybe it's just me, but after 2-3 months of waiting, this boss was extremely underwhelming compared to the first 3 bosses. We went in not knowing what the fight was about, and first pull got him to 15% and second pull took him down. Honestly, none of even really know what the mechanics to the boss are, and yet we took him out like nothing. Basically stand inside shield in first phase, kill the adds in second phase, and tank and spank once Scyva comes out. When Scyva comes out, we gain a new ability, and none of could even figure out what it's for as we never even ended up using it, or using it properly. All it seemed to do was put an arrow on top of our head. Nahut was definitely a LOT more interesting and took us quite a few tries to even get through Phase 1 and took quite a few pulls to come up with the right strategies. Compared to that, we pretty much went in blind and blundered our way to a win with Scyva. Almost feels like the boss is unfinished or there are some mechanics/phases missing. The fight also seemed very short. The actual path to get to the boss with the adds and the waterfall area was a LOT more interesting than the actual boss fight.
  24. It's a promotion from Nvidia. Obviously they must have made some sort of agreement with EA/Bioware. It's no different from when the same game released for Xbox vs Playstation will have an exclusive character/chapter/content.
  25. Well yes that's the point. Learning class will obviously raise their dps a lot more, but assuming that they aren't going to get that much more, I have to ramp up my game to cover for them. Obviously in an ideal situation, everyone would be pulling their optimal dps because they know their class, but most players are not going to be playing their optimal role. We have players who use their mouse to click on skills and have a very low APM, I'm not going to go tell them to change their play style. Instead I'm going to try my best to go that extra mile, so they don't have to.
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