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Posts posted by Foambreaker

  1. The standard "Entertainment Bite" world wide is 2 people 2 hours; "a couple", an evening of entertainment.


    The first game that has the courage to buck the trend and go with that will win it all.


    As it stands there are still a lot of game developers who really think that my wife and I want to play with 8-16 strangers and loud mouth kids; not we dispise that aspect of these games.

  2. First, I want to start off by saying that we really need to cut bioware some slack here. I didn't realize how remarkable this game was until I foolishly bought MOP. After spending a night in Pandaria I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a super mario brothers MMO. Gone is the dark and Gothic atmosphere that made WoW such an engrossing experience, it's now been replaced with a bright and cutesy theme that almost makes it mundane and unplayable.


    I think we really need to give bioware some more time, and bioware needs to learn to listen to it's player base also. This game has so much more potential than any other game in the market, they just need the right minds to bring it to fruition. IMO you can accomplish that by hiring proven talent. I dream of the day when Swtor has a super warzones like Altarec Valley or Winstergrasp in WOW, and a Starship warzone would be out of this world. I've made my decision that I'm staying with Bioware to the end, despite the fact that they've nerfed my Madness Sorc into the ground.


    When a game gets to the point where they release a theme completely outside the context just to please marketing you know it is over. We saw this with UO as well.


    As far as cutting BW some slack, yes and no.


    Yes, this game is way better than WthoW was when it was released. People should know WoW had no PvP except world, which contray to nostagia sucked, and the endgame content did not come till like a year later. There was no group finder, it was bare bones.


    If the original WoW and this game we released on the same day, the original WoW would fail bad.


    No, the problems we are seeing at this point are indivdual workmanship issues and low level management failures, we should not cut them slack anymore than you would cut a plumber slack if he gouged up the chrome on a new faucet with a tool.


    Poor workmanship is never excusable, the issues we are seeing should have been caught by the engineers in unit testing, they either ignored the problems or skipped unit testing.

  3. I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed.


    I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


    So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet?



    As of last night I still had the stutter, the "white box" on the login screen and the left over UI parts on screen changes.


    It's playable, but it looks like crap.

  4. Ever been in a game just for fun, and all of a sudden someone gets all upset?


    Then another person says, "Since when did we start keeping score?"


    As soon as everything is tracked and measured it becomes nothing but a peen contest, the fun is gone.


    That entire meta game rat race is one thing I really don't miss about WoW.



    Going to the OPs post, if we had meters, the person who was percieved to be "under performing" would get ****/kicked.


    How fun is that!

  5. Customer testing is not the answer to poor attention to detail.


    For example, no one created a legacy, no one, we know this because that feature is still down. If they had run it even once they would have known.


    It was the responsiblity of the developer who changed the naming requirements for legacies to unit test his code by creating AT LEAST one legacy, he failed.


    His boss failed and everyone downstream failed.


    Same for the "White Box" that flashes on many peoples char selection screen, how did this get missed?


    These are basic workmanship issues and because it is so wide spread it indicates the teams and management are non-functional.

  6. Old article.


    The result the first time it appeared on these forums was a firestorm. Please use search. :cool:


    The salient take away was that EA says *WE* the players left SWTOR because of the subscription instead of the lack of content and features that many AAA MMORPGs have and which we have grown accustomed.


    If you want to ADD to that the recient craptastic Patch 1.4, I would be surprised if EAware keeps 500K subscribers if they don't fix many of the errors introduced and REintroduced with this patch. :rolleyes:


    I like the "AAA" comment, as if WoW was triple A when it came out. If WoW were released today, in the condition it was when it hit the streets, it would flop. It had no end game content, no PvP content except world which sucked bad, no group finder or any of those other "AAA" features.


    WoW had timing most of all, at the time it's compitition was was UO and EQ, UO was self destructing and people were bored with EQ.

  7. Wow I didn't realize I had started a 4 page thread. Thanks for all the replies.


    I think the one thing I saw that really stood out was that by using group finder I am getting LESS points, which is totally backwards.


    I now understand that social points are really "quest start" and "quest end" points, the fact that I meet new people on almost every run means nothing socially :rolleyes:


    I don't actually care that much, looks like an aspect of the game I will not be using. All I really wanted to do was using the social III sand people set while questing in Tatooine. :confused:

  8. So I got the legacy weapon kit and I was going to get a weapon.


    Do the stats on these legacy items upgrade each time a user makes level, or are they basically a really nice L14 item you grow out of?


    I was thinking of getting the weapon for a level 23 toon but itf the stats don't grow that would be foolish.

  9. These games are just like a movie, everything is awesome until you watch it too many times... ;)


    To me the whole idea that we should play the same game for a long time is wrong, play the game, enjoy it, play the next game. Not hang out and badger the director to change the movie and re-release it just because we have seen it 100000 times.


    All that leads to is a panda release :D

  10. Besides dungeons how do you get these.


    I have a healer that has been leveling in flashpoints (mostly Group Finder), and I would have thought that would produce at least enough social points to keep up with the social vendor items at that level but I am finding that I still don't have enough points to get the items at the cantina for my level.


    I leveled my other toons on missions and needless to say they have almost no points, I had though the healer would be different having spent all that time in groups.


    Is the only way to actually get that stuff to make level 50, grind then go back to low level worlds for it?

  11. "4 Man" groups that can include pets to make up the difference.


    The one thing my wife and I hated about WoW is there was no dungeon or quest content where a husband and wife could enjoy an evening without 3 strangers. The quests you could do as a team, but how pointless is that.


    Here we have heroics that can also be done by couples.


    EA should market how couple friendly this game is, we gamers have grown up and gotten hitched, we want 2 people 2 hour fun bites and this game delivers.

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