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Posts posted by Foambreaker

  1. How would you work that for Implants, where 2 of the same are needed for most classes?


    I do think this gearing system needs to be better tuned - don't mistake my question for support of a crappy gearing system.


    Simply add a count and consider a duplicate if the count is reached.


    These are super simple logic items to add.

  2. on our side it is also a pretty large undertaking to resolve.


    Translation for those who do not work for software companies:


    Rather than just rollback the change that broke the AI we are going to turn it into some big project with other "cool features", it will take a long time and suck worse when released.

  3. EVE?


    Looks at skill injectors


    Yeeeah, no.


    Recommendation: If you're there to play competitively with mechanics, never touch anything multiplayer ever again. The market (read: people with waaaaay too much disposable income) has spoken, and it loooooves pay-to-win garbage.


    In EVE Skills as in SP don't mean anything, except I suppose allow people to lose better ships :)

  4. While technically true, the current system isn't an accurate ranking system either. A professional system would not have:



    • Trolls / throwers
    • Hackers
    • Queue syncs
    • None mirror classes
    • An ELO system that pitch high and low against each other
    • No supervision
    • PVE farmers and similar
    • General class imbalance


    While a point system isn't perfect, it would be a huge improvement.


    None of those things are a factor of the scoring system.

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