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Everything posted by holmeskywalkr

  1. Yellow and green cleaves from coratanni fight seem to be reflectable but that's one tick and for yellow's one you need immune with charge to avoid getting knockbacked. It should work on death mouses also like brontes orbs or bulo's lifters.
  2. Probably the xx th topic about it, get your head of your assis, currently the guar/jugg is awesome except maybe on Revan by lack of benchs.
  3. Didnt know it, i used to keep my saber reflet for the shoots lasers actually thx for the tip.
  4. Never forget council' fingers mate, he made 4570+, time to swallow your "pride"
  5. Dont forget that you can choose only 2 Heroic utilities maximum
  6. This only confirm devs dont know their class at all and totally imbalance PvE by buffing more PvP (how it that possible ?) nobody dreamt of that, they made it ! Being guard/jugg dps in PvE is almost a no-sense today 'cause in devs minds we are just supposed to tank ! Delete dps trees, seriously, the vigilance is just a bad hybrid of watchman/combat sentinel tree so let it go, but we're already on the way. Enough complain, thanks for the awesome changes, will do my best with it while others able tanks classes rocks more than ever. Ridiculous...
  7. Sorry wrong topic and classes lolz
  8. Déjà la première phrase: nous vous invitons à consulter l'article sur les Sentinelles pour connaître les changements apportés à la classe de base du chevalier Jedi; le ton est donné La suite est grotesque, et le lancer de sabre qui root va encore rendre plus op la classe en pvp, voyons: lancer de sabre qui root, saut qui root, frappe experte qui root x2, juste n'importe quoi, comment déséquilibrer totalement le pve en bourrant le pvp, merci, on a fini de rêver depuis la 2.6. Mention spéciale pour notre nouveau buff de vitesse au nom de talent génial : véritable harmonie, je suis conquis. Formes dps qui perdent 1% de leur gain actuel, +1% sur les dots à 135 en vigi, 2% sur la frappe experte, on est bons. mdr
  9. So if I got it right we'll be capable of protect allies and boost their speed; we wont talk about the 5% buff on melee caus' mara/sents got it too, oh wait we win 1% on dots, worst class ever °°
  10. Don't care about proving anything to anyone because the classe is supposed to be lower or lame or unplayed. Be proud to play your class correctly if thats your favourite. Know the fights, phases, tips, rock yourself on rotation, position and movement and you'll be perfectly suitable for any nim fights period. Kal amost said everything, even too much ^^ personally i'd never change stance to take more than one orb except extrem emergency case but dont take that reflex thats not your job even if having offtanking abilities is always better for a very good fights' approach. ps: However dont expect to be at fotm classes level of course, I usually do 2500-2600 on this fight and that's quite good when we know our burst is relic procs and adrenal ^^
  11. Finally got mh from council 16 last night, i will try some dummies until 3.0 and post screens here for lots of lolz and break 4.5k
  12. Datamining 3.0: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MjLSplSFSPGTsxuGiOAj--XbL6uY8BBBP-xEVFXoNjg/pubhtml#
  13. Same but apparently not, still on sentinels but reduces to 10s, and apparently guardian (like shadows,vanguards) would get a defensive raid cd (tank-able classes) wait&see. U got mh since time?
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