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Posts posted by WulframH

  1. Take your lvl 55 character to oricon on a dps class with low lvl influence companion. Solo the heroic without dying multiple times and post the video. Till then i am not gonna take anything you says seriously.


    If you're citing a specific Heroic, then that's a sign that Heroic is too tough, not that the companions are too weak.

  2. And I dont want buffs either I want companions restored back to pre 4.0


    But then they'd be for the vast majority of players a lot weaker than they are even now, and Bioware would have an even bigger revolt on their hands.


    I mean, they might be weaker now than they were if you geared them properly, but people generally didn't. A lot of people complaining about the companions now are annoyed because they don't want to have to grind gear for the player, how will telling them to grind gear for their pets go down?

  3. Level 65 Sage in DPS mode. Mostly 208s, some basic PVP gear. Using a 1 influence companion in a variety of roles/


    The Heroics on Belsavis were fine, fairly easy. On Makeb however:

    For the Record is almost impossible without a partner because of the poison gas.

    Savage Skies the fight with the Turrets is challenging though doable with healing companion and sensible use of AoEs to clear the adds.

    Vipers Nest is extremely hard when you're swarmed with silvers. There's way too much damage if you're soloing


    I then got Qyzen who I think was 17 Inluence

    Heroic Star Fortress

    Was fairly challenging up to the Exarch, using Qyzen as a DPS. However the exarch trounced me whatever role I used my companion in despite using heroic moment, interrupting his impale attack, some attempted kiting and so forth. I then switched my character to Healer spec and Qyzen as a tank, and with that setup the combat was not especially challenging.


    I also had a 65 tank Assassin run through the voss heroics, without any major issues. Had some trouble with the First Commando's call boss, but I think that was because I didn't deal with his spin attack correctly and got my companion killed.

  4. I have been upset at the comp changes with 4.02 and I overreacted in my statements about it so now I wanna ask a no hyperbole question.


    Is it still possible to solo the planet H2+'s without having to buy Treek or get a grp?


    All but a few, yes.


    VIpers Nest and For The Record on Makeb you should probably skip. For the Record doesn't have much to do with the Companions, its just not really possible without two people at least without some really clever stuff.

  5. Well, you're pretty tough. Most people aren't that well equipped, or honestly that good. I had some trouble with the opening fight in The Tyrant, and ended up running away and doing it in two tries. But I agree its basically fine.


    You could try Vipers Nest on Makeb, that's the one that's really given me trouble so far. Well, that and the one with the poison gas but that's got nothing to do with the companions.

  6. I would disagree. They need a boost, about a 5 percent increase in the effect of influence/presence and a healing boost between 10 to 25 percent IMO.


    If they buff something, it should be base stats not influence. Boosting influence will mostly help the people who are already strong, and probably relatively skilled, rather than the people who actually need the help.

  7. BW themselves said it. If you can't do [Heroc 2] with your companion, the nerf was too much.


    Or that Heroic is a bit too tough. If 95% of the heroics are fine and the rest are a bit too tough, then they need to nerf the 5%, not buff the companions and trivialise everything except those 5%.


    Or possibly the played needs to improve.


    edit: I haven't tried all the heroics, but Voss is certainly fine to solo. Though the First Commandoes Call was a bit of a challenge on the boss.

  8. Game is still insanely solo friendly


    Star Fortress H2 is presented like a Flashpoint more then a heroic.

    Just a 2 man flashpoint


    And its still very soloable if a player utilizes their abilities and items


    Facing a group of mobs with one elite?

    CC the Elite so you can clear out the others first


    Dont want droid to summon reinforcements?

    Interupt the ability when its being channeled


    Need a fast heal in combat?

    Utilize your stun or other CC type ability that all classes have

    Utilize a knockback


    ect ect ect


    There is absolutely nothing wrong with having content that requires thought on the players part to complete.


    You're missing my point. All I'm saying is that the Heroic Star Fortress is much tougher than other H2 content, and if its not intended to be then it should be nerfed.


    If it is intended to be tougher than the other H2s, that's fine, though they could perhaps do better at conveying that so people don't try it without expecting a very high degree of challenge.


    What shouldn't happen is the companions being buffed to make the current Heroic Star Fortress more easily soloable, because that would screw the rest of the content in the game.

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