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Posts posted by WulframH

  1. The game would disagree with you.


    When you start KotFE's chapter 1 with a token level 60, you are welcomed on board the ship as Darth Imperious. (Not Nox cause you don't have DS points).


    So even though I agree with the general sentiment that titles should normally be earned, why are you greeted as a Darth but do not have the title?


    It's inconsistent at least.


    Well, the titles have always been for other players, not in universe. Otherwise running around with a "double agent" title should get you shot.

  2. 3. Will F2P get this later on as well?


    I doubt F2P will ever get it. F2P are still stuck at level 50.


    They might eventually try selling access to it for cartel coins? That seems like the most sensible way to make it available for people who weren't subbed for the relevant period.

  3. Bioware is a multi-billion dollar corporation with the backing of Electronic Arts, so stop with the weak "finite resources" rhetoric. There's nothing finite that a few fat stacks of cash, some ads on career builder or monster for developers, and one month to learn the ropes wouldn't fix....


    EA aren't supporting this game as an infinite money pit, they need to make a profit.


    At the moment they need to focus on delivering regular new chapters to justify peoples subs

  4. I personally don't mind this. I hate the mentality of thinking everyone should already know how to beat every boss, and if they don't they should watch a video before hand. Just boring and pointless. If someone is new to the flash point, explain it to them patiently. Mmos get a bad name because a lot of people can't seem to do this. If they can't, then don't do flash points with random people. I think these people are the problem, not the newcomers.


    I agree. But its a bit frustrating when no one else in the group knows to use Interrupts or basic class mechanics like "mind maze" for shadows.

  5. I generally don't find tactical flashpoints too bad, though you need to accept that you'll die a few times. There are a few FPs that are problematic (final boss on Taral V for example) but most seem pretty fair so long as you use the kolto stations properly. Trash pulls could stand to be nerfed since without healers or kolto they're a bit tough sometimes, but they're not a terrible problem now - even if you wipe on one you should have done enough damage to succeed next time around.


    A lot of the problem is that people aren't very good at using kolto stations.


    edit: I do think something needed to be done. I thought the old story flashpoints were great if you were healer or tank, but the queues for DPS were ridiculous. Now, I think the tactical flashpoints even help you get into the Hard Modes as a DPS, because the surplus DPS characters are off doing tacticals.

  6. What is the point of having leveling such a large part of the game if you have level sync making the levels pointless?


    Just curious really, don't care much either way but seems strange to me to make you level then take those levels away depending on where you are standing.


    Level sync doesn't make the levels pointless, you still have a whole bunch of extra powers.


    I think the best purpose of levelling is to give you the opportunity to learn your class gradually, rather than dumping you in with a ton of different powers. Even when I'm just returning to a class I haven't played a while, all those buttons can be intimidating.


    It also allows them to include a gear grind and to gate content. And people like to see their numbers going up, apparently.

  7. Guess what? Tried it. Still can't solo it for the achievement.


    Despite some good 216-220 gear, a companion lvl 36 and pulling all the stops (heroic moment, stims,...). I didn't even manage to get past the last console on the way to the exarch. I'm a melee DPS and my healer dies way too fast and I can't heal myself, or even manage to get the heat off him enough/kill the mobs quickly enough, so i would say, that the new buff didn't change a thing for me for the heroic +2 SF.


    It might actually be easier to use DPS companion for that fight. It's a tough encounter, but killing stuff fast to reduce the amount of damage seemed to work better than trying to heal through it. Though I was a sage so I had some self heal going on.

  8. Not using the buffs it still seemed reasonably challenging. But doable for my well geared sage with a level 21 Qyzen healing me for that last bit. The room before the final boss fight was tougher than the actual exarch fight, because Qyzen could keep me healed up as long as I didn't screw up.
  9. Ah, that makes sense, I was thinking in terms of KotFE story content. My bad. :)


    And yeah, I agree with what you're saying, the story content should be pretty trivial, by that meaning, in the mindset of, a new player for example, if story leveling is challenging, say Coruscant and up to mid-point planets like Balmorra or Hoth, how far would a new player get before thinking, crap, if it's this challenging at levels 12 to 40, what the heck is it gonna be at 60 and up?


    But with the current design, its quite likely to be actually somewhat challenging up to level 7-8, then uber companion in shows up and takes away all the challenge


    Maybe I'm in a small percentage that feel this way but, I believe it should be just challenging enough to teach the new player to use interrupts, CC's, and such, but not in anyway make it one mistake you're dead, on lower leveling planets.


    Honestly, the stories have never been challenging enough to teach the player to use interrupts bar a few very specific bosses. This is actually a major problem for the game that actually in some ways makes it harder - since you can essentially cruise up to 65 without learning key mechanics or having any sort of rotation beyond maybe "click the glowy buttons", when actually challenging content shows up people are pretty lost. And really its a lot harder to suddenly have to learn how to play the game at 65 than at level 10, because you've got a hell of a lot more buttons to worry about.


    (Though there is a guy in the Agent story now on Hutta who can quite easily be one mistake and you're dead because you don't have your companion yet.)

  10. This has more to do with Level Sync then anything else. It does not work like bolster which looks at each slot, it looks at overall stat total and says if stat exceeds x then adjust down to y. So while your pants may have been lacking *snicker*, your other gear may have pushed the total overall to exceed said number.


    Does level sync affect you even if you're within a level of the content?

  11. I was actually speaking to the apology they offered, pointing out it was not the first time but it is not a common thing in the history of this game.


    Sorry, my fault. I was quoting the wrong post, I wasn't responding to you. I still expect "Quote" to be at the bottom not the top, so I always get this wrong, and I clearly didn't check before posting.

  12. I'm pretty sure (highlighted in Bold) they still expect players be challenged, not easily do, without gearing up and getting Companion Influences up.


    Maybe it's just easy to miss that, but it is there. I couldn't find the part about it being a "Stroll in the Park", though I did look for it :)


    They intend for the Heroic Star Fortress stuff to be challenging, sure. It probably still will be even with the buff. But that's clearly contrasted to the rest of the Heroic 2+ stuff where the message is simple - fast, easy soloing in whatever gear you show up in is what they've decided people want, and what people are getting

  13. edit: Right quote now

    working as intended. look let's face it, people don't typically play bioware RPGs for the challange.



    Bioware RPGs aren't difficult, but they're not as easy as even the level the story is now. I mean, I just fought the Imperial Agent Act 1 Boss and it was an utter joke and it wasn't like I was overleveled or well equipped or anything. I had on pants that I'd got on Hutta!


    And it's always going to be, based on the current design philosophy. Bosses in the story are basically lone Golds, so they're quite literally less than half as difficult as a routine pull in a Heroic, so if those are supposed to be light and relaxing, what can the story combat be but an utter snoozefest.


    Bioware RPGs also tend to have difficulty options, so perhaps SWtOR needs that. A Heroic Story option could work nicely - tick a box and your instanced story stuff is buffed to Heroic 2+ levels, and is still pretty easy but needs you to stay awake.


    (edit: Though there was a challenging fight before I got my companion, I should mention. Going up solo against a gold at low levels is actually maybe too tough for a newbie. But next mission you get a companion and its cruise mode from then on in)

  14. So if you're now intending the Heroics to be easy, where does that leave the actual story content?


    I mean, if companion + player is supposed to be able to take on Gold + Silver + Silver without any particular skill or gear, how can combats where the toughest fights are Silver + Silver or a Gold on their own be anything but utter strolls in the park?

  15. I don't find healers that useful in most tacticals. The Kolto thingies make them redundant in most boss fights, though they do help avoid the odd death outside of them.


    All melee DPS can be a pain, particularly if the healing stations are inconveniently situated. Or if the ranged DPS aren't inclined to keep an eye on the heals.


    Though the balance is a bit all over the place. I was just doing Directive 7 and it was really pretty easy despite some rather erratic and low level players, while other FPs are a real pain

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