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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. This option should be available next to xp bar as many people were not even aware of the existence of white acute module when x12 was launched. Increases XP should be optional as not everyone tries to reach the highest level asap.
  2. SoR received hate at its release but in hindsight it was a better expansion than KotFE. We received improved cutscenes with KotFE but that's about it. In anything else SoR wins and that expansion kept my guild alive doing new operations regularly and flashpoints for fun. I bet it's not a surprise for you if I say that the guild shortly died after KotFE was released.
  3. Dear Eric,


    I know that you are now making a simple distinction between players as in:


    Subscriber = premium player

    Anyone else = player


    Premium/Subscriber were always interchangeable in MMOs.


    However, those who are not much knowledgeable on SWTOR/MMO topic will get confused because preferred status is still out there and they both sound alike. Your main target is a casual playerbase and this thread is proof that it causes a lot of confusion for them.


    Just drop preferred status and unify it with f2p. Keep a simple distinction between premium and non-premium. Subscriber was a straightforward term while premium and preferred can't co-exist as names unless you want to see regular topics asking for assistance with regard to statuses.

  4. I sent my email in to be validated 2 hours ago and have heard NOTHING yet. I'd like to be able to play my character!

    You what? You are supposed to receive an email and use the code you have there in the game to validate your account. If it doesn't arrive, try to change your email.

  5. For those with this attitude, let's hear why? You only want EZ god mode when you play this game?


    No. I was actually fighting against God Mode and I was also here one of the most active defenders of the level sync feature. But Heroics don't require any tweaking. They are at a fine place right now. They are slighlty challenging for new players that are on the appropriate level for the planet. For veterans everything will be easy on low level planets. Increasing difficulty on them will only affect newcomers and it won't be a positive outcome. Changing the difficulty of heroics is not the proper solution. Gating them behind 4man group or at least 3man would be stupid since it didn't work out previously. Now there is a great incentive to do heroics but that doesn't change the fact that getting more people is time-consuming and you are not guaranteed that your group will actually be full because someone else might be grouping too.


    Nerfing a bit our companions in the heal stance when it increases with each influence level is the right solution but it needs to be done correctly and well balanced.

  6. This is quite frustrating. My friend referred me, I purchased the game, bought a 60 days game card.

    Created a character and it was level 1, deleted and re-created, level 1 again.. deleted and now no token.


    I have created a ticker but upon reading this thread I guess I am in for a long wait... I called the UK customer service and.. well.. to put it politely they couldn't help. Told to sit tight and wait for a fix. Was unable to tell me if my game time would be restarted from when my level 60 character is available.

    The lovely ladies response was "well you can play the game cant you?!" /sigh.


    I wanted to give this game another chance. This has really hurt my 2nd impression. Please just fix it asap.. I want to play with friends. The longer this take the less likely I am to re-sub again.


    You can ask them to freeze your subscription time. After the patch that fixes this bug you can come back and ask them to reactivate your subscription.

  7. They buy and create a character, then they roll need on gear, possibly win it, and then delete the character that they paid money for? What exactly is the problem here, other than people wasting their money?

    They probably send that gear to the character they actually play regularly. That's just plain stupid. They actually lose more than gain since XP gain in operations is huge and they surely get 61 in the middle of run, so after the removal of that character they don't get back a token.

  8. No problem with them and I get 33 mails on each toon :D


    The system is fine, you have lots of rewards, use them or ignore them. They won't be deleted in 30 days, so you can go to them whenever you want or never, want them gone, click through them to mark them read and you can leave them in the mailbox at the bottom.



  9. You say Valkorion didn't have a reason to kill Marr. Of course he did have. When you talk to him he says that Marr was too narrow-minded person stuck to ancient dogmas. Marr would never co-operate.


    Also telepathy =/= force spirit.


    His force spirit proves that Marr is dead for certain. You can't be a force ghost when you are alive somewhere. However, he might come back from the dead. As we know that Palpatine died but preserved in a different body. Vitiate's vessels died many times and yet he is still among us. Maybe Marr learned this trick as well to a certain degree.


    Palpatine had found a different way to cheat death by preserving his spirit after the death of his body, by the method of spirit transference. He arranged for a series of clones of himself to be created for his spirit to possess.
  10. You said explicitely if we wanted we could get ALL companions through a terminal in game.


    Yet from Inquisitor perspective alone I am missing Khem Val. And its weird that I cannot add Xalek to my crew again, even while not doing the alliance mission.


    Once again, live up to your promise you made.


    You can get Xalek on Hoth and he joins you without any problem since he used to be your former companion. I don't know why Khem is not available on the console though? I strongly believe that companions such as Vette will have their role in the further story and yet they are available on the console. I don't know why Khem is an exception then. Maybe his role will be much bigger than of those romanceable companions.


    Anyway.... weren't you supposed to NOT do the new content and unsubscribe because of the level-sync? :cool: I knew all those doomsday sayers would end up playing the game anyway. :cool:

  11. (SPOILERS) What I mean is, here I am, a Master of the Jedi order who has taken out the Emperor, Revan, countless enemies, and worked my way up the food chain to be the Battlemaster of the Jedi order. Putting me on par with a brand new toon on Tython fighting an enemy who I should be able to dodge and take out without a scratch, yet I am taking damage, kind of detracts from the belief that I am now a very powerful Jedi.


    Ok bro. Without level-sync you were also damaged by randoms. At Makeb without your companion you could have taken much more wounds from fightning a frog than you would do from dueling a Jedi Master. That didn't make a sense in immersion at all.


    Oh, another level-sync thread.

    Oh, another illogical and stupid arguments.

    Trash it . Forget it. Let's move along.

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