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Everything posted by Simbr

  1. Nothing has changed, well except consistent desktop crashes since 1.4 and subscriber base dropping by about...wait I can't count that high...%
  2. Do you play on TOFN? If so please add me to your ignore list.
  3. It doesn't matter you will be so bored with the planets on the fifth playthrough that each class will be equally as tedious.
  4. No, f2p doesn't change the game engine. It is doomed to fail.
  5. Last nights debacle shows how reliant we are on Companions in solo PvE. Hardly the Heroic feeling Failware promised at launch!
  6. You can complete it but will have to destroy each of the 4 shields generators with your 4 torpedoes. It means that you can't destroy the ships bridge , more great planning from failware!
  7. Ha ha, yeah Revan even complains about 'the betrayer' but doesn't notice that Scourge is infact standing right next to you! Scourge keeps quiet as well. Well planned Failware!
  8. You ate all the Pies, You ate all the Pies, You fat Baras, you fat Baras, You ate all the Pies!
  9. What about Obi Wan stealing and then giving away AnakIn's bound Lightsaber?! I am reporting him! Plus how many cartel packs did Vader have to buy to get that helmet?
  10. The experience gained from the PvP is more valuable than the gear itself, plus you will still be able to get better gear and make your character stronger. At least Failware made the WH gear so ugly that most of us have it sitting in our cargo holds waiting to be exchanged!
  11. Simbr

    How to fix pvp.

    This is the sad truth. It doesn't happen how many ideas we come up with, mass pvp will never be practical, it is the greatest failing of this game, I hope the next Star Wars MMO will focus on the players having a War and not just having conversations with npcs. The planet invasions late in swg were awesome but this game has no hope handling anything like that, very sad.
  12. Simbr

    7k smash,...intended?

    Liar, SS or didn't happen
  13. why do they keep getting rid of gear? Surely they should be adding more. So that's Recruit, Centurion, Champion and now Battlemaster gear removed, for WH the ugliest armor in history People will still whine about the gear gap, so why have one at all? Just give everyone everything now , that's the direction this game is going in. Perhaps they should sell Valor via CC's or is that being removed as well?
  14. I like the idea of Guardian Leap as a CC breaker, either as part of the ability itself or even as upgrade option in the skill tree. Put it into the suggestion box.
  15. Lol exactly what I was about to say
  16. Its not blue , its same colour as in the OP's screenshot, and armor is identical bar the shoulder pads. I have 2 sets.
  17. I agree with you , although the Jedi Knight character creator armor is available, its the Guardian Exalted Armor from the Legacy vendor. No hood down option though (unless you wear the cy-clops visor) and its missing the cheesy shoulders pads, so looks even better than the one you scrennshotted!
  18. Can't watch these videos without downloading so not going to bother, do they mention using cartel coins to remove the 1.4 desktop crashes? Even to use them to reimburse lost WZ tokens from fore-mentioned crashes?
  19. It takes a split second to switch guard from one player to another. So a tank should switch between dps and healer depending on what is happening. Next time a healer asks me for guard though I will tell him to **** off and direct him to this educated and well thought out thread.
  20. The way this game is going it wont be around in 2015. It will be replaced by Star Wars Mickey Island.
  21. This is a joke thread right? I run solo and couldn't disagree with the OP more. WZ's are team matches, premades only help teams to play with more cohesion and you get them on both sides. It sounds more like your complaints is because you have terrible gear, so man up and gear up!
  22. They will be CG animated films most likely and no respectable actor will go near them after the prequels. /cry
  23. I miss restuss had a lot of fun there, both in large scale battles and 1 v 1 battles between the city/bases I wont miss these warzones and ilum felt like a terrible version of restuss! Got more world pvp running around SF on that game engaging the few others (minus spies lots of them sf lol) that would. Play on a pvp server on this game and its non existent The fact that the pvp servers on this game have the lowest pop shows how much pvp has failed.
  24. Maybe breaking the game recently is all part of their halloween surprise!
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