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Everything posted by PanVlk

  1. Maybe late answer, but chapter IX is basically just a long cutscene. They didn't include veteran or master, because it would get spammed for quick CXP. You should be able to just select chapter X in the chapter window and continue that way... At least if you did KotFE before, which is what I understand from the post.
  2. Yes, I know most movies are under 30 fps. And I also know about Hobbit, although according to you nobody should have seen the difference, right? Yet they did, I wonder why that is the case... Seriously, just open youtube, look for some video with fast scene in 60 fps and then try to watch it in 30 fps. After all, there are even side by side comparison videos you can find in about 15 seconds.
  3. I am an economist, not television person. But I also have eyes, so I can bloody see the difference between a game or a video in 30 and 60 frames per second. I don't need a degree in TV production to be able to do so. And you don't either.
  4. They obviously taught you wrong on the university. Of course human eye/brain combo can easily see the difference between 30 and 60 fps. We perceive anything from 30ish fps up as fluent, but of course 60 fps is more fluent than 30 fps and anyone can easily see it. This is not the first time I see this nonsensical statement and I always wonder why do people repeat it when it can be so easily tested and proved wrong. I mean we are on the videogame site, have you never played a game in 30 fps and then in 60 fps? Or saw 60 fps video on youtube?
  5. It wasn't true, the experience you would earn over the cap while being f2p isn't stored anywhere, you will need to level to 70 normally. But with current amount of XP gains you will be there in no time. Maybe you confused it with credit cap? Because that one works this way, the credits are stored in the escrow and transfered to your inventory once you subscribe.
  6. The duel scene was brilliant. Not only it reminded me of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, ,which is a clever reference to the original trilogy that also found a lot of inspiration with Kurosawa's films... ...but the fight overall really wasn't any shorter than it had to be. Obi Wan was determined to protect Luke, Maul was just desperate to find some meaningful end to his existence. It seemed like Maul was grasping at straws, trying to find some satisfaction in killing Kenobi, when Kenobi didn't care about Maul very much (understandably so). The swift and resolute ending to the fight didn't leave any space for alternate interpretations, it made a situation clear for both parties and it was far more satisfying than some potential attempt for drawn out duel.
  7. There is a way to level up to 75 actually. You either need to finish republic sice Coruscant Heroic Mission "The Face Merchants" 256 times including the bonus mission, or you need to finish Imperial side Dromund Kaas heroic mission "Possessed Hunter" 256 times. After this you get a secret achievement, 1200 cartel coins and you level up. Only few people know about this.
  8. Master strike was a channeled ability that basically locked you in place for the duration (or more accurately, you could move, but it would cancel the channel). They revorked the ability, it has instant activation time so you can perform it while moving. With that goes new animation. This was a good change, it gives sentinels/marauders better mobility.
  9. Keep in mind the game mostly guides you through the story in correct order. You don't really need to do much research, just play the game, keep your eyes open and you will figure it out:). Take your time, try not to skip much stuff except for annoying "collect 10 squirrel tails" style sidequests, try some easier group content (flashpoints) for some additional side stories and such. The leveling story content makes up most of the game, so there is no need to rush towards largely repetitive endgame.
  10. I always thought the mandalorian "culture" as it is described in EU is loads of poppycock. They are just a bunch of delusional thugs trying to insert some nonexistent honor into life of random killing. Meh. Hopefully if they get into movies they will be more than militant simpletons spewing nonsensical phrases about honor in fighting.
  11. You don't need second player or lvl 50 comp to solo group version of star fortress...
  12. Another small tip: Don't use "usable by" filter option in GTN search. That one never worked and Bioware never bothered to fix it or remove it.
  13. How would you expect it to "turn out"? Storywise the level makes no difference whatsoever and gameplay wise it doesn't either, because KotFE and KotET story modes are incredibly easy no matter what level/gear you have while playing them.
  14. Yes, if you are subscriber, you should have access to level 70 and both KotFE and KotET expansions. Keep in mind you need to be paying sub, not just having a temporary subscriber status from referral link, that doesn't unlock the expansions. If you are proper subscriber and still don't get any XP, it must be a bug and I recommend submitting the ticket. btw: the information in the account settings is out of date, it just shows the basic game and RotHC for me for instance, so don't pay any attention to that.
  15. Grind quick heroics, especially the ones on first two or three planets, as you tear through them quickly with high level character.
  16. Press escape and turn off the tutorial. When you start the chapter, you get a choice between tutorial mode and standard mode. Tutorial only gives you few abilities in the beginning and rest later on. Turn it off and you will be fine.
  17. As a "professional IT specialist" you could have realized many of these are simply not possible due to cutscenes and romances. The story is clearly made for humanoids with height of those 4 basic bodytypes, adding a Rodian, Voss, or Yoda species would require reworking all the cutscenes. For many of them there would obviously also be an issue with voice acting and romances. Also, ingame support tickets aren't meant for these far fetched (and discussed to death) suggestions, and neither is this section of the forums.
  18. It's not just this one, for example Done and Dusted or whatever it is called is a problem without a healer as well. The healing station are one time use, there are two long bossfights in one area (sometimes more if the first boss lady is in the mood to reset repeatedly) and without the heals it's just wipefest. I only tried pugging story mode uprisings few times and since then I only do hard modes, as they are much easier doe to presence of healer and tank imho.
  19. Story mode are bolstered in a way that having pretty much anything in all slots should be sufficient. With 230 gear you are completely safe for all story modes, so focus on mechanics and rotation and you won't hit any troubles there. 230 gear should be sufficient at least for easier hard modes as well, if you have it augmented and if you know what to do. If you are starting with ops, start with story modes though.
  20. I am sometimes farming this chapter with my watchman, running through it under 10 minutes, so it certainly is doable with sentinel. The minibosses are the easiest thing there, the trashpacks hit much harder. Are you using rebuke, saber ward, zen, stuns, interupts, guarded by the force when sh*t hits the fan and so on?
  21. I think ctrl+u is a shortcut for UI reset. Yeah, this thing sometimes happens, as well as pieces of interface getting stuck on the screen (temporary quickbars, guild control messages etc), the UI reset fixes it reliably.
  22. They are actually the most efficient. Since there is a reverse bolster now, you never technically overlevel them, they will get you same credits/XP/loot as higher level ones and they are often quicker.
  23. Yeah, veteran mode is difficult. I think you should be able to do some chapters with sentinel in 228-230 gear, but you need to use all your tools. Like aoe stun thing, that prevents packs of hard hitting trash to burn you down in few seconds, and your defensive cooldowns (not all at once). I am often soloing chapter one of KotFE on my sentinel in 230ish gear for quick CXP, but even if you get through it, you will probably hit a wall in chapter 2. I don't think you will pass the monolith boss.
  24. Wait, you played 80 characters and haven't reached legacy 10? How is that possible? Did you spend more than few minutes with any of them? In any case, I don't think this is really something anyone can help you with. If you want to stick with one character more, just do it. Only you know which spec you enjoy marginally more than others.
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