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Everything posted by Nimorex

  1. In order to learn the schmatic for artful mod 27 I had to run my *** off in ops for black hole comms to get black hole gear to re for stabs....then get artful mods crafted and re them.. I re 11 mods before I got schematic.......it took me a few weeks of running hm and sm of every op I could to get mats. at the rate at which I crit while crafting I would have to craft 54 mods to get enough crits to sell just to recoup cost of getting schematic and thats not including my time.. So while I dont ask for a fee, unless im selling premade from the bank, I do understand the people who may require one. And yes when I trade my own items and only say tips appreciated I usually more often then not receive more then 50k. Have also received nothing and thats ok too But dont bash the folks that do ask for a fee (unless the fee is stupid high). and as far as harbinger crafters guild goes....you could even consider it a convience fee, because you can get all of your item modifications from 1 place
  2. I have had shadowshot, and numlock craft lots of stuff for me before shadow started the guild. Also xavierbrutus crafts alot of stuff for harbinger crafters and he is in psy-ops with me. So I ask lots of questions and have recently added an alt into harbinger crafters as I thought the entire concept is pretty neat..even though I only have a few 27 schematics If im in trade selling stuff I craft...i just say tips apprrciated..but if someone asks for something that I cant craft I log over to my alt and sell the premade for the standard fee
  3. Ok so i only recently became aware of the crafting guild <Harbinger Crafter>, or cartel as some people say. I have noticed though that either people understand what going on and love it or they hate it. so let me pass on how is was explained to me. the number one thing i see that upsets people is the standard FEE for crafting item. Now i dont think this fee is anything crazy..but some people think it is out of this world. the standard fee they charge is: Mods/enhancements 50k Armorings 100k Barrels/hilts 150k So maybe if people know what this fee is for and where it goes, it wont seem so bad. Crafters in the guild go to the guild bank...draw out mats and craft premade items..place those items into the guild bank. they then withdraw 25% of the crafting fee for that item. so for example for a mod that would be 12,500. so the crafter now receives 12.5k and a chance for a crit by crafting something with mats they didn't have to buy. now when members are on line they try to sell the premades in the guild bank. when someone sells one of those premade mods they place the mats and the crafting fee into the bank and put a crafting request on the guild website so crafters know that more need to be made. the person selling the item which may or may not be crafted by him/her keeps 25% of the crafting fee. so a crafters items may sell when they are not even online. and crafters can get mods for them themselves for only 25% of the fee so they can learn more schematics....the more schematic each crafter know the faster the the bank gets restocked with premades and the more crits in guild. so for example we will use the most expensive thing a Barrel 27 150k fee 37.5k + chance for crit goes to crafter 37.5k goes to seller 75k goes to guild bank to maintain supply of materials for crafters to use at no cost. end result is crafters can learn more schematics, there aree more premades in the market for people to buy at reasonable price with out getting there stuff stolen, and everyone on our server gears up faster. is that really so bad?
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild
  5. Hey i made the good guy list SWeet lol. though im offended Numlock that i was missing from your list
  6. WTB Advanced Bulwark Enhancement 27 Please send me mail in game if you have this schematic or know someone with it. thank you all in advance
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