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Everything posted by TheAllmyn

  1. This does not feel like the origanal class at all. Purging all those abilities makes me feel useless. I want the old system where I can be the full class. I rather have that versus this What can be done better is perhaps instead of limiting what abilies we get. Like A vs B. Let us just choose the guardian class like character select screen. Where you get the full show. So instead of being half of what we could be. We can be the full spec of it.
  2. To add to this. When can que on flashpoints for what map we want. I feel like a good way to help lose toxic behavior is to let people choose what maps or even just want gamemodes they want to que for. Some people only want 4v4. Some want 8v8. Some people NEVER want to touch huttball. Everyone has a map they hate. And being on a map or gamemode you had NO choice is can make some level headed people either not care to win or berate there own team, stiming from there anger of that map they despise. Personally I do not enjoy voidstar. Early game its fine. But when its late game. Everyone level 75 and 306 gear. ITS JUST A BIG STALEMATE. No doors get opened. And whoever defends the second time wins. Either way. Letting the players que for the specific map or even just which game mode type "Turrets" "Pylon" "Huttball" "Attack/Defend" will make a lot of people happier to que for pvp. Since they don't have to play "THAT" map.
  3. Welcome to the community Jackie. As for my two cents. I feel as though the games where you really try your best where you get 8 medals or more, then when your team loses you get zero progress on your Daily or Weekly. I feel the best middle ground is so that when you hit the 8 medals and get that "Highly Decorated" stat in the unranked pvp match that even if your team were to lose. You get the 1 point progress on the Daily or Weekly. So all your hard work to get the 8 medals is not just brushed over. We can also have it be like how the Weeklys used to be that winning is 2x. So your encouraged to both do you fair share of work for 8 medals. Healing, dps, capturing, defending, ect. But your still encouraged to win. So even in a bad game you get 1 point for working your rear off. And in a good on you are rewarded twice as much. So that whole "play to lose" won't be as much of if any of an issue. Since in the old unranked pvp just being in the match and just taping someone for damaged one time got them 1 medal. Then they got progress on the Weekly. But having it be 8 medals they now have to get into the fight and do something besides afk or not try.
  4. I just wanted to duel my toons agenst eachother and just mess around. Not involving other players. Just kicking my own ***. xD
  5. 1.Is it possible so I can play two characters at once with this? 2.If so, is it permitted by terms of service?
  6. Just wanted to make this post just to say good job to the team of developers who worked on this update. Everything felt perfect. Every little thing I could have ever wanted happened. Improved UI and skill perks. Making it easier to know which item is better just by a tiny arrow and not having to hover over each item individually.
  7. My guild just finished our conquest for 170,000 conquest points. Where do I pick the encrypted flagship plans for the guild ship? Do I need to wait till the conquest is over? Because personal conquest reward instantly when done. Not sure about guild conquests. This is our first one. Were not sure.
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