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Everything posted by Yeldah_

  1. I agree with you, underworld faction sounds really good. But seriously why were bounty hunter and smuggler not able to fight cross faction at the start of the game? They don't give a toss about politics; only credits.
  2. They already pissed on our SWTOR experience with their server relocation. So I would not care nearly as much.
  3. Electronic Arts (EA) losing their Star Wars licence would be the best thing ever. EA is the sole reason that there is no Knights of the Old Republic 3 (KOTOR3).
  4. Best way to balance is to just get your own group. If everyone made a group there would be no issue. But no everyone wants to run solo and then rage about getting dumped on by players working as a team. Implementing the "matchmaking" patch was pointless. People can fix the issue themselves by making their own group.
  5. Underworld faction is probably the best Idea I have heard for a third faction. Even better than an alliance faction or Zakuul faction. Could be sponsored by the Hutt Cartel perhaps?
  6. This is how cross faction should have been done. Imperial versus Republic in warzones but with mercenary, power-tech, scoundrel and gunslinger being able to play for either side. This is pretty much how Star Wars works. Smugglers and bounty hunters have no loyalties. Thus having those four advanced classes cross faction would make sense. However, having Sith and Republic troopers on the same team is stupid.
  7. You don't think the guild market should be competitive then?
  8. I think there are restrictions if you have not unlocked races with cartel coins. I think you once couldn't play as a sith pure-blood on Jedi classes for example.
  9. Should you be able to invite a player to your guild while they are already in another guild? Example: Joe the Juggernaut has invited you to their guild X. Would you like to leave your current guild Y and join Joe the Jugg in guild X? Player toggles either yes or no. Tell us your thoughts.
  10. The 5.10 gear changes (including the time gate attached to acquisition) is the most profitable gearing system for Bioware. Why would they not do it? The delay on getting the new gear means players have to subscribe for longer before they procure it. More sub time = more $$$ for the Bioware folks. Sounds like they have it right.
  11. After the United Forces betrayal I think not.
  12. Pyrotech is fine. DPS output is high and survivability is low; as it should be.
  13. Sorry but "real content" costs money. Bioware is a business not a charity and cannot afford to give you this luxury. Arcann romance is cost effective so is clearly the best option.
  14. Yeldah_


    Plenty of it on satele. In one day on pvp instance I had two 1v1s and 5 4v1 ganks by opposing faction. Good times.
  15. This is a role playing game; immersion is important. This game only lives because it is Star Wars. If this game was exactly the same as it is but minus the star wars stuff hardly anyone would play it. There are simply more entertaining games to play when it comes to actual game-play. I am very sure that people who still play this game, play because it is a part of the Star Wars universe, not because it has been well made and well managed (because we all know that it hasn't been either of those things).
  16. If they remade the whole game just with a diff engine and were sensible with the server placement yes I would buy the game.
  17. AGREED. It is very lame. Gives the game a bad rep.
  18. Yeldah_

    Dual PVP Queue

    Anyone think that it might be possible/ a good idea to have a dual queue for PVP? What I mean by this is being able to queue for ranked 4s and warzone 8s at the same time. Hypothetically when someone did this they set either the arenas or the warzones as "priority." This has the effect of the queue putting them in whichever they prefer first but if their secondary choice was available it would put them into that if they chose to take it. When they accept the queue for either their primary or secondary match type they would subsequently be removed from the other queue. Once finished their match they could re-queue for both and set their priority choice once again. The purpose of this would be so the people who like to play their ranked matches can still be queuing for said matches while being entertained doing warzones. Thoughts?
  19. Yes and no. Achievements are the same as the ones from other map types for the new maps. Browsing through the achievements it is clear that they are out of date for the current patch.
  20. I highly suspect that this gear grind is just BioWare buying time until Anthem drops. I have heard that their future depends on its success. Whether this is true or not the issues that you are talking about here are 100% intentional. Last I checked you have to be a sub to get CXP and gear up. Thus that is the objective; they are just trying to force subs and buy time until their new title is released.
  21. Yeldah_

    Back-fill Mania

    Equal matches do not prevent people quitting at all. Even if the teams are even in terms of combat roles you will still get those people who quit as soon as they are losing. They just don't want to work for their victory. But that is not the point. People leave with more frequency than previously, and the back-fill players don't stay to clean up which is understandable. As soon as the backfill cycle begins that team has lost, because noone is willing to pick up the pieces. Everyone who pvps has seen this. A team starts to lose and people drop out to go and requeue. The team they left behind will be constantly back-filling until the clock runs out.. It just devolves into and endless cycle which results in the losing team fighting with 1-3 players down at any one time. TLDR stay in the mess you made because noone is cleaning up after you.
  22. Yeldah_

    Back-fill Mania

    Rage quitting and back-filling are not new; just that the frequency of leavers and therefore back-fill games has increased post the cross faction pvp patch. Moreover because of cross-faction there is no reason for the back-fillers to stay and try to win.
  23. Surprised that Makeb is not doing very well in the poll I thought it was quite well designed.
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