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Everything posted by ogrewoo

  1. Baras hands down, really nailed down the apprentice/master feel, love his voice, sounds totally in control and threatening. Although I will say, the villain I created in Jaesa frightens me more then any of the villains I have faced, so glad she is on my side..
  2. So I have returned from being away from the game for around two years. So far im greatly enjoying going through the stories again etc etc. Yet the problem I have run into is that it seems like some of my progress on some planets have been reset. Dromund Kaas mainly, every Imp character I have has had his mission progress erased there, sometimes the map is still filled out but all missions are as if I have never done them. Was there an update that caused the resets? Or did my characters just bug out.
  3. Awesome! Danke, tbh I was way more afraid of losing my look then my companions. =3
  4. When I start KotFE with an existing character, will I still be able to access my old cargo hold/bank? Also will my saved costume be reset. Curious if I should place armor who's look I wish to reapply after starting, in the hold.
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