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Everything posted by MetaRayMek

  1. Yeah, the Cantina Tour next week is during SDCC: I didn't see an actual panel or presence during show hours in the con's schedule, tho'. (Then again, aside from Hasbro and Dark Horse, there's barely a Star Wars presence, probably due to Celebration Europe II happening a few weeks later) BioWare's had an off-site presence the last few years, tho' from what I heard, they had a very subdued presence in '12, presumably due to the whole ME3 controversy (and the fact they didn't really have any new games to show/test out either). =T
  2. Well, I'm sorry I don't really have a lot of stuff to show... figures I'd get into something when I'm in the midst of a slight art block, ughhh. Here's a couple noodley things in the interim, tho': http://i.imgur.com/jnO0N3el.jpg A quickie of Gault. This is a fixed version from the original posting on Tumblr, since his left shoulder didn't look all that right. Doesn't look 100% decent, but for a joke sketch, it is what it is. http://i.imgur.com/76wmPz9l.jpg One of the very first drawings I did of my Sith Warrior. He's actually wearing a shirt (one of the first you get, actually), but because his skin color is roughly the same, well, unintentional-ness happened. Not that I was complaining. ;> http://i.imgur.com/pUT6vlfl.png I'm not going to make a habit of showing Works in Progress, but here's one of Corso and his little gizka buddy. I'll eventually do one of Corso by himself (i.e. not with my Smuggler or little creatures, heh), but this was something I'd done b/c I needed to blow off some steam in a more positive way. =V Also, I'll be going to the Community Cantina a week from this Thursday in San Diego, tho' I'll probably only be there for the hour or so (I have no clue what my roomies are doing for dinner, ack). I don't really know anyone yet, but if you see someone sketching SWTOR characters off in a corner somewhere, that'd probably be me. =Y
  3. +1, for sure. I love the Eradicator's Warsuit, but I really wish there was a hood down option so it could be similar to the Valiant Jedi (or whatever it's called) set. Same with several other pieces, too.
  4. Wow! This looks incredible. => Dromund Kaas is one of my favorite areas too, especially the city part. Love how you captured the overall feel of the area. I also enjoy how your characters look, too. I have yet to get Vector with my Imperial Agent character (but then again, I have yet to get off of Hutta entirely!), but he looks fantastic. Lovely work! Hope to see more from you again at some point.
  5. BWAHAHA. Yeeeeeeah, Liemrinjo is either a "nice" Sith, or a stupid one... depending on your point of view. ;> (His story is that he's constantly questioning the Sith values/rules because the extreme doesn't quite sit well with him, but he's not fully convinced the Light Side/Jedi is the one true path, either. Maybe he should look into the Revanites, hehe) I will say he's earned a gold 'You Tried' star sticker as far as being a Sith goes.
  6. Well, here's a couple I did over the weekend. http://i.imgur.com/SlRXIA7l.jpg My Bounty Hunter. I actually don't have the Thana Vesh chestguard (or an orange dye module for that matter), since I'm waiting for it to go back down in price on the GTM. *cries bitterly and makes grabby hands* Tried a slightly top down perspective, but I think the sketch looked better. =T Apologies for this next one, it might be a bit big, but at least it's readable: http://i.imgur.com/prpdYUwh.jpg So I was hashing out the backstories of my Jedi Knight (Raihane) and Sith Warrior (Liemrinjo), and how they met, (since their stories deviate dramatically from the class missions). After realizing the Sith Warrior asks for names and elaboration far too often… this came to mind. Oh, Kira. p.s. Animaniacs was part of the bread and butter that made up my childhood, so it’s influenced some of my sense of humor. =V Though for the sake of trying to be as lore-friendly as possible, I somewhat adapted it for the setting.
  7. Thank you everyone! ^^ Quickpaw: I've given thought to it, hehe. Check back with me after Comic Con, since I'll be a little more free to take a small few on then (I've got paid work I need to finish before then, ack). => Lady-Jean: I do plan on posting more, yep! I've mostly been doing sketches, since that's all I have enough time for at the moment, but if I get some nice/colored stuff done, I'll be sure to share here. Morgani: Hehe. Yeah, but she (the gizka in this case is a lady) probably gave him doe eyes and he couldn't resist, even if gizka are considered pests. Oddly enough, in a picture preceding this one, Corso's pet was going to be an Orokeet, but I couldn't find suitable references for one. D;
  8. Figured I'd finally venture out and post a thread here, heh. Anyhow, this is some of my SWTOR stuff... the good stuff, anyways. I'm not going to repost all the chicken scratch sketches from the tumblos. XP I apologize the constantly shifting coloring styles... I'm one of those artists who's always trying new things to see what works. =V http://i.imgur.com/lHA8I9Ol.jpg Corso, a gizka, and my Smuggler. The original caption was "Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me..." =T http://i.imgur.com/0bRi2m3l.jpg I had just gotten Vette as a companion with my Sith Warrior and I had to draw her. http://i.imgur.com/W5yrTFOl.jpg Likewise with Kira Carsen and my Jedi Knight. http://i.imgur.com/EFMCnlVl.jpg A fight-y scene with my Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight. It's a little funky, but I was just getting out of an art rut at the time. =V http://i.imgur.com/pIumRNXl.jpg Torian, of course. I'm ALMOST to Chapter 2, ahhhhh, so excited. Thanks for looking! More to come, I'm sure.
  9. Already said this on another thread, but I saw a guild called 'Crimson Permanent Insurance' on Ebon Hawk a while ago. I didn't like 'The Meaning of Life' aside from the actual CPI short that preceded it, so I got a good laugh out of that one. I also saw a character called 'Lordchicken Oakenshield', I believe, on the Imperial side of Nar Shaddaa once.
  10. I once saw a guild named 'Crimson Permanent Insurance' on the Ebon Hawk server. I had to stop playing the game, because I was laughing for a couple good minutes there.
  11. I work a full time, M-F job. I set aside a couple hours in the evening to spend with my family (which may include going out to dinner with my sister, running a few errands, et all), and about 8:30-ish, I play SWTOR 'til about 10-ish or whenever I nod off. Mind you, I do not have a huge social circle of friends, nor am I really social, so that plays a huge part in it, too. (And I'm quite happy with that) It's worked out pretty well so far. I don't play it every single day, maybe every other day, give or take. Weekends are a little more flexible, but it's about the same as the weekdays.
  12. THANK YOU. This site is going to be most helpful, esp. when it comes to finding references for artwork and stuff. Too awesome!
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