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Everything posted by astrobearx

  1. he probably was ginger before korriban burnt his face off
  2. seriously? aww man i just augment my tank earpiece and one implant
  3. hello, i was wondering if there was any min maxers can tell me how can i make my immortal jugg hit harder?
  4. lolwut? how?! sure the are "theme" that are similar, but how anything in kotfe is a "fullblown copy"?! oh wait, it isn't. nice hyperbole.there.
  5. lol keep raging weak punk. I love pvp btw, all i do in this game is just pvp.however, as much as i like to pvp, i don't want lowbie ganking. this notion that this would help the "pvp community" is stupid as all hell. do you want to know what made me really ROFL? your "if you don't agreed with me, YOU ARE A TROLL!!!11ONE" ...said the troll.
  6. lol i see. again, you are just a weak, pathetic greifer, that take on unsuspecting newbies. what a loser. IF YOU WANT PVP, then pvp at places where higher level players are at. not lvl 1- 17 worlds.
  7. more like a real step forward. lets be real here, one thing that always held this game back was the fact, it required VOs. without VOs, bioware can do so much more. so at the end of the day, which you rather have: more story and content, but less VOs or more VOs, but less content due to the fact everything needs to be VOs? besides, who really listen to the dialogue after the 100x time?
  8. ...why are you even playing a story driven game, if you don't want to watch the damn story? if you want to just OPs or WZ, well you don't need to play the story, but if you want kotfe content, like the alliance, then just do the story.
  9. most people in game, reddit, fan sites and youtubers all saying positive things. it is just the old guard crying and whining about the game becoming too causal.
  10. for our body. he always say "we" opposed to you or he also i am sure when you "chose to bow" to him, he was transferring himself into your body. .
  11. lol, come check me out on the harbringer and let pvp in my full aug min max jugg and lets see who is "terrible". lets face it here, most people who want this, are those who couldn't compete in ranked and just want to prey on those who is weak.
  12. this get serious, there are way to "opt" another unsuspecting player to pvp. you want overworld pvp? then go to planets that have then. leave lowbie starter worlds out of it. and also this game is now WOW.
  13. lol anyone who ever pvp in overworld, knows there are ways around the"opt-in" flag. to your idea, they a;ready have planets that is set up for you to gank lowbies (i know you said that is not what you want, but that is what you and other griefer want.i should know as all the pvp guild i been in, love to do this.)
  14. how? is there an ancient sentient machine race that wants to wipe out all life to "restart" the galaxy? what, no? then it isn't "mass effect with lightsabers" and to answer the OP, yes 4.0 looks and feels like star wars and i love it.
  15. i agreed OP, 4.0 look awesome. i can't wait for tomorrow!
  16. it seems the higher your influence is with your companion, the more effective they will be. vette, who has a 78% influence points, heals are strong as hell on mara that it is crazy.
  17. do the heroic quest terminal and get the best get for your toon. i just fully geared my lvl 40 mara with the best gear for his lvl.
  18. it makes as much sense as the operative, who use a handgun in custscene, can't use a handgun in combat.
  19. oh wow the story is great so far! btw, nice original trilogy touches throughout chapter 1 &2:)
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