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Everything posted by TommyDe

  1. But you're going to loose out on all the people that are in-between/in Warzones that leave and join the FP. Besides if someone drops from the FP queue your still kept at the top. I can't see how this will do anything but increase the FP queue time.
  2. Wow, please tell me your joking. If this is true that really bites. Why would I queue for PVE if its going to take hours AND make me miss out on any PVP. Was the system even "broken" in the first place?
  3. As a new MMO/PVPer who only PUG's, #6 would be absolutely top on my wish-list. I think it would raise the overall PVP intelligence level of the population to be able to listen to some of the vet's during matches. I'm sure there would be a lot of trash talk, but I'd be willing to take the bad with the good. At first I wasn't sure about #1, but I'm starting to see the value in it. It took me a long time to even work up the nerve to try PVP and now I'm re-rolled on a PVP server. It's going to take an even longer time for me to try rated, but if that's all there is, then there's no choice (increase rated pool). The only thing I would have added to that list is a solo queue. I would think the voice chat could bridge some of the skill gap in a rated PUG (not that I would know). Overall, I think a lot of the ideas on this list would increase the number of people in the PVP pool and would probably get someone like me to try rated a lot earlier.
  4. I've also run into this problem, but only when transitioning between flashpoints and the fleet. A quick ctrl+u, ctrl+u to refresh the user interface usually clears it up for me.
  5. Well its probably working as intended, however, I feel like the root of the problem is that you can cap from so far away in NC. At least in the others you have to be very close to the node. You can do a great job of keeping people out of the room and still get burned, because you can't just toss/push someone away. I can't say I have a problem with it, but it can be frustrating when you think your playing defense "the right way" and still loose the node.
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