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Everything posted by Kingsbount

  1. Not to mention that 0,0001% drop chance in a "looter" game and 0,0001% in a MMORPG are DEFINATLY not the same. Quite a mystery to me actualy
  2. /signed In addition - new Ravage hits like a noodle. I don't need noodle. I. NEED. RAVAGE!!!
  3. Oh what a surprise... White knight is pleased... Who ever doubt?
  4. Or maube just cut down ridiculous amounts of grindfest? No? Oh well...
  5. The only future plans for SWTOR is milking players dry, while slowly killing game. Seriously. That's the only explanation of things happening here.
  6. Yeah. Now Ravage can be re-named into "Wet noodle". In my humble opinion, Bioware tryed (in their special manner) to balance Rage and Vengeance. Just look at this: -Damn, Rage is not perfoming well enough compare to Vengeance! What should we do?! -Umm... Let's nerf core ability for Vengeance. -BRILLIANT!!!
  7. WTH are you talking about , babe? It's still there and didn't gone. Whatver you are on SH or not. Stop talking non-sence crap please. We all know that you are BW white knight. But there is a time when you should stop it. Becouse it makes you look like a fool.
  8. Ok. A little summarize: 1. RNG Boxes will drop RANDOM piece of gear. 2. RNG Bxes will NOT guarrantee that gear will be with SET bonus. 3. Gearing alts will be pain in the... neck. Unless you will use legacy gear (and it's a big question if BW will actually ALLOW to use it in 5.0). 4. Spec dependency and no choices in gearing. That's most interesting part. Becouse it HAVE some benefits... ...at first look. But it has HUGE disadvantage when it comes to REAL content. We all know that at some point you MUST have a spare gear set for a different spec (like having a DPS set for a tank or healer etc). It was possible with 4.0 With 5.0 hit live - it will be almost impossible. Becouse you will get gear only for a CURRENT spec. Which means NO dps gear for tanks or healer's gear for DPS. Of course it will be possible to heal in DPS gear. It's not THAT hard. But how are you gonna run OPS as DPS in tank gear? I guess it's OBVIOUS that Biofail is not see beyond their nose. Basically it would make more sence if they just removed Specs entirely and made role selection from start screen permanent. At least it would be more honest with players.
  9. I'v said it once and ill repeat. There's 2 simple things that will fix this situation entirely: 1. Leave operations tokens as they are now. Raiders will get their top-tier gear and will be happy. 2. Make GCBoxes drop set-gear not higher than current 216-220 tier. Casuals will have their hands on middle tier operation gear and will be happy (let's face it - casuals are casuals and 216-220 item rate will be MORE THAN ENOUGH for casual gameplay). Simple things. Simple solution. But it would satisfy BOTH sides.
  10. It's always a bad idea trying to beat Jos and Valk with a comp. Yep. This fight is extremely non-friendly to them
  11. Nah. Game is not dying. EAware is killing it. And it will succeed at some point. If they will not take players responses seriously - game will become desert. Yeah. It will drag some new people... Will they stay for long? Im highly doubt.
  12. When 5.0 will hit live there will be no reason to play as F2P becouse of restrictions. Only subs will be able to do high-end content and get rewarded for it. Personally im gonna keep my sub running till 5.0. I want to see the Apocalypse with my own eyes
  13. Yep. That's right. Bioware already made bad desicion with RNG. Now it's even worse. Here's a coverage from stream: "Currently you don’t get a token everytime you run an operation so you shouldn’t expect a set bonus gear to drop every command crate. You will still get one gear per crate, just that it may not have set bonus." It looks like a bad dream isn't it? Well it's NOT. It's much... MUCH worse. And i wan't to ask all those people who enjoyed "awsome expansion" - are you happy NOW?
  14. Im more interested in credit cost for mods/enchant/armorings. BW is going to remove comms system becouse it's "DUHHHH!!!! ITS SO COMPLAKATED!! DOES NOT COMPUTE!!". So... New players are gonna pay gredits for their armor updates. And im REALLY interested how much they are gonna pay for this "QoL" change
  15. So much noob rage "Elitists" like me carry such "noobs" as you through operations/flashpoints. Becouse... Ya know... We actually KNOW the game. About Baras... Did i ever said that i was one-shotted? Nope. But i guess i have to blame your inability to read:rolleyes: Since you never heard of Baras one-shot attack - i assume that you are joined after major nerfs. And that explains a lot about you and your opinions. Cee ya in operations, "dead weight"
  16. English is not MY language so don't try lo play grammar nazi here Firstly, if casual are skilled enough to run HM/NiM content - he WILL earn his top-tier gear by running HM/NiM content (should i really explain obvioust things?). You should really learn to read, ya know... Again: Keyword "soon". And thats just perfect addition to my words. You are one of the "new generation" players that never seen Baras one-shot attack. How can you even argue about something that you don't even know? Then what are you doing here? Go play CoH or Archage if you like them so much SWTOR gear sytem is fine as is. If it's too difficult for you - you can always go away and play "Plants vs Zombies" (if it's not too difficult for you though:rolleyes:).
  17. No. Do you REALLY think that casuals will run increased difficulty content? Yeah, right... I can think only one one way how it's gonna be: "La-la-lalaaa-la-lala-la-lalaaaaa! Baras now you will die by my handOHMY GAUD!!!11111 HOW DID HE KILLED ME WITH ONE HIT?!!!!1111111 NURF!!!1111 NURF1111 NAO!!!!!" And that's just one of many examples of what will happen on higher difficulty. There's NO such gear in gaming Univesre that will give BRAINS and SKILL to players. You have lost all of it becouse of God mode comps and level sync. You will not survive. And soon forum will be flooded with NURF whining, becouse (what a twist!) gear will not give you knowledge of your class What's gonna be next of your whine, kid? "Casuals are deserve Wings of Architect too!!! There's no reason to limit NiM-only drop anymore, just because that's how it was done in the past. Adapt or die!!111"
  18. Currently we have a game flooded with hyper-noobs (noobs that fast-leveled to 65, no gear, no knowledge, no experince at their class). After 5.0 we will have a game flooded with OVERGEARED hyper-noobs...
  19. Exactly. Heroics and FP should NEVER provide same rewards as HM/NiM Operations. It's just makes no sense at all. What's the point of going on edge, train your rotations, getting fine tuned gear according to your role, learn how to work with your team in a perfect progression... ...and simply realize that some random guy who didn't do anything exept story and heroics, now have access to the same gear you are working so hard.
  20. Oh really? Let's make some research shall we? So... Umm... Im sound like an Elitist, who's against that top-tier gear get into the hands of people who doesn't run ops... And you sound like a good guy who's against that top-tier gear get into the hands of people who doesn't run ops... For real dude? You are saying same things and calling ME and elitist? Lol kiddo you should really learn to read
  21. What truly baffles me, that people wants something that they are not suppose to have. The same way i can demand Wings of Architect "becouse im running Heroics! Why Special snowflakes cannot understand that casuals are also deserve it??!!1111111". Seriously. That's EXACTLY how you sound right. High-end top-tier gear should NEVER get into the hands of people, who doesn't even run Operations. Period. This is a LAW of ALL MMORPG'S in a world. You are running high-end content - you get best gear. If you will try to prove that i'm wrong - look at all those "successfull" MMO. And you will notice that TOP-TIER gear require RAIDING. Non of them will give you top-tier gear for doing daily quests. If person A have a large house and awsome sportcar - you can't just whine that you deserve it to and demand to share it with you, despite the fact that you are simple janitor. Get it through you head: TOP-TIER GEAR DEMANDS HARD WORK.
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