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Everything posted by snoopdogbaby

  1. Depends on the raid, the experience of the DPS, and the mainstat. For example. I can run TFB SM and below on my sentinel no problem when he has 860-890 or so damage per second because I know how to play conservatively and not burn through cooldowns and SP. It is true that a 1800 mainstat is not required for that operation, but you are far from wrong for requiring it. It's your run, you can charge whatever you want. If people complain about it, ignore them. It doesn't take much effort to gear up.
  2. Mmmm. I'd probably say it's space magic but first, I'd make myself walk on water and make things fly so people think I'm Jesus. Then when the fame goes to my head and I end up pulling a Lindsay and get myself in jail, then I'll tell the truth.
  3. I'm just wondering if BW or anyone has answered this yet. It seems logical that they would scale the level to 55, since having 8 level 55s complete a level 50 operation would be pretty easy, but I don't know. Anyone have and info on this?
  4. Yes, and a clothing company found Nihilus' mask and mass produced it. And the republic and empire are now enslaving jawas and forcing them to sit in peoples' pockets and when called, jump out and fly around in circles singing in jawa speak for all eternity. (;
  5. In the JK storyline, Doc has Kaliyo from the IA story come aboard your ship. It's pretty funny.
  6. I seriously laughed at these two. I'm not trying to insult you or anything but these two additions feel like you were joking.
  7. Or the little teenage soldier kid on Ord Mantell who hires the trooper to stand up to his CO because he's too scared.
  8. People were talking about night time on Hoth once too. It was established that it was a glitch due to the sky texture failing to load. It might just be a glitch
  9. Totally my opinion. I have no proof to back it up aside from my own sense. I don't know if it's been covered because I'm too lazy to read through 11+ pages of responses, trolling, and off topic discussions, but I will say that it's pretty obvious, at least to me, why Gunslinger, sniper, sentinel, and marauder have higher DPS than the rest. It's because they are PURE DPS. They cannot tank, they cannot heal. If you haven't noticed, Assassins, Shadows, Vanguards, Powertechs, Guardians, and Juggernauts generally have higher survivability no matter what spec they're using. Just like no matter what, sages, sorcerors, mercenaries, commandos, operatives, and scoundrels have mild healing capabilities no matter what they spec themselves as. In my opinion, that's why the first four I mentioned are better at DPS. Because unlike the other ACs, they can't do anything else.
  10. Hmmm. Evil monster/mouth-breather of a man with a laser sword and a lite-brite on his chest who can choke people with the force Or a snarky teenager in red spandex who can shoot spiderwebs out of his hands. Case closed. If spiderman could shoot SPIDERS out of his hands, maybe. But seriously, all vader has to do is chop up some webs and throw him at a building.
  11. ^^^ So basically, no, you can't level just any toon to 50. As it says clearly (not to be mean) in the legacy panel, you must reach level 50 with a human character to unlock it.
  12. I agree with what some of the earlier posters were saying. In a single player game, when you finish the story, you either get booted out, or get left on your own to finish old side missions and catch up on dialogue with NPCs. So, in essence, you've played a singleplayer game to its full extent. You're not being punished, you're just finished with the game. There's no reason why the few soloists should steal Bioware's focus away from the Massively MULTIPLAYER Online crowd to make some solo content we don't really need, when thousands (or millions. I really forgot how many people play this game. It kinda feels like SWG now, where people are lying about the numbers) of people would probably be barely, if at all, interested in it.
  13. I have Tourettes.. does that count?
  14. I've played TFB several times and, for the entire group I've had for each, I can say the difficulty level for each boss is pretty much how it's laid out From Hardest to easiest Terror from Beyond (It's just a hard fight), Kephess ( It's so mechanics driven that I've never been in a group that hasn't wiped many many times), Operator IX OR Dread Guard (I found Operator ridiculously easy. One of our DPS DC'd mid fight last time I did it and we still managed to 7 man the entire fight. Dread guard was wipey until we figured out we had to run around to avoid the green circles), Operator IX OR Dread Guard (subjective), Writhing Horror.
  15. You can't, aside from /friending the name on both factions. Also, guys, what you're doing is called trolling. The OP asked a question. Try answering it instead of asking him/her why it matters.
  16. I chose Drellik, because I've never played a Sith Inquisitor and had no idea it existed. Main is Nibin, but I don't give him the last name because he sounds dumb with a last name. I do have guys named Brathan, Brayden, Zedwin, and Aldriel though. They use Drellik.
  17. Could you elaborate? I don't actually know what you're talking about.
  18. Let's say they offered a lifetime subscription for.. $360. That'd be 2 years in monthly payments. Now. Here's what would happen. Imagine you paid 2 years worth for unlimited time and the game ended in, say, one. You'd feel duped. People would call BW, spam the forums, and would most likely be stupid and try to sue over it. BW would get a lot of bad press and a million dumba**es would threaten to quit 4everZ if they did not get money refunded. If I had a game and had this choice, I would recognize that it would cause problems. Needless to say, BW wouldn't do it. NOW. Imagine that the game lasted longer than 2 years. You paid $360 for the rest of the game's life, which could mean (for the sake of the argument) 8 years. That means that you've paid 2 years worth for 8 years. 6 years is $1080, which means that by allowing you to do this, Bioware is losing $720 per person that they would have had if they never introduced this system in the first place. So either, it's profitable and hated, or it's anti-profitable and beloved. Yeah, not gonna happen. P.S. Some of my math may be off. Pretend it's not.
  19. That already happens. The color crystal in a gun changes the color of the bolts.
  20. If Luke wasn't a righteous idiot, HE could have avoided Vader's death. All he had to do was NOT throw his lightsaber away. If he's staring death in the face, he should be holding a lightsaber ready to protect himself, not putting on a "I am a good guy" show. If he kept his weapon he could have blocked Palpatine's lightning and killed him with no effort at all. Also, force speed was too invented before the end of that movie. They used it on the droid ship in the start of the movie.
  21. The Imperial March-y song that played at the end of Episode 2. The song in ep. 3, I forgot what it was. The song that plays at the beginning of Kotor 1.
  22. Obi-Wan was, according to wookiepedia, born in 57 BBY. He was 39 at the time of Episode 3 (which was 18 BBY) and since Ep. 4 takes place in 0 BBY/ABY, he'd be 57 at the time of the movie. Combine that with living as a hermit for 18 years and I can see him looking his age. Besides, wasn't Alec Guiness in his 50s during this movie?
  23. At level 25, the "speeder pilot" ability can be bought from your class trainer. I'm not even going to comment on the OP.
  24. I disagree with two of the species restrictions, yeah. Namely: Miraluka not being available for sith force using classes Twi'lek not being available for all classes, considering how it's another one of those universal species But I do not think that all species should be available for all classes.It's enough of an immersion breaker to see sith pureblood jedi and miraluka troopers. Certain species' lore makes them suitable for certain classes. Chiss are secretive and enigmatic and traditionally support the empire, making them good as agents. Rattaki are an independent, warmongering race that values killing people, so empire it is. So no, I think that aside from some unnecessary species restrictions, it's perfect as is.
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