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Everything posted by Vesaniae

  1. Can...can I join this party? It looks fun, and I do like to write. Here's a little piece for the Family prompt, featuring my Imperial Agent. This is set after Chapter Three and contains mild spoilers. Plot points are alluded to but not discussed in detail. *wrings hands nervously* Feedback is welcome.
  2. I love this. All of it. ...and now I have a sudden strong urge to go roll a JK
  3. From IA ch 3: SCORPIO: You came close to your threshold. Now I know how much you can take.
  4. On Hoth, doesn't Khem say that "The cold does not affect me"? Of course, he could be lying. He does have an excellent sabacc face, after all. Suggestion: Arts and crafts day? Glue, glitter, shenanigans...
  5. Chapters 2 and 3 of the SI story feature several cutscenes full of flashy lightning-y goodness. I also recall a scene from the end of IA chapter 2 which shows a bit of the IA going up against a Jedi.
  6. I use customization 8, myself.
  7. Keeper. Sure, he's doesn't do anything spectacularly epic, but he has a certain air of quiet awesomeness.
  8. Pierce and DS Jaesa. They would totally bond over killing things.
  9. I think that Not 100% sure on that, though.
  10. When I read the first post, I was somewhat leery. I thought, "Nah, this idea is too bizarre. It'll never work." I stand corrected. This is absolutely hilarious. I'm not sure I'll ever look at any of the companions in the same way again... I applaud you, bright_ephemera. Subscribed! I think my favorite part is this:
  11. In my experience, some companions seem to be more talkative than others. Some trigger areas that I have noticed for Imperial companions: - Tularan Marsh, Taris: a large animal skeleton - Minimum Security, Belsavis: a hole blown in one of the prison walls - Gormak Lands, Voss: approaching the giant Gormak cannon Sometimes the comments totally catch me by surprise. One time on my SW, I walked into Leth Outpost on Hoth and was startled to hear Quinn pipe up with, "I have reinforcements ready if we need them, my lord." Not sure where he was planning on getting said reinforcements, but I guess it's the thought that counts.
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