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Everything posted by Treblt

  1. Scuse Senor, I didn't post my 132-4 record. That was another person.
  2. Jaryx is arguing about the top 5 spot, but Im thinking he's wrong.
  3. I <3 mudclit he's my favorite sorc.
  4. You do know that they cannot transfer here via the system right? Asking another team to come over and play at 500ms is ridiculous as well as that. I do not WANT to play against a team at a 500ms difference as that equates to a sad situation where there is a noticeable difference in the ability to compete.
  5. Yeah, but that begs the question. Why are you going around to another server, posting in their forum about how some team is beating another team, so that it sounds like they are the best team world? When you aren't even playing on the server at that time and don't even know who is winning and losing? That's pretty lame, and you misrepresent the server, and further, you make it sound like your "super" squad in PTS was better than MvP or DP. Please, don't bother to try to recover the face you lost. The non sequitur you present with "I speaketh your language better than thee" is trivial, and its a joke.
  6. Please enlighten me to as to what that post meant. I read it as "the teams that I play with go 50-50 against DP, and win 25-30% against MvP"
  7. Its actually in the first post of the thread.
  8. just shutting you down. I like core, played with them a few times. You're not core. You're taken if they can't find me in /who.
  9. They've never beat the full main MvP team. They beat them once when I was healing for them on my alt that has 22 games played. Oh, and we had a sorc DPS. That was pretty sweet, imo. Saying that they won most of their games is like saying that they won most of their games until mvp and don't panic are in queue with an actual team rather than a bunch of undergeared alts. I lied, they may have beaten a bunch of pub alts in half war hero gear a few times. But they also lost. So idk. Just thought you might like to know what's actually been happening. Not this weird twisted sense of reality you have idk.
  10. Woooooooooooooow, not even good topic for more entertainment, please leave now.
  11. No ur lying, they were 98-1, don't mind the 4 seperate highlights of them getting beat by double sorcs.
  12. I'm actually pretty sure he hasn't done a 4v4 group arena on live servers yet. Maybe that's the trick. Once he's queuing with people, they will magically have a huge backpack to sit in and he can run them to the top of the [metaphorical] hill. Have no fear, Eliteduelist is here to save you and your records. @Zarrac, the general rule is that I will only apply a modifier to your record for beating Eliteduelist. If you can beat a team that has him on it, you automatically get a 3.14x modifier, to accommodate all of the [cream]pie eating you did during the game. After all, he loves to give people cream pies.
  13. I like you so you can be #4 on my accurate leaderboards.
  14. So, since OldSpiceSwag has declared it accurate, I am going to start updating all of the rankings on Torbattle.net 's sweet team leaderboards ok? Im putting Eliteduelist down for 55-3, MvP for 134-2, Don't Panic needs to get their records in within the week or I'll have to demote them down to #6.
  15. eliteduelist currently #3 team on bastion. Pls Discuss.
  16. We played against I think 9 or so different teams last night, and only two used it. Both were teams that got stomped either way, so didn't mind it. I know there was also another few teams as well that we didn't play against (saw them in other peoples streams) but have no idea whether they had them.
  17. Any good team does not consider them uselss for arena. In fact, some of the most successful team comps I've ran have been with a commando/merc. Granted, they're not as good as snipers when they're in certain comps, they bring certain other utilities and abilities to the table that make them very very desirable.
  18. Not gonna lie, I laughed pretty hard. Very nice.
  19. Lightning is the best spec for kiting, bar none, as a sorcerer at least. It is fairly good in 1v1's, aside from maybe carnage and juggs.
  20. Ooooh, that was a sweet jibe. I cry inside now, u hurt me hard.
  21. So you posted this in practically every server forum and the FP forums?
  22. The intended audience of this are the top few percent of players that can actually compete against each other. No one really cares if a bunch of bads use it, because either way they get stomped. Therefore, the intended audience does read the forums.
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