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Everything posted by ShawDou

  1. Exactly, i like to play with DPS companion and when i am on low heal switch him to heal so i dont have to regen. During heroics with guardian or sentinel i do this often, shortcut possibility would help a LOT.
  2. This exactly. I would only add one more thing which made inflation worse and it is credit exploits. In less then half year we had 2 HUGE exploits in game which were taken care of not instantly, but after several weeks. And they brought a lot of credits into game. BW punished people who exploited, but with each one prices on GTN went up and it will take long time before (if ever) they go back down. Just small example: Only in last month single packs went form 400-500k to 700k-900k on my server. And i believe it is because exploiters kept buying all of them so people started to sell them higher.
  3. I also have no idea why they created new UI for role swapping. If they used the same one like before, when companion role could be swapped by his quickbar. Then this would be without problems because companion quickbar already have key shortcuts Funny is, companion quickbar has now 7 skills, while in settings there are still 12 shortcuts. They could easy use 3 of these to implement role change. I dont believe mapping existing shortcuts to some game actions (specially menu click) is that hard.
  4. I agree with you about normal pistols and weapons, but siths lightsaber which sparkle because his owner is filled with lightning energy or jedy saber which glow because owner is filled with positive force energy is something i find very pleasing.
  5. Really no-one else would appreciate or want this companion improvement?
  6. Well i am at least pretty sure it was not there on first announcements of the patch notes. Because if you look on patch notes on dulfy or torcommunity. This last sentence is not there. And i dont think both site deleted it. So it was added some time after patch on purpose.
  7. This is my point of view exactly. A lot of higher lvl FP were created for players who already are on some lvl and have several damaging and defensive abilities. Some might be ok, but some are very cruel to low level players. If you compare for example Blood Hunt and Hammer station. You cant say these are similar difficulty, and yet system can place full group of 15-20lvl players in either of them. In Hammer they will manage it, in Hunt they will most probably do wipe after wipe.
  8. Dont need to troll me, i know that actual packs are worth much less than ever. But their marketing is doing good job because they put 1-2 really cool items into each pack. (nexu, acklay ..)
  9. Bronze quality "GEAR", i am not talking about gear, but about other in-game items. And they still sell new color crystals, which used to be bronze but are silver now.
  10. Hi, i would like to ask others if i am missing something or there are really NO new Emotes, Toys, Dyes or Customizations in recent Alliance Packs. I was not thinking much about it when packs came alive, but recently looked for some new cool regen toy, and i cant find any info about them on dulfy or other sites.
  11. Can i ask you, what is wrong with reason that i dont like actual legacy snipers and would like to have more options to use? There are soooo little legacy weapons compared to anything else in game that getting one less is big difference. I now see this conversation is pointless and made it to the point that it is all players fault. BW created something for us, some didnt used it in a way BW wanted so they changed it and punished others for it. I for example never created more chars to get any of legacy gear for cosmetics, i only use legacy for ease of gear grinding for multiple characters. There are sooooo many cartel items for cosmetic purposes i dont know what to wear first. And i suppose most of people here WHO WANTED THEM TO STAY BoL neither use them in outfit designer but use them as they were intended. I was only suggesting that with BoL items both player bases (for mods/for look) could use them, but now when they are in collections only one player base can use them. I also dont think creating lvl 1 Character is some big problem for them. If it was, then they would already remove cantina crates, people were and maybe even still are creating and deleting thousands of new chars to get First Grand Statue of Mandalore from cantina pack and BW never made anything to stop them or tell them not to do it. Btw i didnt know about Kallig's Lightsaber become legacy, will have to make a look and maybe create new inquisitor, for it. At least something good from this thread
  12. Sorry, but one more little thing. Starting 60lvl sets was never used "as shells for sharing mods", because they were not mod-able. They were 190/188 blue rating gear (not sure exact number now). So they could be used as easy to get starting tank/heal/dps 60lvl gear for any legacy characters. Which made them unique in look and use. Any other legacy items are just shells. (With old yavin companion legacy gear as exceptions but most people dont have that anymore)
  13. And did you even read it. He made his post on 01.26.2016 and said THE LOOK will be available in patch 4.1. And patch 4.1 was posted on 2.8.2016. SO YES, my point still stand, people created new 60 lvl characters for also THAT specific look, because it WAS NOT available elsewhere until they changed it in 4.1. So please feel free to lecture me with more false informations
  14. It was completely difference problem. People was creating lvl 60 chars, because legacy gear you got from them: - had stats so you could use it on another chars as free gear, (also rating was almost perfect PvE gear for PvP warzones to get max expertize) - had unique look that you could not get any other way on already created character. What i am talking about here are legacy mod-able weapons as rewards. - they dont have a stats so you can fill them and use 1 for several char - and if you like them already get them on each of your chars so you dont need to create new one to get more of them. And dont tell me there are so many people who will want use same weapon look on all of their companions. I would understand it with the helmet, but never with weapons, specially when legacy weapons are only few.
  15. If they are legacy you can also throw them away and not lose them. Just get them with another created character. Why would i want to spend million and a lot of crystals crystals for 220 endurance heavy main-hand and offhand when i can have 224 on several same chars with legacy weapons. And then spend these credits for items i want. Sry but i cant find any logic or sense in that.
  16. I am looking forward for you to show me these tons of legacy weapons for people who use more than one sentinel and want to send weapons from one to another. Same as before Odessen is just MH and a lot of them are simply ugly. --------------------------------------------------------- Most of classes have around 4 options for legacy weapons main hand (and i found most of them plain ugly or anomaly long or big), so giving new sub reward weapons as BoP feels like kick into gut to me.
  17. Since we dont have option to use weapons in outfit designer, with current options, legacy weapons are way better. Because if it is as legacy reward, he can use one for multiple chars, while you can still get it as many times as you want by creating more chars and sending it to others, it may only take a bit longer. But when it is in collections, for you nothing changes in term of possibilities, but for him it is impossible to use one for more chars. I would love to have outfit designer for weapons, but until then there is nothing to discuss. We are talking about Weapons, not gear. For example legacy sabers, are only few.
  18. On guardian you forgot to count utilities, specially Narrowed Focus: (Taking non-periodic area of effect damage generates 1 Focus. This effect cannot occur more than once every second.) Which is huge difference in resource management and you cant test it on dummy. As you said, at boss fight you pretty much dont use saber strike when tanking.
  19. Hi, i cant get past force field. I destroyed all 3 consoles, but field is still up, any idea how to get past this? I dont want to reset quest again. Sry found fourth console, but had no idea they are 4 of them.
  20. Same here, looks like nice bug. I am trooper and still see him in my Unavailable companions. Edit: Reset quest worked for me, i have him now in my available companions.
  21. Nice one, well i know guardians can do most dps from tanks, above 2k if he is good one, so it can make a bit difference, but nothing drastic.
  22. She will get better once you start KoTFE and get her as companion. She had completely reworked face i think.
  23. You might be right but your point have a flaw. As i said before. On my server there is ONE single lightsaber on GTN for cost about 3x hypercrate. If people will not buy crates and open them, then there will be no lightsabers to buy. Which correspond with OPs point, that it has ridiculous drop rate and demand is much higher than what market can offer. So only way to get them is by buying packs and pray, because packs are only source of them.
  24. Why? Maybe because there is not one selling on their server. On my server (Europe biggest one, Red Eclipse) there is just ONE unstable lightsaber on GTN. So if one person buy it, then there will be noone selling it, so how will you buy it from GTN? I dont remember any time, when item from current packs was selling for similar prices and in similar quantities. 135 packs is a lot. I agree with OP that unstable saber drop rate is ridiculous and we all know it. BW just want to milk us completely.
  25. Something similar happened to me when i was tanking RaV. On torque i mis-clicked while running from fire and removed my technique and then i was wondering why skills dont proc and i get hits like rocks
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