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Everything posted by Noodlepoop

  1. The change will diminish the effectiveness of every CC. Every CC won't do its job when it's broken. I don't see how electronet is special here.
  2. Herausreden brauche ich mich nicht aber du solltest nicht so viel in Posts hineininterpretieren. Reps greife ich wirklich immer so an - es gibt genug davon die das bestätigen könnten. Manche Reps kenne ich irgendwoher (egal ob ingame oder Forum) und andere kenne ich nicht, da kommt es schon mal vor das ein rep dabei ist den man nicht mag und deshalb lieber umhaut. Also in welchen anderem Zusammenhang soll ich das denn bitte nun mit den Reps gemeint haben? Der Teil das sich andere nicht ausgeschlossen fühlten bezog sich auf Alriks Gruppenmitglieder: Es sind halt auch Reps und ich greife wenn schon die ganze Gruppe an. In diesem Fall wäre die Gruppe auch ohne Alrik angegriffen worden bzw. hätte ich ihn auch angegriffen, wenn er alleine irgendwo wäre (glaube das habe ich sogar getan). Ich habe auch nirgendwo geschrieben, dass ich Alrik vor allen anderen immer zuerst agngreife. Der letzte Teil ist genauso wie ich es geschrieben habe. Und dass mir seine Posts gefallen meine ich auch ernst. Finde sie immer sehr lustig. Wir sind halt Fans^^
  3. Also wenn ich Spieler irgendwie zum markieren zwingen würde, stimme ich dir zu, aber jeder der sich in die PvP Zone begibt sollte wissen das er angegriffen werden kann. Es ist ja nicht so, dass man nicht gewarnt wird...
  4. Ich habe, gesagt dass ich alle Reps angreife. Bei manchen macht es mir halt mehr Spaß^^
  5. Waren das die Reps die mit 10 Leute plus dort standen und von mir und einem Freund zum Teil noch gelegt wurden? Leider konnten wir sie dann aber leider erst komplett fertig machen als wir dann drei Leute waren Ich möchte denen aber gratulieren die irgendwann gemerkt haben dass mein Sabo Freund heilt (hat ja auch lange genug gedauert!). Vielleicht haltet ihr euch auch das nächste mal mit den aoe Attacken zurück damit ihr nicht eure eigenen Leute tötet vielleicht klappst ja dann Also zum einen bin ich Sith und zum anderen springe Ich sehr gerne reps an. Dich natürlich besonders <3 Naja bei dir ist es ja auch was bhesonderes. Wollte dann aber nicht dass sich andere ausgeschlossen fühlten und musste dann nochmal ran. Also ich glaube es war "Wir sind fans, alrik". Sind wir (eigentlich alle aus unserem TS) ja auch! Deine Forenposts sind ja auch immer sehr erheiternd für uns! Also mein Ziel waren Reps egal ob sie eine Kugel haben oder nicht. Ja und an dieser Stelle kommt dann bei mir der facepalm. Omikron
  6. Is this a joke? Nothing new for PvP aside from a few tweaks till 2.4?
  7. I would also like to know how much healing I received.
  8. Level 69 is arkanian gear. You can't craft level 72 gear.
  9. It is confirmed that it will come with 2.2 or shortly after 2.2.
  10. I have some level 55 chars I like to transfer to a server where I have two low level chars and wondered what will happen to my achievements and things I unlocked in my legacy. Will they get tranfered do I have to get some things again etc.
  11. And on PvP servers should be no FPs and operations. And on RP servers should be no quests and warzones at all! oPvP zones exist so that those who like to do both PvE and PvP (or PvPers who choose this server because their friends rolled there) can have some oPvP.
  12. Thanks. To bad that they ignore pvp content so much that we can wait another 2 months..
  13. Do you have a link for this? I searched in the dev tracker but couldn't find anything.
  14. With +60% max damage it is about gear. Even Underworld gear is literally nothing compared to partisan. And there are other things you can do that don't require you to go into the pvp zone. About the old PvP-gear: You couldn't get PvP gear with level 49 pre 2.0 and you can't get pvp-gear pre 55 now. Expertise is on endgame items (I know that some old items with expertise don't require level 55 but they are no match for the new gear). A level 50 char in WH gear would destroy a level 49 char. Now the level 55 is on top of the foodchain.
  15. The only area where PvP Equip realy makes a big difference is oPvP. If you also bolster there you can get rid of the difference betwenn PvE and PvP equip. If you don't have PvP gear don't enter the oPvP Zone.
  16. There is one thing that separates the Customization Kiosk from everything else that is ingame: The only way to use it is by having CCs. You could get the Cathar race or the new customisation options for certain races by simply buying them from the GTN and them use them. This is not possible if you want to change the appearance of one of your chars. My suggestion is to to make some of the following items and selling them in the CM: when used allows you to change your race/look in the Customization Kiosk for free. These items could be tradable and could be sold in the GTN. This would allow other players to buy them and resell them. Every change for your char would be paid by CCs but could also be used by players who do wish to use credits for them.
  17. Let's take an imaginary item X. X has 100 endurance and 100 mainstat. Let's take another item X but this one is augmented and has 120 endurance and 132 mainstat. Yet both get the same expertise through bolster. While 2.1 fixed the augment-exploit it made PvE gear better than it is right now. Was this intended? A way to fix this would be to lower the bolstered expertise of PvE gear (just asume that the item has the best possible augment for its level).
  18. Noodlepoop

    Where Is It?

    Does somebody have a link for this?
  19. Hilts are getting bolstered. For example: With 2 partisan weapons i have 20xx froce power inside a wz. But here comes the catch: With 1 conqueror and 1 partisan weapon my force power inside a wz is... exactly the same! Making conqueror weapons the most expensive and useless conqueror item you can get so make sure you buy them last^^
  20. First of all english is not my first language so I apologize for mistakes. Right now it is extremely easy to get the black-blue, black-red, cyan, purple, black-purple and black-orange PvE crystals. The materials to make them are not high enough and the prices in the GTN are sinking with everyday as more and more people are learning the schematics.The crystals are no longer a status symbol but something that everybody (well everybody who plays PvE) can get with very little effort. Some of the the PvP crystals on the other hand are hard to obtain. Compared to the PvE versions of these crystals ridiculously hard! I'm proposing to change the way we can obtain the PvP crystals: Remove the rating requirement for the black-orange and black-purple crystals. Remove all the crystals from the PvP vendor and put them in the Grade 6 Crafting PvP Boxes (including cyan and purple) with a 1 in 4 or 5 chance to get any crystal. Let us reverse engineer the crystals. Maybe have a new vehicle and pet that require a high rating available to make up for the crystals. Yes that would mean that the black-purple and black-orange crystals would no longer be rare but for everyone who plays PvE they are already easy to obtain. I simply want the same acces to customisation that every other player gets. Discuss.
  21. Yeah I posted in some of threads asking for this because I would like to know what happened to the crystals too.
  22. What about the Black-Blue, Black-Red, Cyan, and Purple color crystals with expertise? Where can we get them?
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