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Everything posted by theJudeAbides

  1. This is the thing I have ALWAYS hated about this game: the RNG. It is absolutely atrocious. "50% to be a certain mission each day"... "Doesn't show up a single day for 3 weeks straight"... "Working as intended"... BW has some of the most piss-poor programmers in the industry. Fix your code.
  2. I've been saying this for YEARS: They need to nerf operatives' utilities. Operatives were already OP even when we had defensives/more utilities to try to deal with some of their BS. Now you take away most of what allowed us to survive against their stun lock BS, but don't nerf any of operatives bajillion+ utilities? How is that fair? As for Snipers, yeah, the inability of melee to jump to them when they're in cover has NEVER made any sense to me, gameplay-wise or lore-wise. "I'm this fiercesome Jedi/Sith with COMPLETE mastery of the force, but OH NO, this little shooty-boi over here has erected a small energy shield which has completely negated my ability to use the force to leap to someone. Guess I'll die now, then." I'm thinking PVP is gonna be unplayable in the first 2-3 months of the expansion unless your play the 1-2 FOTM classes (probably operatives) due to horrid balancing.
  3. Umm, just vendor or deconstruct it, same as normal? If nothing else you have 7 cargo bay pages and 7 legacy bay pages. Figure it out.
  4. Can you be real for once and just tell us who found what exploit? There's no way you're taking down servers during PRIME TIME hours for a minor bug fix.
  5. It's the same as the purpose as these forums: So they can pretend they're "listening" to the players, which they never actually do. It reminds of an old Seinfeld bit: Any one can go around taking feedback. That's easy. It's the LISTENING that's difficult. This is not new, BW has been doing it for years. It's quite sad, really: - Players ask for more Ops and FPs... BW gives us more CM crap. - Players ask for balanced classes... BW gives us OP Vanguards/PTs. - Players ask BW to do something about broken Skank Tanks in PVP... BW does nothing. - Players ask BW to fix bugs in the game... BW adds more bugs instead. The list goes on and on. BW is a part of EA, which is one of he biggest (if not the biggest) company in the industry, with one of the biggest licenses (Star Wars) that you can get, and yet they put the absolute bare minimum of resources into this game. Compare this game (and the content it gets) to any other MMO, and it's absolutely laughable. "We're listening to your feedback," they say. Words mean nothing. Actions mean everything. They don't listen to our feedback. They don't care.
  6. Still no buffs for Gunnery/Arsenal? After the MASSIVE nerf that's put us at the bottom of the barrel? This dev team is an absolute joke.
  7. To everyone saying that Gunnery is now "in it's rightful place", I ask why? Prior to the nerf, Gunnery was a very middle of the road DPS spec. No one was complaining that it was OP. Is it because you're one of the elitists who think all burst specs should be lower then DOT specs? If so, why aren't you complaining about Tactics Vanguards, who currently ARE OP, and have been for some time. If you're going to nerf a Burst spec, then that should have been first in line. Or is it because you're one of the elitists who think ranged DPS should do less than melee DPS. In which case, why aren't you complaining about TK Sages, who were (and are now even more) out-performing Gunnery? No matter how you try to slice it, there was NO reason to nerf Gunnery. And what's most galling of all, is that they did it right as they released NIM Dxun. At a time when we need as much DPS as we can get, BW specifically nerfed Gunnery, and no other class, to the point where we're barely viable, and only if you can DPS out of your mind.
  8. Wow, so you re-buff Assault Spec, but not Gunnery? So I guess screw us, we're now destined to be the bottom bin DPS spec? Thanks BW. "Play the way you want, so long as it's not Gunnery" should be the new slogan for this expansion.
  9. While this vendor is useful, I agree that we could use more vendors to spend frags on. One thing that would be REALLY useful would be vendors that sell specific R-value mods and enhancements. I wouldn't care if these cost 5x as much as the random ones, or even 10x. At this point, the only gear I really care about is specific R-value items that I'm dependent on RNG to get. Having a guaranteed way to get those specific R-value items would be really nice. Another item that would be useful to purchase is Legendary Embers for crafting. Right now, we're entirely dependent on RNG to get these. If you look at GTN, the price of Embers has skyrocketed since they made Conquest easier to do (thus increasing the amount Solid Resource Matrices on the market). I mean, right now I have over 1000 Solid Resource Matrices that I can't even use for crafting because I have less than 100 embers and the cost of embers on the GTN is nearing 1M each. We need a way to combat this inflation and having a vendor that sold Embers for, say, 500 tech fragments each would be a good solution to that problem.
  10. Glad to see I'm not the only one who understand how resoundingly bad this is for Commando DPS. Unfortunately, our concerns/complaints continue to fall on deaf ears. Commando DPS lives don't matter, they just want to make Commando heals bad again. And yeah, it's absolutely atrocious how bad our energy management is compared to other classes. At least Sages don't have to worry about energy management. Now, Commando's are gonna have bad DPS AND still have to worry about energy management.
  11. A Big old Bump to a thread about a big old nerf because we've still heard a big old lot of nothing from BW about it.
  12. Where have you seen that they're adding a +10% crit to the DPS specs, because I haven't seen this anywhere? Can you please verify this information (e.g. provide proof)? Because if so, I'll shut up right now.
  13. I'm sorry if my use of the word "clearly" has upset your delicate sensitivities so, but I, like most commandos/mercs right now am mad. Mad as hell. As Aulus has said, if you look at where the parses are at right now (go look at Parsely, don't take my word for it), Commando/Merc DPS are very average. Honestly, if they were going to stay the same, I wouldn't be here "whining." There are classes that parse higher than me: I don't care. There are classes that parse lower than me: Maybe give them a buff? I'm not gonna start a thread about it, though. And if this was a relatively small/minor nerf, I wouldn't be here either. As long as I'm able to meet DPS checks in HM/NIM content, I'm fine. What bothers me is that if this nerf goes through unchanged, my class will no longer be viable in that content. I will likely have to switch to another class (or maybe just rage quit). This is not something I want to do. Bioware claims we can "play our way." My way is to play Commando, but they're making it unplayable. The reason I'm demanding a response from the devs (and believe me, I know how cliche that is on these forums, and that honestly, it probably won't even happen, but maybe I can stir up enough of a fuss for them to quietly take notice and do something about it) is because the devs in this game have a LONG history of making changes with unintended consequences and then taking months, if not years, to undo them. I'm worried that they're so laser-focused on nerfing the Heal spec that they don't even realize what they're doing to the DPS. So go ahead, call me the poster-child for forum fanboy whining. But if you actually stop and look at this situation, do some research, you'll see that this nerf is going to destroy Commando DPS. Hyperbole? Maybe, but perhaps not as much as you think.
  14. Holy necro-bump, Batman, this dumpster-fire of an event deserves to lay buried in the past. Please leave it there.
  15. Since we can't seem to get any answer the PTS forum about this, I'll try here. The Commando/Mercenary Concentrated Fire set is about to receive a massive nerf to fix how over-powered the healers are right now. OK, fair enough, they are pretty OP. But have any of the developers thought about how this is going to affect both of the DPS specs? Because I have, and it's not pretty. I transferred my commando over to the PTS to test the changes and OOOOF, it's bad. We're looking at a 2-3k DPS nerf here. Are we supposed to switch to the Apex Predator set? Because: A) it's under-performing and B) difficult to obtain (far to reliant on RNG nonsense). The Notorious Set? Yikes! The developers REALLY need to respond here, because their silence is telling. Either they don't care about Commando/Mercenary DPS (which is suspect, they've nerfed it willy-nilly for years), or they're ignorant to just how badly this will affect our DPS. As it stands right now, Commando/Merc DPS is very middle of the road, average at best. There's no real need for nerfs or buffs, yet we're being nerfed nonetheless. Why? And what is the impetus for nerfing the set vs nerfing the spec? If the heals are OP, why not nerf them directly, and leave the DPS alone? Are you upset because both heals and DPS use the same set? It's virtually the same for every other class. Scoundrel DPS and Heals both use the Tacticians set. Hell, Guardian Tanks, Guardian DPS, AND all Sentinel specs use the Descent of the Fearless set, but you don't seem to mind that? If you want people to consider other sets, how about not making the other sets absolute garbage? Instead of nerfing this set, buff other sets to be equally viable? Get rid of all these garbage "buff to very-situational-use-ability" sets and miscellaneous 4-piece sets (what's the point of having 4 piece sets if you're not going to give us an 8th set piece, thus giving use the option between 2 4-piece sets or 1 6-piece set and 1 2-piece set? You need to outline a clear strategy for what you want to achieve from various sets, and then ask the community for directed feedback. And if nobody is buying/using a set? That's probably because it's trash and needs to be re-designed. Don't trash Commando's DPS because the heals are OP, find a better solution (Like removing the healer abilities that proc. the 10% crit chance, but leaving the DPS ones, thereby nerfing heals while leaving the DPS intact).
  16. I'd like to add my "here here" to the general sentiment of this thread. Commando DPS are getting nerfed for NO reason at all. We're merely going to suffer because Healer Commando's are OP. But rather than doing something sensible, like nerfing their actual heals, or removing the healer components from CF, they're just going to say FU to all Commando DPS. I copied over my Commando main which has full Min/maxed gear (R-2 Mods, correct "R" enhancements, full gold Armor Pen. amplifiers) just so I could parse, and the results were as I feared: I was parsing about 2k less than I did before. This nerf is nothing short of full on destruction of the DPS specs. I suppose we Commandos should be used to this by now, given they nerf our class into the ground EVERY single expansion, but somehow this is just much, much worse than in the past. And even if Apex Predator is now the new BIS gear, that brings a whole new load of BS: it only randomly drops in MM Dxun and there is no clear path to gear, just RNG nonsense. And even if I manage to get the set, I now have to rip out all my armorings, mods, enhancements, and augments, not to mention re-augmenting the new gear. So all that money I've sunk into my CF sets is straight down the drain. At least when they nerfed the Operative and Sage sets, they were still viable sets, but this is just absurd. Commando DPS as a whole is no longer viable. Nobody is going to want to take a Commando DPS in MM Dxun, or any other raid, with how little DPS we can actually do. The developers NEED to respond to this, but I know they won't, because "OMG, lulz, swoop racing and gambling."
  17. The BIGGEST problem that I see with conquest is how poorly PVE players are treated with it. If you're a big PVPer, you can EASILY get your conquest goal on a number of toons just by simply queueing for PVP. They have all these repeatable missions that give them TONS of points. Meanwhile, PVEers get a single weekly that can only be gotten on a single toon. There is no easy path for PVEers to make their goals on a number of toons. Why aren't there more high-value conquest objectives for Flashpoints and operations? At best, if I queue for a flashpoint, I can get 1 objective a day. Meanwhile, PVPers can queue for match after match after match and get conquest points every time. Do the same for PVEers. Queue for a FP: Get points. Queue for another? More points. Queue for another? More points. Queue for an op? BIG points. (ops should honestly give like 25k points and be infinitely repeatable). HM ops should give 50k (yeah, it should fully complete your conquest goals). Your typical HM op takes at least 2 hours. Players should be rewarded for doing it.
  18. Ah, classic Eric Musco: Make controversial changes to NIM raids without bothering to inform the community ahead of time. Then, when it blows up in his face and there's arguing and controversy all around you on the forums, just go hide in the corner for several months a let someone else deal with it. You stay classy, Eric.
  19. So what ninja changes will be coming in this patch? What new brilliant "features" that have only been seen and approved by the most elite players in the game are coming? A 100% increase in all boss damage output in NIM raids? A nerf to Sage/Sorc heals as an added "F U" to people who play those classes? How about a nerf to all DPS classes except Vanguards/Powertechs, who actually get a buff? How about down-scaling all PVPers to level 70 in "old" warzones and arenas (which is all of them)? I'm sure they'd love that. How about giving all Gunships 1 HP and no shields in GSF, while also nerfing their DPS? They're the new glass cannon... without the cannon. I'm sure whatever it is, we will all be awestruck by the sheer brilliance of it.
  20. There's so much grade-A trolling and BS in this thread, it's hard to know where to begin. But begin I shall. "NIM is meant to be hard, it was so EASY with VE stacks." So, our guild easily clears HM TFB, one-shotting all bosses while casually chatting about whatever. Meanwhile, in NIM, we had been progressing on the Dread Guard for over a month. It took us a while to properly do all the mechanics correctly, but we got there eventually. In every pull, everyone was 100% focused and the only things spoken were call-outs for mechanics and other fight-related things. This content is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than HM, and just because you and your 1337 friends have had it on farm since it came out doesn't mean it isn't hard for the rest of us. "NIM is so easy, casuals could do it." Yeah, OK. Have you seen the casuals in this game? I have. I've seen casuals fail numerous times to the first boss in MM Hammer Station. 99% of the population of this game wouldn't even dare to set foot in a NIM. The people that are even attempting NIM are a select few. "You should be able to solo-heal NIM content!" OK there buddy, you come and do that for us then. Any repair bills will be sent to you, but that shouldn't be a worry because your heals are so great, right?!? What an asinine thing to say. "You should really be only bringing specific classes into this fight." Why? People should be able to play whatever classes they want to play without that guaranteeing failure to progress. If the classes aren't balanced properly, that's not the players problems, that's BWs problem. And if BW fails to do anything about it, the only way to get there attention is to cancel subscriptions and hurt BW the only way they can: withholding their money. I've yet to see a single video of any group clearing NIM TFB without VE stacks. If it's so "easy" as you claim, then put up or shut up.
  21. FINALLY, someone who gets it (and can better articulate it better than myself). All of the people in our raid group have been playing this game for a long time. Our Sage heals was doing HMs/NIMs before I ever start ops, yet her EHPS is way down due to a lackluster healer set and tactical. Our DPS is solid and isn't the issue here, it's the sheer amount of damage going out to tanks with very small health pools who are supposed to be healed by an under-performing class. NIM was never a "face-roll" for us. Then again, we actually do all the mechanics and don't rely on cheese methods. If they're going to keep VE stacks gone, then they're gonna have buff Sage heals and Tank health, as well as adjust some of the damage values on some of the bosses because it's just insane right now. Even when we had VE stacks, our healers (who again, are NOT noobs, but are really good healers) could barely keep up. But what's worst of all right now is BW's COMPLETE lack of any further communication. It just goes to show how little they actually care about the NIM raiding community. My only real question I have is: Why did you bother doing this place? Couldn't your time have been better spent creating more re-skinned armors and mounts for the GTN?
  22. OK there, Mr. Elitist D-Bag. Most of the raiders on my team have been raiding since 1.0 or 2.0. They did the content back then, same as you, but often ended up being unable to complete content due to 1-2 crappier/mediocre players on the team. Those crappy/mediocre players have since been replaced, and we've been doing pretty good, but again there are some of us that are new to NIM, and of course there's the issue of team coordination. We've actually made great strides on both of those two things, and as I've said, have been getting closer and closer in our progression. Our DPS isn't the problem, but the massive heals check on the Dread Guard fight was holding us back. Also, saying we're voer-geared/over-powered, when our stats are being arbitrarily lowered, with no control over things like power and mastery, I'd say you're full of crap. "Back in your day" your stats mattered and you had control over it, we don't have that now.
  23. Because most low-level scrubs have NO CLUE how to gear themselves. Remember back Strength, Willpower, Cunning and Aim were a thing? The VAST majority of players had the wrong one. I saw Willpower on Agents. Strength on Sorcs. Etc, etc, etc... And these were the same types who would complain, "I can't beat [insert really basic, simple content with one mild mechanic]! It's completely unbeatable! BW please nerf!" So, you get what we have today: Players stats are controlled by the game and content is mind-numbingling easy. Don't hate the devs, hate the unwashed plebs who play this game.
  24. And how many of them are actually doing NIM progression here in 6.0/6.1?!? Why is BW listening to people who don't even play this content, as opposed to the people who do?
  25. This stealth nerf of removing Veteran's Edge stack from NIM raids is just a GIANT middle finger to every guild currently doing progression on older content. Who asked for this, anyways? Who was demanding DPS, Heals, and Tank health be nerfed for the hardest content in the game? I haven't seen anyone asking for this. And before you say "Git Gud", our guild had been doing progression on NIM TFB, specifically the Dread guard. Over the course of the last month and a half, we have gone from routinely wiping on Heirad to nearly beating it with only 8-9% left on Kelsara on our best pull (and we only raid once a week for 2 hours). We were all looking forward to progression this week because we were hopeful we'd finally be able to down them. Now it's basically going to be impossible. This fight was already a HUGE heals check that our heals were barely able to keep up with, and now you're both nerfing their heals and the tanks health? Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. This change needs to be undone immediately, or what little is left of the NIM raiding community will die. Or better yet, just do like literally EVERYONE has been asking and make this level 75 content.
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