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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by crunchbarry

  1. Um. I don't think the Yuuzhan Vong made their appearance in the Star Wars galaxy until after the Thrawn trilogy, which was after the original trilogy, which would make adding them into this game erroneus. If I remember correctly, they came from another galaxy completely, and simply did not exist in this one until that time. Also, all the books and extended universe sucked when the Vong thing started.



  2. Need for your character. Greed for everything else. And no, marauders can't need on heavy armor unless they ask permission first.


    If you need for your stupid companion or alt you are a ninja looter and loot whore.

  3. I only answered what was writen. I can not "read the mind" of a poster. If you wish to covey your thoughts then TYPE WHAT YOU ARE THINKING and do NOT require me to read your mind. My comments stand as a rebuttle to what was "written" on these forums.


    You can still play on other servers.


    Further. Your response is incoherant and lacks examples. Complete your thoughts in stating HOW you FEEL this is not implemented and has no connection. You have given no examples once again FORCING someone to read your mind. Good effort. Poor execution.


    P.S. I know what you mean but I am not going to respond untill you actually WRITE it.


    My thoughts are.. playing a new character on the opposing faction just for a companion would be an absolute waste of time, at least, for me, as i have no interest in playing characters of opposing factions on the same server. And it will certainly be nice when they implement cross server legacy and I can get all my perks 'n stuff. No rush, bioWare. Also, legacy would likely cause myself to stay confined to a single server for the most part. I feel claustrophobic. All these new legacy unlocks only serve to further this tyranny. I also feel like an angry troll.

  4. Nothing about how HK-51 is being implemented prevents this.


    You can "play toons" on as many "other servers" that currently allow for the creation of "toons".




    The point is the legacy is not connected and hence no HK51. Why would people argue AGAINST features that could potentially be implemented that would serve only to make this game better and have (almost) no negative consequences? You guys like playing opposing factions on the same server, good for you. Many others like playing on more than one server, especially when they are playing opposing factions.


    The absolute worst thing that could happen if you wanted to play on different servers is that you would have to change your legacy name... and that wouldn't even apply to people that only wanted to play on a single server. So this request is of absolutely no consequence to you. Its pretty sad i have to wall of text to explain this to you.


    Whats wrong with you people?

  5. Yeah, nobody... with the exception of me, everybody I know personally that plays, about 60% of the people I talk to online that play, and a significant number of the people in this very thread.


    Your not liking something doesn't mean that nobody likes it. Get over yourself.


    Yeah, and I would like to play toons on other servers besides one. Its nice that you like to play all your characters on the same server, I don't.

  6. I tend to think they shouldn't shut down so many servers. They should shut down a lot, but not so many. Some people want to play on low pop servers. But until today, there were waaaaay too many servers to chose from. The solution to this would be quite simple, and that would be to open up about 20 more servers and then go ahead and merge the others to the 12 "super" servers. After the merge, offer those players a free transfer to any of the "low pop" servers. Bioware and EA should keep in mind that more people may end up buying this game and sub numbers will likely grow as the game evolves, so they'll need these servers anyway.
  7. Nice work - if we really want to play with thousands of kill stealing, selfish ninja's!

    I was enjoying playing on low pop servers, just doing missions and leveling a ton of alts,

    but now that's all going away as you lock the servers then later this summer force them

    to merge with high pop servers, so not only will the game experience SUCK,

    but we will often be LOCKED OUT due to FULL SERVERS!


    Way to go, bioware, another customer lost.

    <golf clap>


    face it - you're dying off, you've ruined this game when it could have been SO GREAT!

    Guild Wars 2, in 46 days, will seal your fate.


    (I know the forum nazis will delete this post,l you've got the worst control freaks i've ever seen,

    even worse than blizzards') !


    uh. guild wars 2 sucks.

  8. I thought the same thing, started grinding a Jedi Knight and I'm loving the story and Kira. I'm playing a Goodie Goodie cept when it concerns Kira! I've never like playing Republic even in Galaxies. Im having enough fun that a Smuggler and Trooper may be in my Future!


    lol, well i would like to play both factions just not on the same server.

  9. yes, this is just speculation, but it seems the general rumor is that you'll have to have an opposing faction toon on the same server. and even if it is only level 35-40ish... or even lvl 1-15ish... eh. hypothetically, if i were to level an opposing faction toon just for this companion.. i would never play that toon again. (not that i plan on doing this because i don't)


    ...but i do want an assassin droid, lol.

  10. -day/night time lapse and weather effects

    -sabacc and pazak


    -20+ man pvp warzones

    -20+ man operations

    -built in stun timer/bar

    -legendary weapons that are unique and actually rare

    -improved world pvp

    -new playable species and classes. wookies, rodians, trandoshans, droids.. my first choices



    do it.

  11. so i heard you have to have 2 50s of opposing factions on the same server. eh. i don't really like the idea of playing both factions on the same server. maybe on different servers. and i won't level a character to 50 just to get this companion, so i guess i'll miss out on this content. you guys really should make legacy cross server. who cares what the name of your legacy is as long as you get the rewards. or, simply, allow duplicate legacy names.
  12. /who


    search name


    view class and level


    actually, i have tried this and it doesn't work. i could care less about inspecting someone's gear, but being able to view someone's guild/lvl/class who posts in chat would be nice.

  13. If you could add options to see what level and class people is by rightclick in the chat that would be awesome. And also inspect their gear if they're beside you.


    Also make it so that you can rightclick on the names that've whispered you.


    Many thanks.


    I agree with this post. You should be able to see someones class/lvl/guild in chat if you shift click them.

  14. When are loads times going to be address. They are so poor it's shocking. I'm on an i7 rig with 12GB RAM and the loads times are just wee wee (censored version) poor.


    Some planets I just don't bother to queue for warzone from because I know the load time are going to be shocking. Tatooine is one of them.


    Buy an SSD. I have practically zero load times.

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