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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by crunchbarry

  1. I did build my computer and it has a radeon 6670 in it. this is a $100 graphics card. fleet does not lag very much for me and there are usually 300+ people on. all my settings are on high with shadows off and the game runs 40-100fps @ 1280x1024 (i have an older lcd monitor and will admittedly need to upgrade to a 2g card when i buy a new one). the lowest my framerate will ever drop on fleet is 20.


    an instanced duel area would be cool but i fear nobody would use it unless it was close to the pvp terminals/vendors.

  2. i use a naga and have had no problems with mine. i changed my dpi settings to my liking when i first got the mouse and saved everything on my razer synapse profile. make sure your computer is loading this every time at start up.
  3. I don't understand how it makes it boring? Every player is different and plays differently. Giving PvP stats to boost your dmg etc. makes it more exciting? Sounds even more boring to be a godmode guy that 2-shots noobs in greens.


    I absolutely cannot comprehend how 2 shotting noobs in greens can be boring.

  4. Luckily GW2 won't have this problem since they removed those stupid PvP stats from the game that are totally unnecessary and will just create pointless grind. Player's entering a PvP match will have their stats boosted to same lvl so now it is player skill rather than player's gear that speaks in the PvP matches.


    Sort of like nascar where all the cars are tuned to run the same. Just a bunch of lefthand turns booooring.

  5. Luckily GW2 won't have this problem since they removed those stupid PvP stats from the game that are totally unnecessary and will just create pointless grind. Player's entering a PvP match will have their stats boosted to same lvl so now it is player skill rather than player's gear that speaks in the PvP matches.


    Oh? Sounds boooooring.

  6. This is not a suggestion post, so don't place it there. It's a *** is going on with the future of this game post. I've been a fanboy of this game but just recently started aqcuiring 50s. And what I've found out is the game suddenly stops. I mostly PVP so I know I am missing a whole lot, but it's what I enjoy. The 10-49 bracket was an absolute blast and I had fun every single match. But at 50... BLAH. The second you enter your first 50 match, ROFLSTOMPED. Even with crappy Recruit gear on. So you start your painful grind for a few measley WZ commendations per match, but you encounter endless ranked war heroes and conquerors in gear a billion time better than your own.


    I have literally sat behind a scoundrel who didn't run and just went to town dpsing him and I couldn't make his HP budge. And in the 10-49 bracket I was always top dps. There was no one else healing him either. He would just throw on a heal or two and be back at full health. It's just ridiculous when it comes to the massive gap between new 50's and geared 50's. I'm sorry, but PVPing should be fun but when you hit 50 it's just not. Not to mention all the jerks who talk crap to you and laugh/spit when you can't take them down but you keep trying.


    It's just demeaning and demoralizing. I know people say HANG IN THERE but really why should a player suffer this much? It seems like so many other games do PVP better, so why am I even wasting my time? There is no other way to get WZ commendations either. At least give us some other means to grind out some WZ comms when the queues aren't popping late at night or we just get tired of dealing with jerks, organized teams, and players who can 2-shot you.


    Tell me again, why can't we have PVP SPACE BATTLES? I was really hoping for something reminiscent of Battlefront II when I got this game, but instead I got StarFox space battles on rails. Once you finish the objectives you can literally walk away and not touch the controls and still win the mission. Come on Bioware, I've got two accounts with you, pre-ordered the game in July 2011, and been on your side every step of the way, but I am just worn out and not having fun anymore.


    Tell me Bioware, why should I keep paying and playing? Give me something to really get excited for! Whatcha got?! By the way, yes I am QQing. If you don't have QQs over some aspect of this game, then you are probably spending all your time trolling the forums instead of playing it. :rolleyes:


    Well, once you get some gear you'll be the one ROLFSTOMPING others, so, yeah. Get gear, kid. Its much funner after that.

  7. I often read these bitter reviews from players about the direction of this game, so i wanted to bring to light something that many Starwars fans already know.


    Starwas is notorius for pulling out all the stops to bring in the most amount of money as possible.


    Nothing in the starwars world is safe. Lore has been changed on a whim with no regard to the fanbase, everything from Ewok Movies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoXdYJO0oYU&feature=related)

    to Video games (force unleashed)


    How many re-released and re-vamped movies have now been re-introduced?

    (had to use one of the worst addittions)


    It seems the starwars IP brings out the greed in everyone. As a fan you grow to expect this



    EA view on micro transactions


    Ewoks created soley to sell toys, Endor should have been Kashhyyk (EWOK, is just mixed letters from WOOKIE)



    The massive changes to SWG i(massive failure)



    So when players want to blame Bioware or EA you got to look at the history of this IP in general, its like a curse.


    As some point the fans will lose out to the all mighty buck. If they can sell something with the starwars logo they will.


    SWTOR is fun game but when things like F2P come along with a real cash store for items, dont be surprised.

    When lore is broken from ingame vanity items, dont be surprised.

    If short cuts are taken (re-releasing old green items as new moddable), dont be surprised (Greedo was reused in ROTJ)


    There is no point to get mad about it, Starwars as an IP is notorious for selling out.

    Been happening for years, you just got to get over it and accept it.

    Heck the cheesy stuff and the greedy disney world esque IP is part of what makes starwars, well...starwars.


    Hey man, who cares? In the original script Lucas decided that Han Solo would not die because he thought he wouldn't be able to sell as many action figures.

  8. Anyways here's the quote from pcgamer... comparsion of the revenus in comparsion to company like EA to a dedicated F2P game publisher and sadly most of their successful games are all... relatively... Pay to Win.


    "EA is the kind of company most people’s grans have heard of, whereas Nexon sit firmly in the big-in-Asia category. But Nexon makes a lot of money from its free-to-play games – they reported an operating income of £714.51 million last year, which eclipses EA’s mere £191.65 million."


    Nexon made 1.2 BILLION in revenue in 2011. EA made about a quarter of that.


    well jeez, if every person in china paid $1 into that game it would be a billion.

  9. ... Yah I have EA papers, not bundles of it, but enough to care. I see this f2p move a last ditch effort to salvage this investment. I am only impressed with roi this stock gives over time, not sub numbers. If it was self sustaining and giving something you wouldnt tinker with it much. But, you are revamping the sub model here. And in two quarters when you layout how awesome it is to have a 15% increase, we will know that it's a hollow number. Increases in participation without cash attached is worthless to me. Sure, you may pick up some buyers from this collection of browsers, but youre bleeding faster than you are signing up subs.


    I applaud your courage to try new things, but you are simply masking/ignoring the real issues. You have people in leadership with a strategic vision that is failing. Past subs are telling you this, so are current subs (fanbois cut quotes here, so u can rage how awesome things are). You have these people on too long a leash, cut them already, they are losing. What more proof do you need that it aint working with these two in charge? Youre running out of excuses and marketing gimmiks to try to convince us everything is fine. 2500 jobs are cut to turn that bottom line number black again, do you get it yet? It's flawed vision, get new leadership, hell take a chance on some intern at this point, cant get any worse.


    Heard they were losing the NFL and NCAA franchise for a couple years. Better sell that stuff, dude.

  10. Yes, I have a question. How will this game continue evolving after so much revenue is lost when many players go F2P?


    I don't subscribe just so I can run operations or have full access, etc. I don't mind paying because I know I am playing a game that will be constantly evolving.

  11. Compared to my frakking Marauder, I do feel squishy in Shien. However, I also feel that my overall survivability is on par, because I have Guardian Leap. But that's kind of... weird for a class that's supposed to be a frontline heavy armour class.


    Also, I avoid opening with a charge. There's always a chance to attack a ranged player who actually knows what they're doing.


    I would not advise "saving" your force leap for any reason. Use freezing force. In fact, I often find myself running away from a ranged/melee and using force leap. I am not exactly a sweep guardian either but my spec is weird and probably pretty unique. Its heavy Vig, though.


    And guards are still pretty squishy in shien.

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