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Everything posted by DZechman

  1. I asked ZO-OM if she was, in fact, faster than the Flash, but she said she couldn't remember. But seriously, the truly tragic thing about this is that in the early years of the game, the Flashpoints were your first source of the lowest tiers of Set Bonus gear (Tionese and Columi) that would prep you for doing your first SM operations where you'd move up to the next tiers (Rakata, Campaign, Dread Guard). You know, . . . back when SWTOR was an MMO and not a Freemium tablet game.
  2. NOTE: Any similarity to a song from a popular Disney animated musical is completely coincidental. Srsly. Also: For best effect, imagine the italicized text to be spoken by someone with an Australian accent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's time for the end of version 4 We won't do featured hard-modes anymore They say these new "Uprisings" will be great! This year I've helped my group stand tall wrote up a guide you may recall Finally we've reached the download date. But they've axed the old way of gearing It'll be totally strange What on Earth's the reason for this change? 'Cause now it's forced grinding forever And no new end-game in sight Try to form ops groups, however it's to farm the mobs all night I know that just to say it ain't classy But I'm really getting boned 'Cause if it's forced grinding forever I'll just be alone [spoken:] In New York I met everyone! Natasha and Darin: SO FUN! Tonight I gave my raid group a call no way could I convince them all and one just disappeared without a trace Oh! A PUG is a painful, long affair and finally I resort to prayer and get a half-way decent group in place. But then we just get these schematics, which is totally bizarre Nothing like the game I've played so far With this forced grinding forever It's just tragic, there's no fun Like casinos, pull a lever And then your Jedi wins a gun. And although I need helmet and chest piece I get three sets of pants But with the forced grinding forever It's just a random chance Your feedback's in, January we'll be making a change to CXP We feel ... that we'll ... tweak it just so that you can choose the piece you want, although... Ranking up is still the way But that'll take 'till May The CXP will stay It's agony this way It's still tied to tokens from the crates! The crates?!? Still it's forced grinding forever I know it's spin, but hear my plea You're ruining this game I love It's exciting, you all just wait and see I can't invite the Free-to-play's But we'll... 'cause they all got the shove It's real, just deal. Hey wait, don't go! Before it all ends in sorrow, I just really have to say: If you don't get your act together if it's forced grinding forever No one's going to stay! (No!)
  3. Hello everyone! Suffice it to say that version 5.0 has not been kind to the raiding community. So now Team Cuttlefish from <Republic Gentlemen> is looking for a good tank and DPS to backfill people who have left the game. For the tank, we have a slight preference for a heavy-armor class to play alongside our Shadow (me). For the DPS, we have a slight preference for a taunt-capable class, but any class is acceptable if you can hit the necessary numbers and execute the necessary mechanics. We run on Wednesday and Thursday nights starting at 8:30PM Eastern until 11:30-ish. If you have the skills but not the gear (yet), no worries, because we're all in the same boat right now and gearing up the entire team will be a major focus for a couple of weeks. Anyone who joins the team will be offered membership in R.G., though guild membership is not a requirement. If you're interested, you can post here, send me a PM, contact Dianiss or Galadina in-game, or apply at the www.RepublicGentlemen.com website.
  4. Just a follow-up post to note that we are again looking for a quality DPS player. We were working with a couple of people, but they ended up not working out and so we're out looking again. If you are interested, or if you have questions, feel free to post here, contact Dianiss or Galadina in-game, or apply at the www.RepublicGentlemen.com website.
  5. Hello again, everyone! We found a great healer to join the group, but due to Real Life conflicts we are losing a DPS. So now Team Cuttlefish from <Republic Gentlemen> is looking for a good DPS to backfill. We have a slight preference for a taunt-capable class, but any class is acceptable if you can hit the necessary numbers and execute the necessary mechanics. We run on Wednesday and Thursday nights starting at 8:30PM Eastern until 11:30-ish. If you have the skills but not the gear (yet), we will get you geared up in short order. Anyone who joins the team will be offered membership in R.G., though guild membership is not a requirement. If you're interested, you can post here, contact Dianiss or Galadina in-game, or apply at the http://www.RepublicGentlemen.com website.
  6. EDIT: I originally tried to edit the title of the thread, but evidently thread creators can't do that. Since the original title is misleading, I created a new thread. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello again, everyone! We found a great healer to join the group, but due to Real Life conflicts we are losing a DPS. So we are now looking for a good DPS to backfill. We have a slight preference for a taunt-capable class, but any class is acceptable if you can hit the necessary numbers and execute the necessary mechanics. Same raid times as in the first post: Wed + Thurs at 8:30 PM Eastern until 11:30-ish. If you're interested, you can post here, contact Dianiss or Galadina in-game, or apply at the http://www.RepublicGentlemen.com website.
  7. This, this, and more of this! I have been saying for years now that we need a way to either convert items from Bound to Bound-to-Legacy (it could be implemented similarly to the add-an-augment-slot interface) or at least a method of doing a one-time transfer of a Bound item to another character in the legacy (think: buy a B2L container, put item inside, move container, remove item, container is consumed). The container could be sold for CC's. The "B2L Augment Kit" (or whatever it would be called) could be craftable and require the consumption of an unassembled Inheritance/Birthright item to construct it. Moving arbitrary items into the Stash (or, for that matter, the Legacy Bank) would also serve this need elegantly. (I, too, have some old items on my oldest characters that I will not destroy--because I could never get them again--that I'd love to be able to use on newer characters.)
  8. Ben, thank you very much for responding to my post. This is exactly the kind of information that we (or *I*, anyway) like to see--because it shows us that you're on top of the issue. Glad to hear it! I look forward to seeing Guss again soon!
  9. Hello everyone! Team Cuttlefish from <Republic Gentlemen> is looking for a good healer--preferably a Sage--for HM & NiM progression to replace a player who has decided to stop playing the game. We run on Wed and Thurs nights starting at 8:30PM Eastern until 11:30-ish. If you have the skills but not the gear (yet), we will get you geared up in short order. Anyone who joins the team will be offered membership in R.G., though guild membership is not a requirement. If you're interested, you can post here, contact Dianiss or Galadina in-game, or apply at the http://www.RepublicGentlemen.com website. P.S. If you're unsure of yourself as a Sage healer, fear not! As you can see below, I--literally--wrote the book on Sage healing in SWTOR.
  10. You completely miss the point of my post. They announced that something would be coming, and then for some reason they failed to deliver. Instead of giving any kind of explanation, they give us some cute little fictional story--as if this was the intended result all along. That reeks of excuses to me. The proper response to give when you (or anyone for that matter) messes up is to own it, admit what you did, acknowledge WHY it happened, and explain how you'll prevent it from happening again in the future (or at least, as much of that as possible, given the situation). To effectively do that last part, you have to be honest about the WHY. This is what being professional is. You're right about one thing: I don't need to know the WHY. I just want to be confident that THEY know the WHY. Instead, we get "I meant to do that." [for maximum effect, imagine in Pee-Wee Herman's voice] and no actual admission that anything went wrong--let alone the word "sorry" [shudder] actually gets used. Maybe it's just me, but that . . . irks me. EDIT: A few minutes later, a much better way to explain myself occurs to me: When you fail at something and then ONLY make a joke about it, it leads me to believe that you don't take these failures seriously.
  11. Thanks for letting us know, Ben. Now that you've made your cutesy-funny announcement, would you care to tell us what the actual issue is...? ...or do we, your paying customers, not get to know that?
  12. Jedi Covenant most certainly did have a 15-minute Server Admin announcement, which was repeated at regular intervals afterward. I was online. I saw them. Evidently, you did not.
  13. A couple of tips that I haven't seen listed here yet (everything listed so far is spot-on): Learn the fights, and the flow of each battle. Knowing what is about to happen allows you to deal with it when it happens AND be ready to deal with it before it happens. Learn to play each type of healer class and each type of tank class. I'm not suggesting that you need to become an expert, but just enough to give you some insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your co-healer and of each of the 3 types of tanks. Also, experiencing the tanking first-hand will go a long way helping you to learn the fights and be able to anticipate what the tanks will do. This is going to sound a bit convoluted, but bear with me. I keybind my 'F' key to "Select Target of Focus Target". WTH is that about? In fights with tank-swaps and heavy boss damage (Dread Palace had a lot of this), you can Focus-target the boss. Then you can periodically hit 'F' --especially at times when there might be a tank-swap. If there isn't, nothing happens. If there is, BOOM, you've just auto-switched to the tank that now has aggro and you don't have to wait until you hear them call it out or see the "other" tank start to take heavy damage to realize it.
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