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Everything posted by AFacelessOne

  1. The new Group Content will be: Create a LvL1 Charakter and play everthing again with your "friends". Cool huh?
  2. I'am angry because: 1. The dev's waited on purpose as long as possible because they knew we would "burn them alive", 2. That the only *new* in this "new and exciting" Event are the 5 Datacrons. But I'am excited, in fact so excited I still could spew bile and venom... 3. That our only real link to the Dev's rainbow cartel world, Musco, is offline since ->Last Activity: 06.23.2016 09:11 PM<- A fine community manager we have here. 4. That this behavior is method since the F2P floodgate was opend... 5. That this is besides 4.7 the last content we see 2016... 6. Nothing what i've done so far matter to them. This is like doing the OLD loremaster in WoW (950 Quests on Kalimdor, 900 on the eastern kingdoms and 650 in outland) again... Well...
  3. Because they don't want to fix the inflation inGame so just more moneysinks.
  4. Not a meme per se but i found Biowares theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhPFQzxhWeY Whoops double post... -.-
  5. Get used to it...here at Bioware Austin a casual or drop-in customer is worth more than you sir, you little steady customer you.
  6. Guss can't be here for the next 3-4 months. He's participating the L/D Event.
  7. With the star theory you're right but seasons on tatooine would presuppose that the planet is on the same or a similar axial tilt like earth is. If tatooine was on a axial tilt, then you couldn't settle/life there becaus on planet that are so hot that there is a planetwide desert, you can, as human, only survive at the poles. Less direct sunlight ergo less heat. So if there are seasons, setteling there is stupid because 1/2 a year it is to hot.
  8. Why in hell should PvP get something? PvP is for veterans and bioware dosn't care about veterans. Tell me, how long was the "pre" season this time? 1/2 a year? 3/4 a year?
  9. Well, since my first post on this thread (was on page 3) was "terminated" by some bot... So again... If i could decide between this event and cancer, i'll take cancer.
  10. As you all can see: They don't care. We are just a number and not the ones who partial payed the last 4 1/2 years their salleries. Well played Biowaste, i've learned my lession. And some day...we all get what we deserve for what we've done.
  11. Don't know but the 6 toons i have to delete, because server is full will be named "This'event suxx" or something.
  12. If they need ideas, contact me. You'll get it for free! For all other things: If there is a lack of menpower...well hire more men. They earn enough with the cartel market to tripple the team and still be in the plus.
  13. How to fix the game? Announce 5.0 a.k.a. Season 2 with at least 3-4 N E W Flashpoints, 1 N E W Operation, 1 N E W Battleground, 1 N E W GSF Map with N E W objectives. Fix bugs, fix bugs, fix bugs, fix bugs, fix the damn inGame inflation AND lisiten to your community god damnit... Easy, huh?
  14. Es wurde doch im Livestream zu 4.1 oder 4.2 offen und ehrlich von den Entwicklern gesagt das sie absolut keine Ideen für PvE Content haben. Ich bezweifle das sich daran etwas seit Anfang des Jahres geändert hat. SW:ToR hat zwar im gleichen Zeitraum genau so viel "liebe" von den Entwicklern bekommen wie WoW, allerdings liegt dies daran das Blizzard-Activision so gut wie nix für WoW gemacht hat die letzten Jahre. Ich meine, die armen Schw*ine haben je über ein Jahr lang erst Ogrimmar und später Zitadelle raiden dürfen (Wüter und Tempel werden dieses Jahr 2 btw. Happy Birthday)...der Unterschied ist aber das ein Addon dort ansteht wo es bei Release 2 neue Raids gibt, 8 neue Dungeons + 1 alter der überarbeitet wurde. Was macht Bioware? Geben uns alles - A L L E S - was da ist und wir sollen es nochmal machen für fancy sh*t. Von anderen MMOs fange ich nicht an, die habe ich nicht auf dem Radar. Soviel zu deiner Hoffnung das neuer Content kommt.
  15. Wenn du den Satz zuende gelesen hättest, dann würdest du verstehen worauf die Aussage bezogen war... Aber nochmal, nur für dich: Du kannst SW:ToR durchspielen, weil du irgendwann alle HC FPs durch hast, irgendwann alle Weltenbosse gelegt und alles im NM gecleared. Neue Sachen wird es nicht geben, nur noch jeden Monat den obligatorischen 13€ Storyfetzen. Über Blizzards Geschäftsagenda fange ich nicht an, da kommt aber wenigstens noch jedes Jahr sowas wie ein vollwertiges Addon mit neuen Raids ect.
  16. That's a good one and here's another... https://i.imgflip.com/16gl4j.jpg
  17. https://abload.de/img/16fnx6dss9m.jpg https://abload.de/img/16gjpvh7sjo.jpg Someone got a Picture of Eric an Tait with a shovel?
  18. If i'll could decide between the L/D Event and cancer...I would take cancer.
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