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Posts posted by Benjann

  1. Even though I mostly play as a Jedi or Sith I support this.


    Would be cool to inspect the troops ^^


    No, honestly, there is a great need of more "practical" emotes, like the ones you mentioned.

    Hope they will do soemthing about that.

  2. Every time I loom through the threads I am glad that I am not the only one who wants such things.


    I totally support your idea.

    It's great.

    I often need to remind the people that they are not playing some MMORPG, but a Star Wars game and with that a great responsibilty also comes for the developers.

    They have to make this game "Star Wars". And therefor the different light saber combat forms need to be in the game, and as you say, have their own animation and not just some bonus we don't see.


    And yes to the consular/inquisitor, they definitly need their own light saber forms.

    A lightsaber is not only a weapon but your life. (Think Obi-Wan said somehting like that)

  3. Well it has no practical use, but you asked for some ideas, so here are mine :p


    Both ship classes are extremely big. If I got it right it's about 800 meters. So there would be plenty much of space and I would find it really great if we could acces the guild ship with our own ships.

    Imagine how great it would be to land in the hanger of such a bug capital ships and that there are some other vessels of you guild companions as well.

    Maybe 20 places or so, but the hangers should be big enough for at least a hundred. Don't know the right numbers, but it's quit a lot.

    And maybe some sort of section for the galactic starfighters.

    So you can access the PVP zones via the guild ship and start there from the hanger ...


    And as for that they won't give us bigger ships (no offence, but I still have the same ship I recieved when I was appointed knight and now I am a Jedi Battelmaster ... same of course for all classes) there might be the possibility of some smaller ships to assemble a guild fleet.

    Have no ideas about that, but it would be great.


    Ah ... and when I think about that a brand new idea appears.

    If you start an invasion your ship is not bound to the world. It's ok, so you can move around, but tell me, who should you invade a planet without ships/support?

    So, if we get guild fleets (a command ship with some smaller vessels) there would be the possibility of binding at least one ship to the planet.

    And the more ships of your guild invade the world, you will get a bonus. A special buff, bonus points, ..., what ever.

    And an animation would look cool.

    If you stare outside the ships panoramic windows, space looks empty.

    With some additional ships you would have the feeling of a real fleet, or even if you arrive at a planet or stay the the imperial/republic fleet, maybe they could add the whole surrounding.



    Well these are some of my ideas.


    Hope you like them

  4. You have some good ideas.


    It's true, the ships are great, but they lack something.

    My guild mainly gathers at the stronghold because there is no need to go to the flagship. So only to participate at the conquest event and to provide orbital support and travell, well it's a big amount of money and basicly for nothing.


    I support your idea ;)

  5. Seid gegrüßt Freunde,


    die Fun & Feierabendgilde Die Mächtigsten sucht neue Mitspieler.

    Du willst einfach SWtoR genießen, hast es leid, immer alleine unterwegs zu sein, willst mit anderen Spielern zusammen die Welt von Star Wars und den großen Galaktischen Krieg erleben?

    Du willst helfen das Imperium zum Sieg zu führen?

    Du bist Interessiert, dich aktive am Eroberungsevent zu beteiligen?


    Na dann hat deine Suche endlich ein Ende.


    Bei uns findest Du alles, was es zu finden gibt und vielleicht auch noch mehr!


    Was sind unsere Ziele:


    1. Jedem Gildenmitglied
      • eine entspannte und familiäre Umgebung zu gewährleisten.
      • helfen seine Zeile zu erreichen (auf die eine oder andere Reise).


    [*]Irgendwann ganz oben in der Liga der Gilden mitzumischen.

    [*]Jedes Eroberungsevent zu bestreiten und dabei erfolgreich zu sein.



    Was wir suchen:


    1. Spieler die,
      • Freude am Spiel haben
      • aktiv spielen
      • gerne in einer Gemeinschaft sind

    [*]Mitspieler, die das Konzept unserer Gilde passen, sich bei uns wohlfühlen



    Was sind Voraussetzungen:


    • Dass Du Freude an SWtoR hast
    • Du aktive spielst
    • 16 Jahre oder älter bist





    Bei Interesse melde dich In-Game bei mir





    ------------------------------------------------------ * ----------------------------------------------------------

  6. another event just like the Rackghoul would be so boring :/


    I have never liked the Rackghoul event, so if ever something like that would come, pls set up a new concept.

    But something like open world PVP seems great.

    (I'm on a PVE-Server) but maybe something bigger than the small place on Tatooine

  7. Nice that technology can work against the most powerful will in the galaxy.

    And well, with all respect, Lana is far to weak to withstand the Emperors influence. (No offenece Minister Beniko :D)


    And if we have such implants, why don't we notice that.

    I had written it in one of the other threads (but it was allready to late, the new conent had been made) that we should get some sort of buff, or a companion (like the GSI droid for the single fp) who does nothing else than shielding us against the Emperor.


    Well I can understand if someone says that the Jedi and Sith we had become could withstand Vitiate, but no none Force-user can.


    So, in my opinion, implants are a bad idea.

    And you do not even notice them, so I guess all other things would have been a little bit more work :rolleyes:

  8. So if we conclude all the things we can read above, BioWare had made something terrible wrong in SoR.

    I asked myself why the Emperor had no body anymore and till now I am waiting for an answer.


    It simply does not fit with the story written by those who made the main class missions in the game from lvl 1-50.

    So, my dear friends, tell me what happened to the Emperor so he lost his physical form.


    It might be, that with the killing of this Voice he his mind was severly damaged, but I can't belive that his body would die as a result of that.


    And one last thing.

    Nice that Yavin appears, but why would Vitiate go there to hide?

    Simply makes no sense to me.


    I expected some distant planet far from tha galaxys reach, maybe in one of the satalite galaxys.

    But well ... now it's to late :(

  9. According to my own Jedi Guardian on Ziost it was just his Voice, there is a dialogue option that tells you exactly that if you takte option 1 after Lana tells you that you have to make Vitiate angry.


    Quote: I've seen inside his twisted mind, bested his Voice. He knows I am a threat to him.


    Yes, right.


    You just need to know that after Revan tried to kill him, Vitiate feared for his mortal body and so her went into hiding and to rule over the Empire he had a Powerbasement and they rulled in his name.

    And most of them like the Voice were directly controlled by Vitiate.

    As well as imperial guard. Not that he destroyed the entity of them, like he did with the Voice, but he merely controlled their minds, so they could not betray him.

    e.g the commander of his guard during the time when Revan tried to kill him on Dromund Kaas some 300 years prior to the game, had lured Revan and Malak a few years before - just before they became Sith Lords - into a trapp, because Revan wanted to kill the Emperor and they tried to get inside the citadel, but the guard could not turn against the Emperor and so she lead them right into his hands.

  10. I chose to quote this to voice my own opinion on the matter... Personally, I believe Vitiate will definitely have to be an Ops boss (maybe to lead up to a solo, like Revan's) just because of his huge amount of power. However, I doubt he'll be "just" the last boss. In my headcanon, he's all five Ops bosses, where we battle with him several times (before he runs off laughing) in several different ways. After all, its the easiest way to explain just how powerful he is... Five times that of Revan. :p


    Yes, that's more like what I thought of.

    Was really dissapointed when the Dread Masters were killed and the Dread Wars was stopped so easily.

    Hope they will make it better with the Emperor.


    Something like you suggested

  11. If you think there should be a Ziost debuff, you are free to impose it on your characters, by removing armor pieces or whatever you think is appropriate.


    I think you don't get it right.

    It's not that simple.

    It's about the Star Wars feeling.

    Taking off the armor would be nothing in comparsion to what is suggested here.


    All post here have one thing in common, we think that the game lacks the fact that shows us, how powerful the "Emperor" is.


    Taking off the armor I can do on every other world.

  12. This ritual he performed on Nathema was not to return to a physical body.

    He allready had one.


    And if we talk about bodys.

    I don't get it, why he suddenly lacks one?


    Why is this so?

    And don't tell me he was killed by the Jedi knight.

    This was only his voice. The Emperor is Sith Pureblood.



    And if he would want to have a new body, he simply could take one.


    And he is as powerful as before.

    He might has been weakend because the Voice was slain, but even after this, he is way to powerful for any of us.

    If I have to guess he could have easily eradecited us on Ziost, but it's for the Story that he did not.


    And it was not his intension to return to a physical body.

    Revan wanted it, so he could drive him out.

    Vitiate is the more powerful when he has no body, who could possibly be in danger.

  13. Sounds interessting, but it is a little bit more difficult than you say.

    Yes, Vitiate is extremly powerful, yet it is nearly impossible - at least by now - that he could control us across such far distances.

    You've seen it with Revan and Malak - they were able to break the bound.

    And even if he can control some beings all across the far reaches of the galaxy, it would be simply impossible to control all.


    Yes, to control an agent or a bountyhunter, a soldier or a smuggler is easy and I am sure he would be able to control many of them on a great distance, but with some great Jedi and Sith we have become by now, it is impossible he can control us - and all of us - for long.


    I had that problem when I first tried Ziost on the PTS and I told BioWare that it makes no sense, that alle the planet is controled, but the few people you act with are not.

    And Vitiate even did not try to control us.


    So until now I did not get any response, but it would have to be a new world and onyl this world, where your idea works.

    And not only with PVP.

    The NPCs could get furious as well, and they can kill you.

    Maybe there is no heal you can recive or something like that.


    But the idea is not bad, just needs to be more specific

  14. I guess it was not the same that happened on Nathema.


    Of course I am not a master of the dark side ways, but it pretty clear, that there is need of somethign really strong to start this ritual.

    Vitiate had the help of hundreds of other Sith Lords who had survied the war with the Jedi and the Republic and they alle gave their powers to open something like a rift - a direct link to the Force itself - and during that they were the most powerful but as well the most vulnerbale.

    And it was exactly what Vitiate intended.

    In this very moment he killed every one of them, taking their power and their connection to the Force and with it, he was powerful enough the call upon the howl planet and drain every last drop of life, so he could become immortal.


    This was in particaular the only reason why he did that.

    He had to find a way a get one step closer to his first plan, killing every thing in the universe and than allow them to return - like he would be god.


    So why should he make that ritual again?

    First, there was not enough power on Ziost - Vitiate might be the strongest, but even he would need some aid.

    Second it would make no sense to become immortal twice.


    From what I can see he just killed the planet and all life on it, because of the powers set free.


    But I am open to other suggentions, if there is someone more skilled in the dark arts :D

  15. Star Wars is the best Universe ever made. I think it deserves the best movies, games and everything. It so sad to look at TOR and realize that it could be much, much better, but probably it never will be.


    I feel the same.

    Every day when I play SWtoR I am here to see some really bad things.

    Things that do not belong into the Star Wars Universe.


    And one big thing about it is that class balancing thing.

    Well, you need it in PVP, but in PVE it would bother noone if the Force using classes would be stronger than the others.

    It is just a simple matter of fact.

    A Jedi or Sith, especially the ones we became, are way more powerful than a soldier, or an agent.


    And we got our nice lightsabers, the Force and we can't cut through dura-steel or open doors with the Force.

    Not every class can use force lightnings or similar things.

    (some abilites are only for a specific class, yes)


    And there would be much more to tell.


    But everyone feeling/thinking the same as I/we do, will know what this is all about.

  16. Some weapons - most weapons - simple look not good.

    I finally found one great for one of my Sith, but all the lightsabers you can buy on the CM are nothing for me.

    Especially the double-bladed ones.

    Hell, some of the are, how long?, guess as big as a person :p


    You need to think who it would be, carrying such a weapon.

    Try try run with it or better jump.

    You will be get hurt or even killed by it.


    And the design.

    Stopp, I can no longer think about it



    But I hope you now what I try to say

  17. Yes, but what they definitely need to change is the lightsaber in some animations.

    It simple does not belong into the hand when you cast an attack.


    But I don'ts see why they would have to rebalance the classes.

    It's just for the inquisitor and the counselor.

    Soeme minor changes.


    And if I hear rebalancing I am getting furious.

    Stop talking about that.

    This is Star Wars.

  18. You are right.

    For some Force attacks you need to be equipped with a lightsaber, but it simply does look awful if you cast force quake or force storm. It's just you hold it in your hand and to me it feels like it does not belong there.


    At least what you say is true.

    We have no practical use for our weapons and that is sad.

    Like you suggested some defensive mods would be cool.


    Our we can get the possibility of "turning off" our lightsaber und using force defs against balsters and that kind of attacks.

    Think that would be cool as well. :rolleyes:


    Just and idea, but what if we get a more animated sort of force barrier. Maybe with one hand we acitvate it, holding the barrier active and with the other we can cast our attacks. Of course only those with one hand.

    Or something like that.


    Or we use the lightsaber, but as I think on that, I guess only the Force would be great. :D

  19. That would be great.


    I think the Imperial Guard should fit in as well.

    Can imagine them standing on the bridge of our guild ship and whenever an Sith Lord comes, they should kneel (but only when a Sith does ^^)


    But I hope they will give the personnel great armor, not like soooo many npcs who look like acolyths and padawans :D


    And animation would be really grat.

    I can see Sith Lords standing there, using the Force, casting lightnings or something like that. And the Jedi would be mediatating or calling upon the light.



    Oh, my dear developers, there would be soooooooo much you can do :rolleyes:


    Hope there will come a lot more

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