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Posts posted by Brunner_Venda

  1. I can get the fact that someone has to be the best 1v1 class by a little bit with some really skilled players at the helm.


    But concealment isn't like that, the class power gulf is much wider and it's ridiculous.


    No matter how many concealment ops troll this thread with their 'nerf operatives' meme, the nerf has to happen.


    You can argue facts and numbers, but it won't change them because you disagree that 23% roll uptime is actually mathematically 23% or not.

  2. Yea.. admittedly 23% up time is a little insane, you know... If you use the roll on cooldown, which I doubt a lot of good ops do. Otherwise its predictable and easily countered.


    Personaly I try to save it for when I need to get away, avoid a certain hit or somthing, its very situational. So this 23% uptime thing seems like complete and utter nonsense to me.


    Math says its overpowered. You can argue with a number all you want, but it's there. That won't change it.


    And just because YOU don't use an ability whenever it's ready doesn't mean the CD isn't too short.


    What happened to the 50% chance to hit a roller, and chance of getting that back?

  3. Except prior to the ED change dps juggernauts were pure trash. Right now vengeance is the most balanced dps in the game. Good survivability with mid range burst and good sustained. Without ED they would be crap and would be in the same shoes as marauders. In fact its EASIER to kite a juggernaut. They have some of the worst mobility in the game after they leap.


    ED is pretty much the only thing that is keeping them competitive. So, sorry that you can't faceroll them and have to use your head to kill them.


    You can have ED or endure pain, but not both. Two full lives we can live with, but three is stupid.


    They should remove endure pain and turn it into a mobility buff. Immunity to slows/roots for a few seconds. Something.

  4. Want them to listen?


    Unsub and put your concerns in the 'reason for leaving' box.


    Jarynowski and Modny aren't going to pay attention to this, they are too busy riding the high praise of their 3.3 idiocy. Sure, they fixed a dozen annoying things, but broke healing so bad that PVP is unplayable with stacked heals.

  5. Hit saber ward and reflect, whomever is attacking you won't do much damage:

    If they do by some miracle, hit endure pain and medpack for a complete second life.

    If my some strange happenstance two lives and the best defensive cooldowns in the game aren't enough, hit enraged defense and heal to full AGAIN. Use an adrenal to add insult to injury, making it harder to burst through ED.


    And don't worry. If you still aren't doing well after all that, just wait. The dip-tard designers will give you another ED buff next patch. You probably need a fourth or fifth life after all. Being constantly slowed or rooted 99.9% of the time isn't your problem at all. Leap moar noob.

  6. Double sorc double tank teams are ridiculous right now, and they're all over the place.


    Everyone sees the problem in the room and it's sorc heals pulling 2-3 million scores without breaking a *********** sweat. PVP is broken right now, badly. Everyone can see it even if they can't identify the exact problem (sorc heals, op heals).


    The devs are halfwit morons, and the designers are stubborn idiots. Bioware please fire Modny and Jarynowski now.

  7. So your solution is just to call the majority of players names? Brilliant.


    And we wonder why Bioware ignores feedback.


    So much this. ^^^^


    The only people who deny that a tank healer pair isn't a 1+1=4 situation are:


    1. Tanks.

    2. Healers.


    Guard needs to be changed to only intercept a third of PLAYER damage.

  8. To see reasonable changes in this game devs must play this game i am sure Alex Modny, John Jarynowski and Eric Musco are playing WoW or just another MMO when they go home if they played this game they would understand where they failed and try to fix it.


    You assume any of them are very smart. Since 3.0 they've basically 'designed' this game into the dirt. The quality of PVP gameplay has only gotten worse.


    Their first mistake? They listened to the sorcs players on how to "balance" their healing, when they should have asked mercenaries. They buffed sorcs, until their infinite force God-mode felt just about right.

  9. Anyone can be a good healer if you are not getting focused, stunned, slowed, rooted, mezzed and interrupted. Hitting 2M in heals means you were ignored and probably had a tank guard too.


    Stop! You're like the one healer who isn't enjoying God-mode.


    We're not balancing the game around your limited bad experience.


    What the healing sorcs are capable of now is way out of line when employed by a halfway competent team. Think about it, if you had one or two guys taunting, stunning, and peeling for you, you'd hit those numbers easy.

  10. I know because I main a sage healer, pretty much nothing else, played every season of ranked so far and 8v8 ranked before that. So yeah I would say I know a fair bit about being globalled


    Of course a sorc heal is going to want to protect their new toys at all cost.


    Look, I get it. This is fun for you, but not anyone else. It's not balanced.

  11. I play a Republic Sage healer and so far, I can barely heal the team because the opposing players are targeting my *** to the point that I can only heal myself to stay alive in the game. Since the 3.3 patch, its as if the opposing team is now even better at target firing to kill Healers while on the Republic side, it is the same crap again where enemy healers go untouched.


    Try it with a guard.


    Then come back and tell us how tank-guarded healers feels about 'just right'!

  12. The problem and the healer send many more hps (3k5...4k !) , a DPS damage (3k.... 2k5) .

    + Protection of a tank and a healer who assists another ... nobody will die in pvp


    nerffed heal !


    This so much. A couple of healers and a tank. Sit and turtle for a match.


    Focus fire! Is always the answer right? But when it takes four of you to bring one down its too much. A healer should be able to heal roughly equal to a DPS, not more. A tank/healer shouldn't add up to three or four DPS players combined. It's two people. Two people should be able to take them down at least half of the time.


    There's a reason so many damn matches go to acid. Crappy design.

  13. im talking about all games not just swtor


    in pve you are fighting THE COMPUTER, brainless NPCs, there shouldnt be any stress or hurry, if you fail you try again, not the end of the world, NOW when it comes to pvp, its more emotional and the investment is bigger, pvp is harder than pve this is a fact , you also get to use more abilities and awareness, YOU ARE ALSO FIGHTING VS REAL PEOPLE


    any game that gives priority to pve over pvp when it comes to class balance is absolutely stupid and managed by chimpanzees that dont pvp and just sit on a chair drinking coffe


    Chimpanzees is a pretty accurate description of their combat design team.

  14. All stealths make fine node guards. Glad to see someone that enjoys guarding nodes. More often than not, no one wants to guard nodes.


    VG/PTs make decent node guarders too, with shoulder cannon and stealth detection. But all in all, stealths have the easiest time guarding nodes.


    ^^^. This. Any stealth or a PT tank. The PT tanks have the four rockets and they always survive long enough for help to arrive.

  15. I agree that standing still shooting a dummy AP is more complex than those specs, but because AP's rotation is almost entirely mobile, without cast times, channels, and 10+ meters range (only Rocket Punch and initial application of Retractable even require melee range), its by far the easiest rotation to produce in a fast moving PvP environment.


    There's no doubt in my mind for PvP, AP has the lowest skill floor of all specs in the game, I've seen it personally myself numerous times (players who are relatively awful on all other classes actually do serviceable on an AP PT), and its been that way pretty much since the launch of the game, because PT's have always had the best combination of semi ranged attacks and lack of cast times, which is perfect in a game environment where being able to attack on the move is an enormous advantage.


    Now, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, there always has to be an easiest spec to play for PvP. I just think its clearly PT (AP PT namely). Obviously good ones will blow bad ones out of the water but that's true with all classes. The other low skill floor class/spec that you see a lot is tank Guardian/Jugg, simply because of how survivable they are.


    AP Attacks are harder, surviving is impossible.

    Jugg attacks are a little more difficult. You can fall asleep and hit three buttons and you rarely die.


    Complexity is all relative, and you can't deliver those LOL DEEPS if you're dead.

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