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Everything posted by HighCounsil

  1. http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.7.0/return-gree
  2. Nice to meet you Disappoint, I'm Flavored
  3. This wouldn't work, simply because being a group of 4 doesn't automatically make you unbeatable. God knows how many pugs, newcomers and friends just q for fun. It'll drive people away from grouping up if all they get will be good 4 man premades.
  4. You have +15% shield chance tho with the ward + additional 5% with set bonus. The only other tank (of three obviously) that gets somewhere close in shield chance here is a VG, but vgs have 0 defense whereas shadows innately have a ton. It's too soon to complain until it's been throughly tested. Shield mechanic change might play greatly with kinetic/dark wards.
  5. If you followed leaked changes it's been known for quite some time. Anyway, PTS exists for testing. Run through some content, submit detailed reports and you will be heard.
  6. No LOL, low level players HAD to be separated from the others for the sake of keeping lowbies in good health. Low levels play with the same as them, while those who can be competitive play with the higher levels. The solution is not perfect but it's a step in the right direction.
  7. Oh, 2.0 is up on the pts... Seems like I'm not sleeping tonight, streaming marathon incoming! http://dailypvp.com
  8. Indeed, but that is compared to the scenarios we see right now, when people use like 90% pvp and 10% pve gear to get "just a little extra". What you don't seem to notice (no offense) is that the way they are suggesting makes players max out on expertise, every one of us, no exceptions. Obviously, when everyone has the same expertise value, there is no boost in comparison to one another, it's even explicitly stated that expertise boost canceled out. And hence is the question, why the hell bother with expertise if everyone having 1400 (for example) is absolutely the same as everyone having 0?
  9. That's because you haven't really been reading the thread, and still don't realise that the way it's going to work is that every player will have to max out on expertise, where it will effectively cancel each other out.
  10. With the way you suggest, nobody will be killable, not only the healers. Just think about it, 20% dmg reduction against unboosted dmg. What is it, 2.5k maximum hits on the strongest attacks, 500dmg vs bubbles and adrenals ))?
  11. Guys, Champion War Hero gear is already ingame, that is your new pvp gear tier, there is no need to speculate on it's stats. You can check it out at almost every website that has items database.
  12. How long has this been up? Am I missing something? I mean, time to start "cross server rankeds" buddies.
  13. What's being sad here is the following, as I see it personally: a) There will be no point not to have maximum expertise anymore, as by eliminating DR they effectively eliminate that slight possible advantage you could get by stacking up power/endurance with crystals and/or 63 mainhand barrels/hilts. Unless the gains will be reworked from scratch to the point of being considerably lower than they are right now or there is a hard cap introduced. The problem I'm seeing here is that while grinding up to that maximum expertise, you will (probably) be severely gapped against someone who is already at max, and that would throw us back to the past where we had up and coming players being unhappy about being dominated by those who have already reached their maximum. Again, it is hard to be certain without operating any live numbers, but if we consider what's already been introduced to the game and the current feature implementation we can talk about possibility of such a gap. Another interesting thing to note is that by making everyone max out on their expertise, all the players will be pretty much "equal" statwise, whereas right now some variety exists. If the plan is exactly how it seems right now, going for any pve mods would be counter-productive, just as well as being lower-than-maximum expertise. Personally I see this as a good thing, because for PVP to become entirely skill based, there shouldn't be a random factor of one playing being superior to the other solely due to having a better equipped character. Equalization would make people think more of how they use their skills rather than what number pops up when they go all out with their most powerful attacks. In this case though I'm not entirely certain what would the point of expertise still be. If it's the equalization that is the goal, then simply discarding expertise and going with pve gear would produce the same effect as if everyone maxes out on it. b) Bolster is another interesting change, and what immediately caught my attention was "what we think is the entry level to pvp". One thing that's been proven other the last months is that Bioware's understanding of pvp differs from players in a variety of ways, so I'd recommend to be careful with something like your feelings. Another interesting sentense is "Additionally, the bolster system will now grant players expertise when it feels it is necessary, bringing our entry-level power gap even closer to the end-game PvP power." Which seems to be Bioware's answer (again, I might be thinking too deep into things) to the current layer of "problematic" players who completely neglect the need of expertise, use pve gear and things like that. Obviously, I don't think this is intended for pre-endgame, thus Bolster would apply to endgame pvp from now on (perhaps only in the expertise field, but who knows). All in all I can't say I'm not excited about the changes, I just hope that it doesn't put us back months in the past with the huge gaps between the players. Latest gear changes brought some stability to pvp, and I wouldn't like it to change for the worse. PVP in this game is fragile, and any change should be approached with care.
  14. Ping would be awesome to have, but then it would require a good planning to prevent abuse.
  15. Yeah, would be cool if they started fixing with silly players..
  16. Remember to visit: http://youtube.com/dailypvp http://twitch.tv/dailypvp Thank you! xoxox and stuff
  17. Make sure to get some first person vids up if there are any decent matches. Might be interesting to talk about.
  18. Staying on topic, if you guys need a: * reps: guardian tank/focus/somehybridnotlistedhere (Kailh) ; hybrid/infiltration shadow (dps gear) (Iriaz) ; assault vg (Thaykirk) * imps: rage/carnage mara (Flavored) ; op healer (Tinhalla) You can always whisper and get me. I'll communicate in english and stick to playing my role properly as long as the team doesn't immediately fall apart
  19. And people said these were no trolls on this server ;D
  20. If you got any links guys be sure to post them as I'm pretty sure it'd be a great thing to get these players some more exposure
  21. Some information guys, INFORMATION! Meanwhile I'm going through the broadcasters list (ofc I knew of mudmink and khareese, who doesn't! ) and pvp guilds lists but as yet not so much to work with.
  22. Hey guys, I'm posting this to several server subforums (so forgive me if you've seen the exact same thread somewhere already) as well as apologize if I haven't looked hard enough and this info's posted already somewhere. I'd like to know the current status of the RWZs on your server: * what guilds are considered the best * is there a competition (aka is there more than one guild who destroys everyone, is there a guild rivalry or sorts and so on) * do they stream or record their games * any other input you can provide Reason being I'm trying to get a bit more exposure to the Ranked PVPs through commentating matches and some of the results can already be found at http://youtube.com/dailypvp . They aren't perfect yet (if such a term can be applied at all), but I'm getting there Any feedback without excessive trolling will be appreciated. Anyway, If there is a guild steadily doing ranked and getting decent opposition I'd like to observe (get records of the games) and commentate, personally I feel something like that could help grow rwz field as well as provide new teams looking to jump into rankeds with information they need to be competitive.
  23. Hey guys, I'm posting this to several server subforums (so forgive me if you've seen the exact same thread somewhere already) as well as apologize if I haven't looked hard enough and this info's posted already somewhere. I'd like to know the current status of the RWZs on your server: * what guilds are considered the best * is there a competition (aka is there more than one guild who destroys everyone, is there a guild rivalry or sorts and so on) * do they stream or record their games * any other input you can provide Reason being I'm trying to get a bit more exposure to the Ranked PVPs through commentating matches and some of the results can already be found at http://youtube.com/dailypvp . They aren't perfect yet (if such a term can be applied at all), but I'm getting there Any feedback without excessive trolling will be appreciated. Anyway, If there is a guild steadily doing ranked and getting decent opposition I'd like to observe (get records of the games) and commentate, personally I feel something like that could help grow rwz field as well as provide new teams looking to jump into rankeds with information they need to be competitive.
  24. Hey guys, I'm posting this to several server subforums (so forgive me if you've seen the exact same thread somewhere already) as well as apologize if I haven't looked hard enough and this info's posted already somewhere. I'd like to know the current status of the RWZs on your server: * what guilds are considered the best * is there a competition (aka is there more than one guild who destroys everyone, is there a guild rivalry or sorts and so on) * do they stream or record their games * any other input you can provide Reason being I'm trying to get a bit more exposure to the Ranked PVPs through commentating matches and some of the results can already be found at http://youtube.com/dailypvp . They aren't perfect yet (if such a term can be applied at all), but I'm getting there Any feedback without excessive trolling will be appreciated. Anyway, If there is a guild steadily doing ranked and getting decent opposition I'd like to observe (get records of the games) and commentate, personally I feel something like that could help grow rwz field as well as provide new teams looking to jump into rankeds with information they need to be competitive.
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