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Everything posted by MusicRider

  1. One observation from the nerfs (mostly affects pvp though) is that to heal to full it costs a full force bar and 12-15s after which you are out of combat and need another about 12s to regenerate force, so in total anything between 22-27s... a door lock is max 20s. Hurray!
  2. The key problem with mercs is that their dcds give them a carte blanche to do as they please... CCing them is an inadequate response since it does not really give any tactical advantage. The alternative has been to "aoe" them, but this is the dumbest suggestion in the history of the game for pretty obvious reasons. Mercs used to play like sorcs, pillar humping and kiting, they no longer need to altghoug they have fully maintained their excellent capabilities, so imagine in the right hands what this means. Mercs were in a very good position with one serious weakness which was crucial in 4 dps solo arenas, the lack of an antifocus dcd, all they needed was one and some minor tweaks here and there... as such the sad thing is that they were one of the easiest class to fix and balance. Unlike snipers, which are really hard to do so.
  3. A couple of weeks of experience since a hiatus of almost a year and... The good, with the removal of expertise from the game, no need to longer maintain two different sets of armor for PVE and PVP. Also command crates are fun. The bad, grind system too slow, too complex and too alt unfriendly. Also lack of much new group content. The ugly, the way that class buffs and nerfs happened, with some new absurd class imbalances. Also for PVP would have been nice to have people bolstered up to PVP gear min level if below and bolstered down to PVP gear max level if higher and all would be good.
  4. Shock is not part of madness (ling also) rotation, might be needed under heavy movement. To manage force just skip wrath procs for ling strike.
  5. Regardless of the exploits of the bugs looking at your combat log a couple of points. Your APM is fairly low, try to aim at the range of 47+ with ideally 48+ depending on build. Also the crit of your parse is low, which is an unlucky parse. Regardless if you have a mix of optimised 220/224 with at least I would say a 224 mh or oh you should usually parse between 6.1k-6.4k most of the times. The large range is due to the fact that TK/Ling has two random factors, crit and double procs, which makes it harder to actually achieve a top parse. Here is my best parse (no exploits) in terms of time to kill http://parsely.io/parser/view/184868/0 actually best dps parse of mine is 6.5k with slightly worse time But usually I parse around 6.3k. Didn't have time to look in your rotation, will do at some point. But, try to increase your APM.
  6. Just a note, if you search the forums threads like this existed since the launch, given that nothing has been done, well, forget it, won't happen. Change to another of the classes, in particular shadow/sins have a good mixture of saber and force attacks, if the lack of the former in sages is game breaking for you.
  7. To those that say that it wasn't a big nerf, well actually it was a pretty big one, given that force regen has to be used nearly rotationally. But, it was actually long overdue and like the way it is right now as it makes the class way more interesting, requiring planning ahead. Only thing I wished was that they wouldn't have touched the cost of the bubble, but anyway not a big deal. Of course the OP is a problem with skill and not due to the nerf as in particularly these bosses are, yes indeed, solo-healable.
  8. LOL. Please, open your discipline tree and read them once mate. It also explains the "weird" to you things, like why it does 1/4 of the damage, why you get "multi-strikes" (try lightning flash also, you will "discover something new"), or why during polarity you get more "multi strikes". Now please put down the guide, you are not only lacking sage/sorc knowledge but also general game mechanics. We had our laughs but new players that don't know better might fall for the mistake of this thread if they don't read a bit further.
  9. To be honest when I can't be bothered pressing more than 2 keys, like in daily heroics, I go madness. Spam force lightning or force storm when multiple targets. Maybe throw a crushing darkness with 4 stacks after force ling, but that's as much as I would go. But if you want to go as minimal as possible then one key, spam force lightning all the time, that's what Palpatine did . However, you could also play lightning if you want, and then the most minimal would be spam lightning bolt and when you get a proc (highlighted) of chain lightning then use it. Could also include force storm for multiple targets. If you can afford 4-5 keys then actually lightning is actually really good, just do: affliction > thundering blast > chain lightning (on proc) > spam lightning bolt till thundering blast off cool down and repeat. Given that affliction will be refreshed by chain lightning you will have to press 3 buttons after the first one. If you add force storm for adds then the total number of buttons is 5 for having most of lighting damage and full rotation for both single target and aoe. Heck with these 4-5 (incl storm which is not really necessary) you could actually go on some hard mode operations like eternity vault and karraga palace, and as such run all other content. PS: To the above comment, you can skip lightning strike in madness as it has very minimal dps loss. Even in operations it is often skipped, for other reasons that are related to force management. PPS: Again to the above comment, actually lightning uses 1 key less than madness if using all the abilities .
  10. LOLOLOL. ARE YOU FOR REAL? LOLOLOLOL. Whether trolling or are dumb beyond comprehension, who cares? It is still LOLOLOL. PS: Put down the guide plz. You are in no position to write any form of guide for any class to be honest.
  11. You are forgetting the 10% miss when clicking a teammate in the ops frame. Actually when healing I play with 115% accuracy, just to be sure when my teammates pop a dcd (dodge being the worst).
  12. Possibly, could adjust damage coefficients appropriately, remove the damage proc and leave it only as an alacrity reduction one.
  13. This guide is just wrong. that I really don't understand why you thought of even writing one as you are gonna cause so many players to learn wrong things. There is not even a point to correct it as basically I would re-iterating the following correct guide: http://dulfy.net/2016/01/07/swtor-4-0-lightning-sorcerer-pve-guide-by-sion/ Please delete your post as it is not beneficial to the sage/sorcs player.
  14. The problem with tk/ling is that it has double rng, one from crit and one from double procs, can't recall at the moment any other class that has that. My outlier best parse so far is this: http://parsely.io/parser/view/177941/0. But, from analysing my parses in general I would say mostly they are between 6.1k-6.4k and a few 6.4k+, which is 300 dps variability. Although these two variables are indeed independent, so the model can assume the mean crit and mean forkeds, the chance of actually "rolling" both at their means or better is lower than having one random variable. And even when stars align and both are positive, the top parse is nowhere near other burst classes, at least if compared with arsenal. To changes: 1. supercrit blast for sure 2. I like the proposed idea from another thread of recklessness to 100% as it will make flash and chain superscris also then which is pure dps and burst increase. 3. Regarding the double randomness it is by far the most difficult to find a solution. Another thread suggested increase the chance of the proc, but it hardly resolves the situation.
  15. I thought that the OP was asking for end game pve, so 110% accuracy is a must for the challenging content; for everything else who cares about optimizing stats since firstly you cant achieve this while levelling and secondly in end game sm ops bolsters also works. Have around 107% in 190 green gear before and something like 111-112% when in an sm operation instance.
  16. Favorites: 1. Sage/Sorc everything (cannons on each faction with sage being the first son) 2. anni/carnage mara, combat sent (watchman merciless animation has always been crap, needs reworking) 3. tank/deception/inflitration shadow/sin 4. specific specs: arsenal/gunnery, medicine, marksmanship/sharpshooter, vigilance (cause EVERYTHING is a lightsaber attack and therefore awesome)//vengeance (replace scream with a saber attack to make it just as good as vigilance) Characters for raiding: 1. Sage/Sorc all specs (usually dps) 2. arsenal/gunnery 3. medicine/sawbones 4. mara/sent Characters for unranked pvp: 1. Sage/Sorc all specs usually dps, cause healing at the moment is zzzzzzzzz 2. Arsenal/Gunnery 3. Combat/Carnage 4. Inflitration/Deception 5. Medicine/Sawbones 6. Vigilance/Vengeance 7. Marksmanship/Sharpshooter Characters for ranked: 1. Balance/Madness
  17. That shadow enemy of yours was really good.
  18. Worry about gearing at 65, anything before is pointless. Here is link on how to gear. You can still keep a set of green 190 gear that you can buy from vendor for those SM pug ops to keep repair costs low. PS: you havent mentioned whether you look into healing or dps gear as they are not the same. But anyway, the link above provides stats for both.
  19. 1. 110% in pve is a must, not optional 2. For augs use crit/alacrity to find balance in the current meta; mastery/power best-in-slot is from older metas Still in doubt? The check this link for current meta.
  20. Telekinetics sage / lightning sorcerer: 1. Increase surge bonus of turbulence and ling flash to 30% or only turbulence but increase crit chance of flash by 10%. 2. Remove cloud mind utility of taking 25% less damage for 6s and give it to tk/ling baseline and either doubling its duration or absorb, only one of the two. Trolling follows: corruption (ie healing). 1. Make deliverance instant. cause it is disgraceful forcing healer sorcs to stand still for this while everything else can potentially be cast on the move.
  21. Might as well have said force barrier + 2s +reflect - bastion - heal utility instead of all this wall of text . PS: you will find that this will be a fail btw, for the same reasons that barrier 1.0, without bastion (and heal utility depending on spec), was inadequate when it was back then deployed. PPS: Think how you would improve jet pack as it is more realistic to receive some buffs there than a new ability before a new level cap. Baseline leap immunity without speccing into it would be a huge improvement for a start.
  22. Operatives are the kings of 1v1 at the moment and I don't see anything wrong with that. They have lost/dropped their opener burst but have gained imo significant other tools and utilities. Being the kings of 1v1 makes you think often in advance that you dont want to end up in this situation under any circumstance, so they can force you think of tactical play. Also although they have lost their burst they still have maintained their excellent cc which makes them perfect for shutting down an ace in the enemy team opening up other tacts that your team can play, just have them harass the enemy dps/heal sorc and if the operative is good enough your team has excellent chances of winning. Last, they play like an annoying hornet, 1-2 stings don't matter but eventually you cant ignore them any longer if you want to live. Bottom line dps operatives at the moment have strengths and weaknesses and most importantly unique niches that very few classes have in the game that can often require tactical thinking. And lastly I don't find them overpowered but as annoying as hell cause I can't beat a good one anymore under any circumstances, it might take a while if you know how to play your class but eventually you will lose one way or another. PS: maybe one thing that i find annoying is their roll since against ranged it can be timed so that it perfectly nulls their most important attacks (roll blast, roll leech, roll heatseeker, roll boltstorm, roll ambush, roll penetrating, roll cull), but then again the roll is one of the biggest contributors for being the head and shoulders the best duelling class.
  23. Just wanted to leave a quick message in support of Nala. Many have resolved in personal attacks towards him/her, which is pretty silly. Nala has always tried to be, and in particular during his/her period as class rep, objective; resisting and arguing some crazy buffs that were being asked. He/she is one of the very few that have acknowledged when some things were crazy with the class (bubble stun fiasco, storm to win, etc.). At the same time he/she defends some absurd nerf suggestions and supports his/her views with arguments, whether you agree or not is irrelevant. Last, he/she has never resolved in to personal attacks to anyone so kudos to him/her; I know I would and have done so in the past.
  24. And I repeat, do you realise that then the spec would. be broken and unplayable in pve?
  25. Are you aware that TK has lower burst than Arsenal an Marksmanship and even more importantly that change will make the spec parse the lowest of all making it undesirable in pve and even less popular than it already is in pvp?
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