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Everything posted by Steelyeye

  1. I had this problem two months ago, and it still isnt fixed. Come on Bioware this isnt some minor bug.....really sad
  2. hell yeah! :-) It would be PvP god mode. ((no way those changes are getting in game))
  3. yeah, players today are spoiled:) But I understand about Dormund Kaas, they atleast could make one taxi path from the spaceport to the Imperial HQ.
  4. Glad I am not the only one that see this, and I am still not sure why a MMO does this. But Quesh is definitely different on the Empire side, since there were no Heroics. The only place I didnt have to spend hours upon hours begging for a team.
  5. In Orlando and playing on the Ebon Hawk server. Send me an IM on Rassad for the Empire or Dekker on the Republic side if anyone needs anything.
  6. Have yet to see a heroic that I could not do in less than 20 mintues. It just takes 3 to 4 hours to find a group.
  7. How about throwing out the whole concept of raiding. Ever since WoW standardize what raiding should be we all have been playing the same MMO ever since. Time to think out of the box. I am with Anstalt... Open sandbox design Crafted items being the best in game Player driven economy Combat not being the only way to improve your character. World PvP that is just as important if not more important than PvE
  8. Anarchy Online-- started in 2002 and played it 5 years solid. I log in from time to time. best community ever, best world PvP concept ever just needed some more tweaking. They never should have added the sword and sorcercy stuff. CoH -- I loved this game played it for 2.5 years. Just got burned out and the dev made it way to easy. WoW -- played for about 5 years solid. But the constant grind of getting gear to get more gear wore me out. Also, adding new lands with more raids is not an expansion. Still a good game for what it is though EvE -- Played for a year, loved it. But had to quit because it was worst than crack to me *smiles* Best sandbox/pvp game ever. Dev's should be copying this game instead of WoW. SWG - one year quit for the same reasons as most did. AOC -- So much wanted to like this game, because the same people made Anarchy Online. Big disappointment to me. Only 2 months. SWTOR -- I like the story and the Stars War Universe, but this game is a WoW clone. And WoW does it better. Will see how long I last.
  9. Seems like everything now in a MMO is a competition. First to max level, first guild to kill a boss, first to do whatever. Just for the sake of being able to brag about. Players rate other players on their gear alone, and if you have inferior gear you are look down at. You use to help other players get better gear. MMO have become nothing but the acquisition of gear, and in some bizarre way this rates how "good" you are as a person. MMO are not designed to build a community like they used to be, and it becoming harder to find decent players anymore. Most of my old school friends have stopped playing MMO years ago. PvP use to be fun back in the olds days. Now if you get beat by someone they gloat and tell you how much you suck. What ever happen to just PvP'ing because it was fun? Whatever happen to teaming with someone to be social. This game is one of the most anti-teaming MMO I have ever played. Its like trying to pull teeth to get a Heroic done. Seems like most play a MMO like its a single player game, which always makes me scratch my head in confusion....
  10. Never under estimate the power of the darkside, I guess.
  11. Maul is coming back, sure why not. The story have already been screwed up beyond repair, so everything goes. *smiles*
  12. The only problem I have with crafting in SWTOR is that there is absolutely no need for it. Crews skills are worthless
  13. I think one of the requirement should be that your old enough to remember standing in line to watch the first Star Wars. I've been needed an excuse to roll a smuggler, so you might see me on Sith Wyrm.
  14. I could not wait to shoot her between the eyes, and would have been pissed if I didnt get the option.
  15. 42 year old Engineer, and I rather play games at night than watch TV. You are never to old to play a MMO.
  16. Slicing needed to be nerfed, and it still makes money.
  17. I would like at least a LFG channel. I just dont want to see a cross-server grouping tool, that is what kills a server community. Happen in another "popular" game
  18. Other than the bugs (which are expected with any game launch), a terrible and useless crafting system, lack of community forums, or the fact that this is the basic theme park game we have seen agan and again... I am kind of enjoying myself. Not the worst game I have played, but definitely needs some work.
  19. The tanks are tanking, the healers are healing, DPS'ers are killing things, no wipes....good raid. Why do you or anyone need to track anything if everything is working smoothly? Back in the old days before addons, we had to activitly search and try out new guilds or groups to find players that knew what the heck they were doing. The good raiders would be known on servers and they would stick together by world of mouth. No one cared if your rogue was the top DPS in a group, just as long as he knew what he was doing. As for the your mom jokes, well if they could invent an addon to detect maturity levels you would be rich, and I would use it!
  20. I would be ok with players using addons, if they dont shove it down my throat or force me to use them. When it gets to the point that I cant do raids because I choose to not use addons then we have a problem. I can guarantee that my game will be just as good or better than players that rely on addons. I prefer not to use them since I feel players rely to much on them and never learn how to play the game. Take the addons out of WoW and you see guilds of clueless people that think they are elite raiders. I would prefer to never see them in this game so the good raiders will stand out from the bad ones. ...but thats not going to happen, players want to use the "easy' button for raids.
  21. They dont make an addon to tell you to not stand in the fire, which is my theory as to why players do it. Relying on addons dulls your gaming intelligence.
  22. Cant you open the "Who" list and see who is looking for a team? That works for me... *shrugs* Or heaven forbid actually send out a tell and talk to someone?
  23. Always been my experience that addons cover up bad play. You can train a monkey to run heroics in WoW with the right addons. Anyone can be a master raider with the addons, no matter how much you suck at it.
  24. All MMO are linear, and yet we keep spending money to buy and play them. There has not been an open sand box MMO since 2002. Not sure why anyone would think that SWTOR or any other MMO coming out would be any different.
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