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Everything posted by clevos

  1. "poor game design" *snort* If BW/EA only catered to players that wanted to hack and slash and grind out every mob then they would have a very small player base indeed. Devs have to balance games in order to appeal to many different play styles. Doing otherwise would be actual poor game design. Out of combat CC and stealth exist for a reason.
  2. Columni? Do you stop playing them after they hit 50? can easily and quickly farm a full set of Blackhole gear even if you don't run ops for campaign gear or dread. Oh and I'm not dissing you. Just curious. I could see someone getting 50, having some play time to get to columni then wanting to go through storylines on a new character. they are fun. Was just curious on your preference.
  3. just keep an eye on gtn. can usually find them for around a million or so. I think some people seriously stocked up big time before the access to buy them was removed.
  4. if the saber is custom you can just rip out all the mods and move them into a neutral saber. I'm pretty sure i remember the alignment faction is on the piece of gear itself not the items in the mod slots.
  5. woot! thanks. i had abandoned some planet quests on my first toon because my log was getting so cluttered with missions. I was sad to not be able to go back to them but figured i'd just get them on my other toons as they leveled. Now the completionist in me can do them on my first character! Thanks a lot for this.
  6. dang. makes me kinda sad i spent a ton of money on coruscant getting the moddable legacy gear to do that lol. Still being able to transfer a social gear look with mods whenever i feel like it can have its perks. thanks for the info.
  7. isn't the armor set just a recoloring of the normal ingame sand people set? If choosing between those two i'd just got for the speeder for the silliness of it even if it is slower. but as the person above said "apples or oranges". it's just a matter of aesthetics and whichever you like more.
  8. lol. not sure whether you are being facetious or not. but to me it wasn't worth running around trying to farm or get lucky with it in a box. I just ran all my dailies then bought 250 enrichment points with the 500k i earned doing that and bought the pet. after that going to spend the enrichment points from actually running the quest on both chars on a few other vanity things.
  9. The event doesn't need to last longer than a week. takes about 2 hours to run the whole thing. give or take a little time due to the one part of the quest for gathering from the smuggler cases because people just trying to complete quest end up competing with all the others trying to farm the achievements. That in itself wouldn't be too bad if at least the actual quest part would be in every single box for the people trying to complete it but it is a random appearance causing them to keep competing against farmers. But even so the slow down isn't that significant. Ran it on two characters already and not really sure if i want to bother running it on my others since the pay off just doesn't seem worth doing multiple times.
  10. It's boring because it is extremely repetitive so I'm not sure you will want this advice but DO all your dailies and focus on getting those complete before going to your class/world missions: 1)when you log in do all your space mission dailies that are green for you. 2)grab the pvp daily and have fun killing the other faction. 3)grab the daily galactic conflicts (i believe that is what it is called). the one that tells you to complete certain flashpoints. most of the time you are an appropriate level to grab 2 of them. don't just use the que finder to get in. go to fleet and ask for people to join you then you can just form a group with them. most fps can be duod up until the level 45 ones (read reaper was where my gf and i started having trouble duoing cause of higher volume of enemies and colocoid cause of the terminals that prevented us from advancing). if you can't find people on fleet then run quests on a level appropriate planet till you do get qued. after that try to make friends with the competent players you meet so you can invite them in following days. The turn ins alone for those dailies should net you at least a full level. After that just run your class and world missions. go for the objectives only for both bonuses and main part of the quest. unless the bonus or mission itself requires you to kill x number of things just avoid as many battles as you can while working your way to objectives. I've noticed that exp for most things becomes insignificant rather quickly so grinding by killing slows you down. The turn in exp for quests and bonus completion is where the boon comes from. Since you are rushing this keep an eye on the quests in your log. if they turn grey drop them. you get 5exp for your trouble of completing at that stage.
  11. I would guess 5 levels most increases i've seen in other mmo's is usually either 5, or in some cases 10 levels. anything less than 5 would seem to give too much of an edge for current endgame stuff while not giving enough room for adding stronger endgame things. of course that is my experience from other mmo's. I haven't reached the hardest endgame stuff in swtor yet. so one or two levels might be needed for the current hardest things.
  12. Unfortunately I don't think I can edit titles so there's not much to do i guess. if it gets deleted it gets deleted. At least hopefully i will have had the chance to prevent someone from getting cheated.
  13. While I disagree with you saying that a person should be able to put their companion on the same level for rolls as an actual player i will concede that you have a point in us not setting up something concrete so everything was clear. I'm used to most players i interact with following an NBG rule that does not include companions in the need. To me and a lot of others it seemed something readily apparent. But we have learned it is not. rubbing it in is not something i'd expect either. Our guild has learned its lesson. we've discussed options. 1)If we have enough numbers we will ask for leadership of the ops and change it to loot master and explain how our system will work and fairly distribute loot. 2) we may look for a guild that might want to ally with us for raids so we don't have to do PUGS. a group we can trust. We won't expect them to send us there best and carry the fresh 50's in our guild. there are a lot of guilds out there doing the harder stuff, some have members who can't get into those raids with their guild because they don't have the gear yet or there is no room. those lower members might be interested in gearing up with us as we grow and then they might be able to get into their own guilds raids. a close relationship with another guild will help in safeguarding. Hindsight is 20/20. As I've said, we are going to do our best to learn from this. but there's no way I'm not going to keep from warning others from running into the same experience.
  14. I know it is not worth much to a lot of people. the thing is our guild is just now getting the 50's to start doing more endgame stuff. as you can see we don't yet have the numbers to run full guild ops and have to pug. we are working hard to slowly improve. Our growing pains are hard since we don't have really well geared members and losing out on something that is trash to you doesn't mean it's trash to us. I want to see our guild grow and not get discouraged. I hate to see when someone has put in time and effort to earn something lose it because people are selfish.
  15. I would hope that they don't. I think it is fair to warn other players of things that can severely damage their gameplay enjoyment. Unless they just don't care about our enjoyment of the game, which i would hope is untrue. i know people have horror stories but thus far i've had very good interactions with customer service. They've helped reimburse blackhole comms when not awarded by game glitch from DC. they've been friendly and took the time to run a workaround so people could take pics in ops when it would sometimes get disabled. I would like to think that they would view threads like this as something for players to warn each other and keep the community safe.
  16. Hi everyone. This is just to warn people about a potential loss in OPs PUGS. Recently a few of our guild members (empire of the rising dawn) qued for an Ops and had a character by the name Leala Xia (sentinel) ninja nonclass items for the final boss SoA, unfortunately one of the pieces they needed and won was an upgrade for a trooper who was in the ops we were running. Leala then let the trooper know that he should save up and buy the chestpiece since it would "be so much better". then sent a message to another member letting them know that her companion is now equipped with the chestpiece. We contacted a guild member Thunderella who pointed us in the direction of an officer Balamor who after some discussion made it clear that they don't care how their members conduct themselves outside of their normal guild raids. They will continue to allow their members to steal from other people in PUG ops with no repercussion. We even had proof of the rolls and the comments sent to the cheated players. There is not much to do on their end anymore since they just don't care all I can do is to warn other players and let them know that the guild Old Republic Guard will allow this kind of conduct to occur. So if you see an Old Republic Guard member join an ops or an HM you are in I would advise you to notify the other members of the situation. Especially if the member is leala or has the legacy Xia. I know it's hard to just believe everything someone posts on the internet so below in the spoilers i have posted screenshots of rolls and also her messages to the players. Hopefully this will help in saving you the trouble of watching a friend or even yourself lose a piece to a companion. Be careful out there everyone and do what you can to protect yourself. Take care everyone. two rolls: The loss: being told to buy it cause it's better that way: being told it's on Rusk now:
  17. I play on PVE servers. This means I don't want to be a part of the pvp aspect other than when i que for a warzone. Yet i find myself constantly trolled while trying to do dailies on illum, or blackhole. I get flagged if an enemy who is flagged runs into my group of mobs and stand there to get hit by an aoe from me or my companion. (so i have to play with companions that don't have aoe's i have to not use aoe;s when fighting groups of mobs.) when i don't use aoe's the enemy runs into my group and engages battle with one of the mobs i haven't hit yet because i can't use my aoe. so when i get to it then i am interfering with their battle and get flagged. why do i have to handicap myself so much to play on a PVE server, when my understanding is that a pve stands for player vs ENVIRONMENT? the server information says that battles between characters must be consentual. but let me tell you mine have been anything but consentual. Can't you just make it so that players can only be attacked and participate in pvp by toggling an option on? so that way they are safe no matter what interference other players give?
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