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Everything posted by DocZoloft

  1. Roll a scoundrel. Pubs are the underdogs on this server.
  2. Sounds like The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW> would be a good fit. Check out my signature for more information about the guild or email me at Zoloft@taw.net if you have further questions.
  3. All aboard the recruiting bus! <3 Swag. Also, yes TAW has an AOC Division.
  4. We recruit heavily, what can I say? It helps that we are a dual faction community guild that has both PvP and PvE teams for end-game and plenty of levelers. Dropoff in MMOs is a fact of life, and we've been operating healthy guilds/clans since 2001 because we sustain our population and always look for fresh blood and new opportunities. We invite many to apply, but only a small percentage get through the application process. Our guilds aren't for everyone, but we cast a wide net so that each person can make their own decision as to whether they would be a good fit before they apply.
  5. The Art of Warfare's <Republic of TAW> is looking for more folks to fill out our starting lineup. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general or contact our pvp leader (In-game: Trilsserl or thesoko@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ team.
  6. Either faction, The Art of Warfare has you covered. Both <Empire of TAW> and <Republic of TAW> are fielding RWZ teams that are getting their feet wet in the scene. Check out my signature for more information about the guilds in general, or contact our pvp leaders (Empire: In-game Godfree or Absalom@taw.net, Republic: In-game: Trilsserl or thesoko@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ teams.
  7. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our pvp leader (In-game: Godfree, or Absalom@taw.net) to see if we offer what you're looking for in terms of a PvP experience.
  8. I would say an average of 10 on any given night at prime time.
  9. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general or contact our pvp leader (In-game: Godfree, or Absalom@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ team.
  10. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our pvp leader (In-game: Godfree, or Absalom@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ team.
  11. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Our team's dedicated nights are Mon, Wed, Fri at 8:30pm-11pm EST and Sunday 5:00-7:00pm, but people queue up for premade regs all the time. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our pvp leader (Godfree in-game or Absalom@taw.net) if you have questions about the RWZ team.
  12. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Republic of TAW>. We're good on healers, and we could really use more ranged dps, so it works out! Our dedicated pvp nights are Mon, Wed, and Sat 8:30pm-11pm EST, but people queue up for regs at various times. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our pvp leader (Trilsserl in-game or thesoko@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ team.
  13. The only thing we ask is that you don't kill any TAW members of the opposite faction. If you're on your assassin, <Republic of TAW> people are off-limits, and if you're on your shadow, <Empire of TAW> people are off-limits. Other than that, go nuts! In fact, we've had world pvp fireteam leaders in the past, so if you're really into it, good hunting. Go get those achievements!
  14. Oh man, that is really unfortunate to hear. :-( Sorry that one of our members wasn't up to par in terms of behavior. The officers will have a talk with him and hopefully it'll all get straightened out. Thanks for letting us know.
  15. You are more than welcome to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Republic of TAW> and <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guilds in general, or contact our pvp leaders for more information about the RWZ teams. Republic PvP Leader - In-game: Trilsserl or Thesoko@taw.net Empire PvP Leader - In-game: Godfree or Absalom@taw.net
  16. We're on Prophecy of the Five, but if you're willing to transfer or re-roll, we would love to have you!
  17. You are more than welcome to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our PvP Leader (In-game: Godfree, or Absalom@taw.net) for info about our RWZ team.
  18. Just watched an epic match of <Republic of TAW> vs <Empire of TAW> RWZ teams on Ancient Hypergate!
  19. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or get in touch with our PvP leader (In-game: Godfree, or Absalom@taw.net) if you have questions about our RWZ team.
  20. Sounds like you would be a good match for The Art of Warfare's <Republic of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild or feel free to email me if you have any general questions. Since you're interested in both PvE and PvP, here's some contact info. Our PvE Leader - In-game: Andrik, Email: QuiGonJinnNJuice@taw.net Our PvP Leader - In-game: Trilsserl, Email: Thesoko@taw.net
  21. Feel free to apply to The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general or contact our pvp leader (Godfree in-game or Absalom@taw.net) for info about our RWZ team.
  22. It's no problem - there is an excusal system in place for when you can't make it, and after you join we'll get you in touch with the officer in charge of attendance to make sure you're squared away.
  23. You should definitely consider joining The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. Check out my signature for more information about the guild in general, or contact our pvp leader (Godfree in-game or Absalom@taw.net) for more information about the RWZ team.
  24. The Art of Warfare's <Republic of TAW> is exactly what you're looking for. Check out my signature for more information or email me at Zoloft@taw.net if you have further questions.
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