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Everything posted by Skidrowbro

  1. Funny. How's Rift doing these days? Oh that's right
  2. What's that got to do with anything? My question in that thread was directed towards Bioware and if they have any plans on getting people off the fleet. I have zero issues with not having to be on the fleet. So nothing contradicted.
  3. I remember back in the day when people used to play games the way they were intended without whining and needing everything given to them.
  4. I think they are all just bitter and jelous because SWToR is better than their previous mmo so they have to nit pick everything to death about it. In other words, they just can't let go of their old game and try to cause new ones to fail.
  5. Took the exact words right out of my mouth
  6. It wasn't a flaw. It's player stupidity who think that games at launch flourish right away.
  7. Did you not get a chance to transfer or are you one of the few refusing to transfer?
  8. Hey guys!! Rift is free to play!!!! Until level 20
  9. What's next? "I have a level 50 so all my characters should be level 50 when I make them"
  10. I'm on a healthy server and I don't agree with the way they are handling this. Wake the bleep up and smell the coffee Bioware, more people will quit for this incompetence.
  11. The week isn't over. Tomorrow would have made more sense for them to halt the transfer service not today.
  12. They've had it right all week. This is unacceptable.
  13. Even if you pay for a sub you still have to buy races, classes, bags etc.
  14. What's got me nervous is the fact this thread is still open and no one from Bioware has come in to claim this is false. Which sucks because I finally convinced a friend to finally buy the game and if this is true he is getting screwed over.
  15. *waves hand* "You will be at a disco roller party tonight"
  16. It was just a Jedi mind trick. No one was actually on your server
  17. It's not the "I want it now", it's more along the lines of "I don't want to work for it" crowd.
  18. So I was thinking about this. If Bioware is doing multiple instances on the servers, why not put all west coast PvP servers into the few that are left, including RP, and give the option for joining an RP instance of that server. Do the same for east coast as well as the west and east pve servers. What do you guys think?
  19. Like sands through the hour glass, so are the forums of our lives
  20. Besides rehashing the content again in hard mode? I'm asking if Bioware has any better plans other than a new planet. Anything that will get people off the fleet out onto the planets to do stuff. If anything at level 50 we need more planets....
  21. Funny, I never asked for transfers or even a group finder, go figure
  22. Well, I was hoping for some feedback from anyone from Bioware about this. Oh well...
  23. Bioware, so now that you've got everyone together on the fleet what are you going to do about getting them off the fleet? The level 50's need something to do besides stand on the fleet and queue up for WZ's and now pretty soon your automated group finder will give no incentive to exit. The lower level players probably won't be on the fleet as much except for the chain FP runners. So, what are you going to do about this?
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