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Everything posted by Skidrowbro

  1. WoW is a formal shell of itself. People have no idea why they are running dungeons except for shiny pixels. WoW used to have a good RPG to it, now most players don't even no where most of the zones are or where the dungeons are located. Blizzard turned the game into a console e-sport, plain and simple. And that's the type of players they got.
  2. Next time, try to come up with a more original name and maybe you wouldn't have this problem.
  3. Queued with a friend last night, both of us checked dps only andvthe queue pop was instant. Unfortunately it put him in a tank role which he unchecked. Working as intended?
  4. WoW went cross server because there was thousands, if not hundreds of thousands who are not willing to shell out $25 a toon to transfer off their dead servers.
  5. Here's a throught. They do X-server with 4-5 servers, yay right? But they just merged 4-5 if not more servers into the selective servers that they had transfers to. People are still complaining? You are still getting the same pool even if it was x-server. Come on, some servers are recording 500+ players on the fleet alone, not including the planets and you still can't find groups? I think we know exactly where the problem is.
  6. They added it because people did not want to pay $25 a character to transfer
  7. Do players in WoW even know why they are doing the dungeons or even where they are located?
  8. As much as I am against x-server, at this point I personally don't care because the flash points don't even tie into any of the stories in the game. I don't even bother with them anymore. So do away with immersion and community bioware and bring the twitch players their X-Server LFD.
  9. Low level group finder isn't the best. Tried it on my juggernaut for Black Talon and nothing. Everything else was pretty much instant queue on my higher levels. This is on Jung Ma which finally ad a second instances fleet, woohoo.
  10. Do you guys even know how to play an MMORPG anymore?
  11. You missed the X-Server is a last resort thread eh? Get with the program
  12. Name something that makes any of the so called "MMO's" MMO's these days. 20 man raids? Not massive 25 man raids? Still not massive. Remember, it's the players who wanted the dailies and the fast leveling to cap. These are also the same players who are complaining about being bored when they hit level cap.
  13. I'm starting to worry that Bioware will drop the class stories, stop using voice acting and turn this into a futuristic WoW. People spacebar through everything as it is now and complain when other players don't. I've actually stopped running FP's because of these d-bags who try to ruin other players fun. Now I just quest with my friend and it's pretty cool watching his class stories and not being able to see his choices
  14. I agree This is where I disagree. I found that looking for a group was done better on the planets where everyone was leveling. Now with an automated group finder people will have no reason to even leave the fleet. The funny part is it will auto teleport them, yet they had to walk for 30 secs while doing it manually on the fleet:rolleyes:, such gamebreaking immersion.
  15. It was just working 10 mins ago when I was running Black Talon, then it went missing again during the next conversation:confused:
  16. It's not lazy. It's called Quality of Life improvement:rolleyes:
  17. Click on show processes from all users
  18. Yes a horrible travel system in an MMORPG life is harsh, I know:rolleyes:
  19. Really, I get most of my groups on the planets, go figure
  20. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of keeping the genre intact and not turning into a console lobby game.
  21. You are right nothing will stop anyone from not using the tool. Except the fact they will get trolled in chat the moment they type, "LFG" with, "trololol, use the tool noob"
  22. Just went from 75 fps to 100 on the fleet
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